Educational Technology
M. A. Ghashami; F. Nasiri
Background and Objectives: The progress and development of a country depends, more than anything, on its human resources. It is a human force that, with the power of thought contemplation/thinking and the optimal use of material resources, causes the progress of a society. These cases have led policymakers ...
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Background and Objectives: The progress and development of a country depends, more than anything, on its human resources. It is a human force that, with the power of thought contemplation/thinking and the optimal use of material resources, causes the progress of a society. These cases have led policymakers and thinkers to pay more attention to the concept of entrepreneurship so that the last model of development is considered to be the development arising from entrepreneurship. Therefore, the need for entrepreneurial graduates and students has increased and the goal of many prestigious universities in the world is to nurture students and consequently entrepreneurial graduates. Various factors influence the formation of entrepreneurial behavior among which self-efficacy is one of the most important factors that affect entrepreneurial behavior. Self-efficacy is one of the cognitive talents of entrepreneurship Therefore, recognizing the factors related to students' entrepreneurial behavior, such as communication skills and information literacy, can provide a good platform for the development of entrepreneurial attitude and behavior and, finally, by cultivating these talents, the existing fields of entrepreneurship can be exploited utilized and positive results consequences in higher education can be achieved. The aim of this study was to investigate examining the relationship between communication skills with students' entrepreneurial self-efficacy with the mediating role of information literacy.Methods: The research method is descriptive-correlational. The statistical population included 6701 undergraduate students of Bu Ali Sina University, 364 people using stratified random sampling method based on Krejcie and Morgan table were selected. Standard questionnaires of entrepreneurial self-efficacy, communication skills and information literacy were used to collect research data. The validity of the questionnaires was calculated using content and face validity, and its reliability was calculated through Cronbach's alpha coefficient and was estimated to be 0.95, 0.85 and 0.95, respectively. Structural equation modeling was used to analyze the data.Findings: Findings showed that all relationships between variables are significant and the theoretical model of the research is approved and accepted as the final model. The mediating role of information literacy was also revealed and the relationship between communication skills and information literacy and its components was positive and significant and communication skills and its components were predictors of information literacy. There is also a positive and significant relationship between communication skills and entrepreneurial self-efficacy and its components.Conclusions: There is a relationship between communication skills and students' entrepreneurial self-efficacy with the mediating role of information literacy. The present study, like any other research, was faced with limitations, such as limitation of using the questionnaire as the only data collection tool and not using other tools as well as geographical and educational restrictions. Therefore, it is suggested that the present study had better be conducted in other geographical areas and educational courses so that generalizability power of the findings can be increased. In line with the findings of the present study, it is suggested that by holding workshops and training classes, students can be introduced to appropriate communication methods and skills and be empowered in this field. It is recommended that the officials and professors, considering the important effects of communication skills and information literacy, primarily pay more attention to this important issue and follow them more in order to be a suitable model for students. The next suggestion is that the university should provide more appropriate access and optimal use of information.
Higher Education
P. Taghinezhad; E. Naderi; M. Seif Naraghi
Background and Objectives: The aim of the present study was analyzing the words and semantic units used to define entrepreneurship and describe the entrepreneur presented in the research articles on entrepreneurship education in higher education institutions. Methods: This study is a synthesis research ...
