Original Research Paper Educational Technology
The effectiveness of filliped learning method on attitude and academic performance in Mathematics in elementary schools

M. abolghasemi; H. Mohamadi

Volume 15, Issue 1 , January 2021, Pages 1-8


  Background and Objectives: One of the problems of elementary school teachers is the lack of time, especially in mathematics. Lack of time to educate students has caused academic failure and weakened the basic math of elementary students. For this reason, it is necessary to use teaching methods so that ...  Read More

Original Research Paper Modern Educational Approaches
Investigating the effect of applying Gagne's pattern on external cognitive load and problem-solving ability

F. Salemian; H. Abbasi kasani; M.H. Amirtaimori

Volume 15, Issue 1 , January 2021, Pages 9-18


  Education is the most essential human need. Without education, no society can survive; but effective and useful education cannot be done by trial and error, it requires a plan. A review of previous research shows that little attention is paid to the issue of external cognitive load and higher-level learning, ...  Read More

Original Research Paper TVET
Designing a model for admission of technical and vocational teachers in the Iranian educational system

H.R. Arasteh; M. J. Haji qasemi; A. Nave Ibrahim; H. Abbasian

Volume 15, Issue 1 , January 2021, Pages 19-32


  Background and Objectives:  Teacher recruitment and selection is of great importance. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to provide a local model for the admission of technical and vocational teachers in Iran. Considering the fact that this research seeks to design a local model for accepting ...  Read More

Original Research Paper E-Lerning
Evaluating cognitive load of multimedia learning by eye-tracking data analysis

K. Latifzadeh; S. H. Amiri; A. Bosaghzadeh; M. Rahimi; R. Ebrahimpour

Volume 15, Issue 1 , January 2021, Pages 33-50


  Background and Objectives: Today, it is common to use multimedia in foreign language teaching. There are some principles for designing multimedia that would reduce task cognitive load. These principles are based on the cognitive load theory. The methods of cognitive load measurement are divided into ...  Read More

Original Research Paper E-Lerning
Comparing e-learning in self-regulatory learning strategy and educational motivation

F. Hassani Jafari; A. Abbasi

Volume 15, Issue 1 , January 2021, Pages 51-60


  Background and Objectives: Information and communication technology has created significant developments in all aspects of individual and collective life, so that in education it has brought birth and growth of e-learning, virtual and smart school One of the principles of e-learning processes is an independent ...  Read More

Original Research Paper E-Lerning
Investigating the skills of integrating Internet tools in teaching by math teachers of secondary schools in Ahvaz first educational district

Gh. M. Rahimidoost; F. Moosavi; A. Masnavi

Volume 15, Issue 1 , January 2021, Pages 61-71


  Background and Objectives: Today Internet has a substantial effect on all aspects of human life and has influenced every individual and social aspects. According to studies, more than 82 percent of Iran's population use Internet by the year 2019. Internet as an attractive and pervasive medium has a deep ...  Read More

Original Research Paper E-Lerning
The comparison of the effect of electronic content with the Neo-Neo multimedia model and the researcher-made multimedia model on student-teachers’ learning in smart board training

Kh. Aliabadi; H. Abbasi

Volume 15, Issue 1 , January 2021, Pages 73-82


  Neo multimedia model and the researcher-made multimedia model on student teachers’ learning in smart board training. To produce multimedia electronic content, various models have been proposed, such as the software development life cycle model and the design and production model of Neo and Neo ...  Read More

Original Research Paper Educational Technology
Required faculty competencies for teaching in higher education institutes in technology era

Sh. Bakhshaliizade; K. Fathi Vajargah; M. Arefi; A.R. Kiamanesh

Volume 15, Issue 1 , January 2021, Pages 83-100


  Background and Objectives: Third Mellenium World is a world that is faced with rapid scientific, cultural, and technological change. Increasing access to education services at higher education levels has resulted in admission of students with personal differences to higher education institutes. The change ...  Read More

Original Research Paper E-Lerning
Assessment of students' perceptual readiness for e-learning in Iranian Universities

M. Farazkish; Gh. Montazer

Volume 15, Issue 1 , January 2021, Pages 101-117


  Background and Objectives: The current generation of academic learners is considered "digital natives" because of their ease of use and familiarity with networking technologies; However, there are ambiguities about the readiness of students to study in an e-learning environment. In particular, Iranian ...  Read More

Original Research Paper E-Lerning
Designing a pattern for e-content development based on the factors affecting satisfaction in e-learning

A. Poortavakoli; M. Alinejad; B. Daneshmand

Volume 15, Issue 1 , January 2021, Pages 119-138


  Background and Objectives: Despite the enormous potential of Electronic Learning (e-learning), learners sometimes decide to drop out of school and are reluctant to pursue educating; therefore, it is so important to find variables to accept it. Among these variables, satisfaction is a key factor Which ...  Read More

Original Research Paper Learning Environment
The ontological basics of perfectionism in designing educational sites

H. Azemati; B. Saleh Sedghpour; M. S. Taher Tolou Del; Z. Sadoughi

Volume 15, Issue 1 , January 2021, Pages 139-152


  Background and Objectives: The ultimate goal of education is the learner’s growth. Therefore, the main concern of the architects in this field is the educational environment design in accordance with the high goals of educational system. In this study, relying on the opinions of Islamic thinkers ...  Read More

Original Research Paper Learning Environment
Effective components on the promotion of sense of community in high school educational spaces

M. Arghiani

Volume 15, Issue 1 , January 2021, Pages 153-164


  Background and Objectives: Creating a sense of community provides desirable conditions for students' moral, social and physical development. Understanding this sense of community has received growing attention of researchers in various fields. Sociology stresses the sense of people’s belonging ...  Read More

Original Research Paper TVET
Pathology of the development of technical and vocational branches in Tabriz

M. Asghari; T. Hashemi

Volume 15, Issue 1 , January 2021, Pages 165-180


  Background and Objectives: Technical and vocational training play an important role in the formation of human capital with Preparation of skilled workers in the market work needs of the world. These trainings in the developing countries are not only responsible for training the workforce but also help ...  Read More

Original Research Paper Learning Environment
Flexibility methods in update of architecture and school educational approaches

M. Zandieh; P. Hessai; A. Zandieh

Volume 15, Issue 1 , January 2021, Pages 181-190


  Background and Objectives: With globalization and being in the direction of various intellectual currents, architectural design as an influential factor has changed in the process. The architecture of schools needs to be changed due to the changes in the educational system and the growing needs of students ...  Read More

Original Research Paper Learning Environment
Design indicators affecting the student’s place attachment in open spaces of schools from the perspective of experts in architecture

F. Ebrahimzadeh; Fatemeh Mehdizadeh Saradj; S. Norouzian Maleki; S. Piri

Volume 15, Issue 1 , January 2021, Pages 191-205


  Background and Objectives: Changes in lifestyle have led to the gradual disconnection of children from nature and open spaces and schools are one of the most important spaces for re-establishing  this connection; because it is the second place where children spend a lot of time after home and most ...  Read More