Educational Technology - Blended Learning
A. Hossiny; M.R. Yousefzadeh; F. Seraji
Background and Objectives: The mission of the education system is to transform students into citizens of the information society, according to technological developments that can use the facilities and platforms created in education to guide and direct daily activities and solve different problems appropriately. ...
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Background and Objectives: The mission of the education system is to transform students into citizens of the information society, according to technological developments that can use the facilities and platforms created in education to guide and direct daily activities and solve different problems appropriately. The Iranian educational system has emphasized the use of new technologies, the National Information and Communication Network in education, by preparing the "Fundamental Transformation Document of Education". Along with the expansion of ICT integration in schools, the matter of evaluating ICT integration in primary schools is important to ensure and improve the quality of teaching and learning, to determine the contexts and requirements of integration in the curriculum for implementation and enforcement. Evaluation criteria help all experts, managers and teachers to always be aware of the results of their work and know how much educational goals and goals of the organization have been achieved. This awareness leads to the integration of ICT in the curriculum in the desired way. The purpose of this study was to determine the holistic framework for evaluation of ICT integration in elementary school curriculum.Methods This research was conducted by a combined exploratory method in two stages. The qualitative research method was phenomenological. In the first stage, in order to determine the evaluation criteria, the semi-structured interview was conducted using purposive sampling, and in the next stage, a questionnaire was used to confirm the evaluation criteria by available sampling method. The participants in qualitative phase were selected based on criteria-based sampling method and the rule of theoretical saturation and hence included teachers and principals of smart schools. The statistical sample in the quantitative part included experts in the field of e-learning. Participants in the qualitative section included six principals and nine teachers and in the quantitative section, the participants included ten e-learning experts. In order to analyze the collected data in the qualitative part, the collage method (open, axial and selective coding) and in the quantitative part, CVR was used.Findings: The findings of the research in the qualitative part indicated that the evaluation framework of ICT integration included 14 criteria in different sections such as: supportive (3 criteria), electronic content (2 criteria), teacher's teaching activities (2 criteria), materials and learning resources (2 criteria), learning activities (2 criteria) and student group activities (2 criteria). In the quantitative part, the CVR percentage of all six evaluation components was higher than the table number (0.62). Electronic content components and support with the highest percentage and qualification of students were confirmed with the lowest percentage of agreement among the evaluation criteria.Conclusion: In order to increase the quality of integration in evaluation, special attention should be paid to the interaction and transaction of all evaluation components. The emphasis on separate evaluation of the dimensions of integration is the incomplete implementation of integrated evaluation in the curriculum. It is suggested that evaluators have a comprehensive and holistic view of all evaluation criteria in the field of Organizational and Educational Areas in evaluating the integration of ICT in the curriculum.
Electronic learning- virtual
N. Amini; A.R. Nasr; B.E. Zamani; B. Tork Ladani
Background and Objectives: The nature of higher education is evolving due to the advancement of ICT while these technologies have had a significant impact on the mission of universities in education and research directions. ICT is a mdeiator that enables the expression of a wide range of information, ...
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Background and Objectives: The nature of higher education is evolving due to the advancement of ICT while these technologies have had a significant impact on the mission of universities in education and research directions. ICT is a mdeiator that enables the expression of a wide range of information, ideas, concepts and messages. This phenomenon, with all its features and applications, is the collection, organization, storage and dissemination of information, including audio, video, text or number, using computer and telecommunications tools. ICT as a new approach is complementary to education, not its alternative, and its the purpose of development is to improve and make education resources more efficient in general and human resources in particular. Numerous studies in the past have shown the positive effects of ICT in teaching. The development of information technology and the use of new tools and concepts provide the basis for the expansion of information and easy and low-cost access for learners, including school and unviersity students and teachers in the online way and enable the rapid exchange of information and cultural interactions. Higher education institutions are increasingly planning to use ICT as a tool for teaching-learning, scientific collaboration, scientific communication, development, and faculty empowerment, and in practice, are trying to use ICT to achieve goals. In facing the global need, ICT use help educators replace traditional teaching methods with technology-based teaching and learning tools and facilities. But today this is much more important for education than in the past, because new tools and the use of ICT are effective in instructional methods. ICT seems to have a tremendous impact on the learning process in higher education by providing new and exciting opportunities for faculty and students. The present study aims to Meta-analyze the previous studies on the effect of ICT on the faculty members' educational and research performance to show the real value 0f ICT. Methods:The research sample consists of all previous studies done on the effect of ICT till 2018 in Iran. The purposeful sampling was done for selection of 6 studies on the effect of ICT on the faculty members' educational performance and 5 appropriate studies regarding the impact of ICT on their research performance to enter the meta-analysis. The isntrument for data gathering includes a checklist of choosing studies technically and methodologically. The meta-analysis method consists of the mixed approach of Hunter and Smith and Cohen for interpretation of results. Findings: The findings confirmed that ICT has a significant effect on faculty members' educational and research performance. The effect size was of ICT on the faculty members' educational performance was 0.413. Also, the effect size of ICT on the faculty members' research performance was 0.315. Conclusion: Vsing ICT has significant effect on educationl and research per formance of faculty members. Considering the obtained results and the quantity and quality of existing research studies, it is suggested that the researches of these two fields be carried out at a higher level in terms of quality and observance of the rules of academic paper writing and conducting research. Also, to achieve a reliable result in the first stage, use parametric statistics in their design and use strong statistical methods with appropriate sample and appropriate sampling methods in accordance with the population.