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Background and Objectives: The aim of the present study was analyzing the words and semantic units used to define entrepreneurship and describe the entrepreneur presented in the research articles on entrepreneurship education in higher education institutions. Methods: This study is a synthesis research (systematic review), but in terms of analytical methods, it is an analytical-synthetic research. For this purpose, content analysis and text analysis techniques were used. All articles with the subject of ‘entrepreneurship education’ in higher education which have been indexed in the Islamic World Science Citation Database, were selected as the statistical population. Using the preferred search strategy, 137 articles were retrieved and after considering the study criteria, such as having peer review and discussing entrepreneurship education in the university, 92 articles remained for analysis. In this process, sentences which had been used to describe entrepreneurship or an entrepreneur were analyzed using the software of Textstat2, MAXQDA10, and Excel. Findings: The findings of this study in the first level of analysis showed that the first ten descriptions ( that is, the first ten words) which are used more frequently for defining entrepreneurship or describing an entrepreneur in the research texts in Iran respectively are: innovation (frequency 156 and 8.8%), source (frequency 100 and 5.7%), work/activity (frequency 75 and 4.2%), process (frequency54 and 3.1%), business (frequency 43 and 2.4%), risk-taking (frequency 43 and 2.4%) , economy (frequency 41 and 2.3%), creation (frequency 41 and 2.3%), and opportunity (frequency 38 and 2.2%). The findings of the second level of the study, that is, the analysis of the semantic units, showed that the most frequently used semantic unit at the level of analysis of the main components belongs to the description of ‘the features of an entrepreneur’. Among all the subcategories of semantic unit analysis, the ten semantic units which have received more attention than the others, respectively, are: the first level of priority, with 33 semantic units, belongs to the semantic unit of ‘Risk-taking’. The semantic unit of the entrepreneur being ‘an opportunist’ with 22 semantic units was the second level of priority and ‘innovation’ with 16 semantic units was the third level of priority. Other priorities, respectively, are as follows: ‘creating new business’ with 16 semantic units, ‘supplying new product to the market’ with 13 semantic units, ‘creativity’ of the entrepreneur with 13 semantic units, ‘having the ability of mobilizing the sources’ with 12 semantic units, ‘self-confidence’ with 12 semantic units, ‘improvement of the economic condition’ with 11 semantic units, and ‘supplying new service’ with 8 semantic units. Comparison of the two levels of analysis showed that in the first ten components of both analyses, there is a lot of overlap; however, by comparing the order of priority of the components, it can be seen that the researchers in Iran consider entrepreneurship as being more dominated by ‘risk-taking’ and ‘opportunist’ individuals and their ‘innovation’ feature is at the third order of priority whereas in defining and describing entrepreneurship, the word ‘innovation’ has had more application. Conclusion: The results indicate that first, both at the level of semantic units and at the level of the words used, entrepreneurship education specialists in Iranian universities, in line with the experts of this domain, consider entrepreneurship as a driver of innovation leading to business and job creation. Second, since at both levels of analysis, the findings indicate that more attention is paid to the characteristics of the entrepreneur, so it can be concluded that entrepreneurship education specialists in Iranian higher education institutions consider entrepreneurship as an individual characteristic; that is why, somehow the characteristics of entrepreneurs are emphasized. Third and perhaps the most important result was that despite the extent and variety of concepts considered in the texts of entrepreneurship education in Iran, perhaps there are no approved and accepted curricula for teaching entrepreneurship to the students and in each of the implemented courses, a specific dimension on entrepreneurship is taught and many other topics are neglected or the required time for addressing them is not provided. The main limitations of the present study were the incompleteness of the collection of the sources required for the objective of this study as well as the extraction of the sentences from the /original text of the articles selected for analysis.
M. Kharazmi; H. Aainalipour; E. Zarei
Background and Objective:At the present, the development of entrepreneurship is one of the core programs of developing countries. Therefore, investing on human resources aspects of entrepreneurship has a special place in these programs. Universities are expected to play a pivotal role in developing entrepreneurial ...
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Background and Objective:At the present, the development of entrepreneurship is one of the core programs of developing countries. Therefore, investing on human resources aspects of entrepreneurship has a special place in these programs. Universities are expected to play a pivotal role in developing entrepreneurial capabilities. Universities are expected to provide the entrepreneurial capabilities needed by the society with an innovative trend. Also, the university can create entrepreneurial capabilities including knowledge, skills and entrepreneurial attitudes among graduates and they can promote these abilities in the society as the agents of social change. The purpose of this study was to explain the educational content characteristics with emphasis on entrepreneurship skills in engineering fields and comparing it with the current situation at Hormozgan university. Methods: The method was a mix method. The population in the qualitative sector includes all the top entrepreneurs and college students and in the quantitative part it included all students and professors of Hormozgan university. Participants in the qualitative section were selected by desirable methods, and in the quantitative section, a stratified sampling method was used. The sample size was determined in the qualitative information saturation section and in the quantitative part by the Cochran formula. The data were collected through semi-structured interviews and a researcher-made questionnaire. The validity of the qualitative data was verified by checking members. In the quantitative section, by content and structure validity, and reliability by the Cronbach alpha. Qualitative data were analyzed by thematic analysis and quantitative data by descriptive statistics, t-test, and confirmatory factor analysis. Findings: The extracted categories included the promotion of individual skills, the application of content, the technical principles of entrepreneurship and flexible content. The quantitative results of the quantitative survey indicate the unfavorable condition of the enumerated attributes for educational content. Conclusion: The results of the study showed that from the perspective of the interviewed entrepreneurs and professors, features such as improving personal skills, flexible content, practical content and paying attention to the technical principles of entrepreneurship are among the important features that can promote entrepreneurship skills among students. It is suggested that more attention be paid to increasing individual abilities, including creativity, communication skills, and emotional skills. As the educational content moves away from the theoretical dimension, by introducing students to practical issues in various forms, prepare the ground for further development of entrepreneurial skills. It is also recommended that professors of engineering majors pay more attention to the needs, interests and talents of their students in choosing educational content to reduce the problem of their lack of motivation to learn.
