Original Research Paper Education technology - Evaluation and testing
Evaluating the Efficiency of Jackson Model in the Learning of the Learners in an Adaptive Learning System

F. Taghiyar; M. Siadati; F. Oruji

Volume 3, Issue 4 , October 2019, Pages 235-246


  One of the most important parameters in personalization of adaptive learning web-based educational systems is learning style. Up to now, various  learning styles proposed and this paper tries to evaluate the efficiency of using one of them, Jackson model. In this study, we  categorized students ...  Read More

Original Research Paper Electronic learning- virtual
The Examination of Prerequisites and Evaluation of Facilities of Electronic Learning System

A.R. Kamalian; A. Fazel

Volume 3, Issue 4 , October 2019, Pages 247-261


  In today's speedily world, electronic learning is use to obtaining knowledge, is quickly progressing , developing and changing .This growing process forces people in charge to utilize scientific and logical methods in implementation , evaluation and management of electronic learning systems. One of the ...  Read More

Original Research Paper Education technology - Evaluation and testing
The Effect of Self-Assessment on the Development of Grammatical Knowledge

M. Meshkat; A.R. Nasiri Firooz

Volume 3, Issue 4 , October 2019, Pages 263-270


  The purpose of this study was to investigate whether self-assessment as a metacognitive strategy has any obvious effect on improving grammatical knowledge of Iranian EFL students. To achieve the purpose, 60 male junior high school students with the age range of 13-16 participated in this study. A Nelson ...  Read More

Original Research Paper Architecture
Recognition of the Role of Nature in Educational Spaces

F. Mozafar; F. Mahdizade Seraj; S.S. Mirmoradi

Volume 3, Issue 4 , October 2019, Pages 271-280


  With changes in lifestyle, children’s daily experience is separating the natural world. Can be said of children and nature connection in today’s world is a failure and one of the most important places for re-establishing this connection are schools. What it said in this article is various ...  Read More

Original Research Paper Architecture
Cellular Automatation Model, A New Approach in Urban Growth Simulation

R. Rezazadeh; M. Mir Ahmadi

Volume 3, Issue 4 , October 2019, Pages 281-289


  Modeling and simulation of urban growth could be a good means for explaining the mutual relationship between the man made and natural environment, in order to assist planning decision makers in their decisions in complex situations. A cellular automaton is an effective method in explanation of urban ...  Read More

Original Research Paper Architecture
Educated Reducing the effect of GA parameters on optimization of Topology and cross section for truss structures using Multi-Search Method

M.H. Talebpour; V.R. Kalatjari

Volume 3, Issue 4 , October 2019, Pages 291-306


  Although GA optimization is among optimization methods, the method may not be successfully employed in all cases due to slow down in process and some other unknown parameters including the number of generations, cross over ratio, mutation ratio, and the selection process which cause local optimized points. ...  Read More

Original Research Paper science education
Genetic Algorithm Applied to Cut Sequencing for Sheet Metal Cutting

M. Kazerooni; G. Azami Rod

Volume 3, Issue 4 , October 2019, Pages 307-315


  During the press working process of the shearing progressive die, the position of the die's pressure center has a direct impact on whether the die can work accurately in balance. If the shearing progressive die suffers from being off-center the area close to the product edge may have a burr. This paper ...  Read More