Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Birjand University, Iran

2 Curriculum Planning, Birjand University, Iran


The aim of this paper is to study how guidance and secondary teachers of Birjand take advantage of information and communication technology according to UNESCO’s classification (emerging, applying, infusing, transforming levels). The methodology used is descriptive – survey research. The research population was 217 science teachers in the fields of (biology, chemistry, physics, and geology), and the sample group included 175 teachers. The instrument was a researcher-made questionnaire based on UNESCO’s classification. The questionnaire’s validity was confirmed by 8 educational science professors who are specialized and engaged in field of information and communication technology, and the instrument’s reliability was obtained as 0.80. The data were analyzed using KH2 method. The results of using information and communication technology by teachers show that the maximum redundancy was related to applying level and the minimum redundancy to the transforming level. The results also show that most substitute teachers (53.5%) claimed that they rarely use the instruments (once in a week), and 10.5% of the teachers claimed that they use the instruments in most cases which indicates that such instruments are rarely used by the teachers.


Main Subjects

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