Educational Technology Psychology
A. Rabiee; Z. Nazarian
One of the main goals of education is the development of skilled manpower . Due to the increasing population and demand for entering the universities and higher education institutions and also the economic problems, the issue of "entrepreneurs" is an important matter The aim of this paper ...
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One of the main goals of education is the development of skilled manpower . Due to the increasing population and demand for entering the universities and higher education institutions and also the economic problems, the issue of "entrepreneurs" is an important matter The aim of this paper is to evaluate the ability of entrepreneurial in Payame Noor university. It asked 450 students at this University in Tehran to answer the questionnaire with 0.86% Cronbach's alpha coefficient and Likert respond method. The results show that: There is a significant and meaningful relation between student 's Creativity and independence and their willingness to entrepreneurship; Risk taking in male students is more than female students; Internal locus of control and independence in female students were significantly higher than male students; Achievement motivation, Internal locus of control and independence in basic science and engineering students were significantly more than the students in the humanities and Creativity in unemployed students was more than Employed ones. Internal locus of control and achievement motivation in Students who passed the Entrepreneurship course was more than Students who don' t passed it ;and Educational activities were related to the development of the components of creativity and motivation.
Educational Technology Psychology
A.A. Rastgar; M. Malekdar; M. Tajaldin
Nowadays, many researchers examine the causes of the gap of between university and industry. They want to find the effective factors on economic growth that they reach to entrepreneurship for economic growth. So entrepreneurship has a special position in industrious societies. It is introduces as one ...
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Nowadays, many researchers examine the causes of the gap of between university and industry. They want to find the effective factors on economic growth that they reach to entrepreneurship for economic growth. So entrepreneurship has a special position in industrious societies. It is introduces as one of the life quality factors in programs of Europe educational commission. This article reply to these questions: Does the difference exist between entrepreneurship management students with other management students? How is brain dominance between students of Tehran university in entrepreneurship management field with Semnan university students in management field with using of Ned Herrmann ' s four brain quarter model. ? How amount does the teaching system of two universities effect on brain dominance? How is the potential of entrepreneurship in two universities? This research is using of Ned Herrmann ' s four brain quarter model .the results shows the wonderful influence of teaching on brain dominance an good potential on entrepreneurship in both universities. Moreover, Semnan university students use from the two halves of the brain equally more than Teharn university students.
Educational Management
H. Safarzadeh; M. Ahmadi Sharif; G.R. Kargarian Marvasti
Developing the production centers of knowledge, technology and technical skills is the requirement of economic growth in the third millennium. Entrepreneurship can be considered as one of the important engines of growth and development. At this point, the role of entrepreneur and entrepreneurship in ...
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Developing the production centers of knowledge, technology and technical skills is the requirement of economic growth in the third millennium. Entrepreneurship can be considered as one of the important engines of growth and development. At this point, the role of entrepreneur and entrepreneurship in the community is determined which can be more clearly realized through universities and centers of entrepreneurship. In this paper, we tried to find the administrative process of entrepreneurship as well as the relationship between education and the kind of necessary training for entrepreneurship. Three tests including: 1 – Kalmogrof-Asmyronf tests, 2- one sample t-test, 3- Friedman rank test were used in this research in a cross-sectional form to test the hypotheses of the research and to analyze them inferentially. The research conclusion has shown that the evolutionary leadership among the internal factors of the university, the university process and the revival factors of the university and also creating a scientific and dynamic environment among the basic and fundamental changes in the university are the most effective ones in the stability of entrepreneur universities. At the end of the paper, some suggestions have been presented regarding the development of "entrepreneurship education" in order to stabilize entrepreneur universities.