Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Department of Educational Sciences،Payame Noor University، Tehran، Iran

2 Department of Educational Sciences, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran


Background and Objectives: Information and communication technology has created significant developments in all aspects of individual and collective life, so that in education it has brought birth and growth of e-learning, virtual and smart school One of the principles of e-learning processes is an independent learning that requires an independent learning training. The aim of this research was to provide students with opportunities to perform more productive interactions and develop their learning skills and to learn independently. The study compares self-regulatory skills and motivation of students in regular and electronic schools in the academic year 2017-2018. The research is applied considering its goal.
Materials: The present study consisted of all 12-grade male students of natural sciences in district 4 of Qom City, consisting 1,600 students who were selected based on random sampling method. The number of students was determined based on Morgan Table and 165 people were selected in e-schools and 142 in normal schools. The research instruments are two self-regulatory skills questionnaires which are organized in two parts: motivational beliefs and self-regulated learning strategies. Cognitive strategies consisted of repetition review, expansion strategy, organization strategy and comprehension strategy. Metacognitive strategies included planning, control, monitoring and regulation strategies; and other part, motivational beliefs included self-efficacy, goal orientation, internal evaluation and test anxiety. Hermes motivation questionnaire that differentiates people who need high progress and those who have low progression needs was also used. The results of the study were analyzed by analysis of variance and t-tests.  
Findings: Considering the first hypothesis, the value of t was equal to 0.289 and the significance level was 0.003, and thus it is concluded that the mean of the academic achievement motivation scores in e-school is higher than normal school. With respect to the second hypothesis, considering that the value of t was 0.161 and the significance level was 0.002, it can be concluded that the average scores of using the cognitive strategies of smart school are higher than normal schools. Considering the third hypothesis, since the value of t is equal to 1.247 and the significance level of 0.000 was reported, it is shown that the average scores of using the metacognitive strategies of e-school are higher than the normal school. ‌
Conclusion: using electronic learning tools in schools leads to improved self - regulation skills and motivation in students. E-schools provide good opportunities for self-motivated and active learning and engagement the learning process. The results of this research is in line with the results of other studies that the use of e-learning in schools has a significant effect on metacognitive skills (planning, monitoring, control and comprehension) and cognitive strategies (repetition, review, development and comprehension) in students and plays a great role in academic motivation and academic success. Electronic schools with the acquisition of modern tools of learning technology in deepening and understanding learning resulted in improving the process of information processing, the possibility of repeating and reviewing the learning content, the development of perceptual processes and solving it from various strategies and management of time and control, and planning of learning and learning activities in students.


Main Subjects

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