S. Abdolmaleki; M. Khosravi; M. Torkaman Asadi
Background and Objective:The introduction of ICT in education has revolutionized traditional styles and challenged learning theories. The achievements of such a presence have led to virtual classrooms, smart universities, virtual universities and e-learning in general. In fact, communication in the world ...
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Background and Objective:The introduction of ICT in education has revolutionized traditional styles and challenged learning theories. The achievements of such a presence have led to virtual classrooms, smart universities, virtual universities and e-learning in general. In fact, communication in the world of education has become the basis for all interactions between professors / learners and learners and between educational and governmental institutions and among other institutions. The use of ICT in today's world has led to major changes in teaching and learning: the abundance of information changes students' perceptions of the world; wide distribution and easy access to information have changed the relationship between faculty and students; flexibility transforms the dimensions of space and time of human educational life. All of these changes are evidence that ICT has gradually become an essential element of educational reform and innovation in today's society, bringing our education system closer to the age of e-learning. The education has been influenced by Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and these technologies have influenced teaching, learning and related researches. The purpose of this research was to provide a systematic study and to present a combination of studies in the field of the situation and the role of information and communication technology in the teaching-learning process. Methods: The method was qualitative and was carried out in the form of research synthesis. Relevant research resources were selected, categorized and analyzed from year 2000 to 2016 in a systematic manner; then, in a tiny screening stage, 29 researches that have intended criteria were selected. Then, a synthesis of their findings was presented in accordance with the principles of composition, rethinking and rearrangement of data. Findings:: The findings showed that there are two trends between ICT and the teaching and learning processes: a) Facilitating trend; b) Stream making trend. While these two trends overlap in some cases and it is difficult to draw a clear border between them, they have features which they could be separated from each other and their aspects, features and impacts on teaching–learning processes could be studied. Accordingly, the effects of Facilitating trend on the teaching-learning process be revealed in the short term; these effects are often displayed in hardware and affect the appearance of the components of the teaching -learning process. The stream making trend of ICT in the teaching-learning process involves changes that affect the quality and condition of teaching-learning processes at a deeper and more complex level. These changes can be considered as some form of long-term results of the Facilitating trend which can be appears as software. In fact, the use of technology tools in the short term has changed the form of education, but its consequences in the long-term and in conjunction with other influential factors have led to the emergence of new approaches and trends in education and the general trend of education has undergone fundamental changes. Conclusion: The result obtained in this study indicates that the flow-making process of ICT is definable with ten components: 1) the constructive nature of ICT; 2) the relationship between ICT and personalization of the teaching and learning process; 3) ICT in the service of cultivating multiple intelligences; 4) The relationship between ICT and the motivational effect of learning; 5) The relationship between ICT and student-centered learning; 6) Improving and enhancing thinking skills; 7) The relationship between ICT and evaluation of learning; 8) Emphasis on self-learning; 9) Shaping deep, fast and sustainable learning; and 10) changing the role of the teacher.
Electronic learning- virtual
M. Baghdarnia; Gh. Ahghar; A. Ahmade
Background and Objectives:The rapid spread of information and communication technology around the world in recent decades, the increasing scientific interest of business in disparate information problems and the application of communication technology and the construction of information society among ...
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Background and Objectives:The rapid spread of information and communication technology around the world in recent decades, the increasing scientific interest of business in disparate information problems and the application of communication technology and the construction of information society among all countries in the world has expanded. While it is widely accepted that ICT has the potential to create economic opportunities, promote social and political change in society, provide access to knowledge, provide incentives and opportunities for practical sharing in the best possible way in all walks of life, real awareness processes around the world are completely asymmetric. On the contrary, while the digital revolution has pushed the boundaries of the global village, the vast majority of the world has not been separated from this obvious event. The purpose of this study was to design and validate ICT training model for employees. Method and Materials: To design, compile and construct research instruments, some components including basic concepts of information technology, computer use, word processor, spreadsheets, databases, presentations and internet have been extracted using interviews and qualitative analysis. Based on the above components, a questionnaire including 35 items was developed. The statistical population of the research was the staff of the Ministry of Education headquarters in the academic year of 2016-2017. The sample size of the study was 280 people, who have been selected using random sampling for external validation. The reliability of the questionnaire in this research was estimated to be 0.92 which indicates a high reliability for the designed instrument. In order to study the validity of the model, structural analysis of confirmatory and exploratory factor analysis methods, path analysis and fitting were used. Findings: The exploratory analysis results included seven components, all of which had a positive correlation. Finally, the result of the analysis of the confirmatory factor was obtained and the fitting indices in the components of ICT education were evaluated, that indicated a proper and desirable fit. Conclusion: Necessary measures should be taken to turn the proposed model of ICT skills training into a codified training program. These measures include reviewing the current ICT training method, compiling training materials and developing guidelines and implementing rules, and providing the necessary arrangements for implementation. In taking the necessary steps to develop and implement ICT training, coordination with the model of the seven types of ICDL training skills proposed should not be forgotten. Independent training should be called computer skills, and a book of the same name, a teacher's guide, and other teaching aids should be designed and compiled, or be done in a multimedia fromat. Due to the implementation of these trainings, a new function in the field of headquarters of the Ministry of Education can be given to all teachers in the country and with the necessary review and information at the beginning of staff recruitment as well as in-service courses.
