Document Type : Original Research Paper


Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran


The aim of this research was to determine the effect of teaching method (lecture and multimedia) on the level of achievement motivation and self-regulation students of distance education centers in Tehran Arabic cource (2). All statistical community to second grade students of humanities degree distance learning centers in Tehran and in the academic year studying 1388-89 were comprised. To select samples randomly from the multi-stage cluster is used. Total sample size of "30 was randomly divided into 15 groups, then a group of multimedia teaching method and the other group received training in methods of training lecture. Academic achievement motivation and self-regulation through varlland test learners through tests self-regulation strategies and pintrich &degroate (1990) were measured. pretest has shown not  significant difference between the two groups (a) and (2) the level of achievement motivation and self-regulation of Arabic cource (2). Data obtained from these two tests using covariance analysis to help software and Excell SPSS18 were analyzed. The results have shown, achievement motivation between these two groups there is no significant difference. After observed no differences between two groups of academic achievement motivation, internal and external motivation of two groups using independent t tests were calculated and analyzed. Our results showed no difference in academic achievement motivation among internal and external groups the subjects. The self-regulation in the field, the results had suggested that the two groups in their regulatory subscales except anxiety, and efficiency and goal orientation, there is no significant difference.


Main Subjects

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