Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Communication and Media Management Department, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran

2 Industrial Engineering Department, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran


One of the main goals of education is the development of skilled manpower . Due to the increasing population and demand for entering the universities and higher education institutions and also the economic problems, the issue of "entrepreneurs" is an important matter The  aim of  this paper is to evaluate the ability of entrepreneurial in Payame Noor university. It asked 450 students at this University in Tehran to answer the questionnaire with 0.86%  Cronbach's alpha coefficient and Likert respond method. The results show that: There is a significant and meaningful relation between student 's Creativity and independence and their willingness to entrepreneurship; Risk taking in male students is more than female students; Internal locus of control and independence in female students were significantly higher than male students; Achievement motivation, Internal locus of control and independence in basic science and engineering students were significantly more than the students in the humanities and Creativity in unemployed students was more than Employed ones. Internal locus of control and achievement motivation in Students who passed the Entrepreneurship  course was  more than Students who don' t passed it ;and Educational activities were related to the development of the components of creativity and motivation.


Main Subjects

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