Electronic learning- virtual
M. Rajabi; Z. Derikvandi; H. Rezaeean
The present study aims to investigate the effect of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) courses on the creativity of students at Isfahan’s Vocational Education Center. The research method is a quasi-experimental type. The population of the research involves all the technical vocational ...
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The present study aims to investigate the effect of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) courses on the creativity of students at Isfahan’s Vocational Education Center. The research method is a quasi-experimental type. The population of the research involves all the technical vocational students of Isfahan’s ICT Center. The subjects were selected using availability sampling and include 110 students comprising 57 students in the experimental group and 53 students in the control group. The means used for collecting data was Ravens Progressive Matrices Test accounting for homogeneity among the subjects and Dr Abedi’s creativity test involving sub-tests including Fluency, Elaboration, Originality and Flexibility. The latter test was used to compare the creativity of experimental and control groups pre-testing and post testing. The analysis of the findings was carried out using Analysis of covariance at the significance level of P < %05. The results of the study indicated that while there was no significant difference between Fluency and Elaboration creativity tests, there was a significant distinction between Originality and Flexibility creativity tests. In addition, the total result of students’ creativity tests proved to be significant. Thus, it can be concluded that the educational courses of information and communication technology (ICT) have had a positive effect on the creativity of students of Isfahan’s ICT Technical Vocational Center.
Electronic learning- virtual
N. Azizi; A. Shah Mohammadi; H. Naghdi
Abstract:The aim of this research is recognizing the barriers which exist in implementing and holding the Elearning course in Kurdistan province secondary and high schools. We also try to provide solutions for this barrier to improve the course. To do so and as a descriptive research author uses a qualitative ...
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Abstract:The aim of this research is recognizing the barriers which exist in implementing and holding the Elearning course in Kurdistan province secondary and high schools. We also try to provide solutions for this barrier to improve the course. To do so and as a descriptive research author uses a qualitative method. The statistical population of this research was 7 managers and 14 teachers who were working in the E-learning schools in the Kurdistan province. To collect the data both semi structure interview and open questionnaires were used for those participants who were not available. For analyzing the data content analysis was used in inductive approach. The results showed that technology and communications, curriculum, administrative and structural and financial barriers are the most important ones. To remove these barriers, it is necessary that the aforementioned centers and the agencies which support them provide the best infrastructures in technology and financial terms. Also, it is necessary for them to evaluate and review the related strategies and programs.
Educational Technology - Teacher Education
M. Ayati; M. Rostami
The aim of this paper is to study how guidance and secondary teachers of Birjand take advantage of information and communication technology according to UNESCO’s classification (emerging, applying, infusing, transforming levels). The methodology used is descriptive – survey research. The ...
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The aim of this paper is to study how guidance and secondary teachers of Birjand take advantage of information and communication technology according to UNESCO’s classification (emerging, applying, infusing, transforming levels). The methodology used is descriptive – survey research. The research population was 217 science teachers in the fields of (biology, chemistry, physics, and geology), and the sample group included 175 teachers. The instrument was a researcher-made questionnaire based on UNESCO’s classification. The questionnaire’s validity was confirmed by 8 educational science professors who are specialized and engaged in field of information and communication technology, and the instrument’s reliability was obtained as 0.80. The data were analyzed using KH2 method. The results of using information and communication technology by teachers show that the maximum redundancy was related to applying level and the minimum redundancy to the transforming level. The results also show that most substitute teachers (53.5%) claimed that they rarely use the instruments (once in a week), and 10.5% of the teachers claimed that they use the instruments in most cases which indicates that such instruments are rarely used by the teachers.
Educational Technology - Teacher Education
M. Atashak; P. Mahzadeh
The aim of this paper is studying and ranking effective barriers of un-using information and communication technology from view of teachers. In order to, the questioner makes by researcher was distributed among teachers in Tehran. The results show that most important barriers of un-using information ...
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The aim of this paper is studying and ranking effective barriers of un-using information and communication technology from view of teachers. In order to, the questioner makes by researcher was distributed among teachers in Tehran. The results show that most important barriers of un-using information and communication technology from view of teachers are infrastructure technologic, individual, economic, and cultural_ educational barriers.