Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Educational Sciences Department, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

2 Educational Technology Department, Faculty of Psychology and Education, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

3 Software Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran


Background and Objectives: The nature of higher education is evolving due to the advancement of ICT while these technologies have had a significant impact on the mission of universities in education and research directions. ICT is a mdeiator that enables the expression of a wide range of information, ideas, concepts and messages. This phenomenon, with all its features and applications, is the collection, organization, storage and dissemination of information, including audio, video, text or number, using computer and telecommunications tools. ICT as a new approach is complementary to education, not its alternative, and its the purpose of development is to improve and make education resources more efficient in general and human resources in particular. Numerous studies in the past have shown the positive effects of ICT in teaching. The development of information technology and the use of new tools and concepts provide the basis for the expansion of information and easy and low-cost access for learners, including school and unviersity students and teachers in the online way and enable the rapid exchange of information and cultural interactions. Higher education institutions are increasingly planning to use ICT as a tool for teaching-learning, scientific collaboration, scientific communication, development, and faculty empowerment, and in practice, are trying to use ICT to achieve goals. In facing the global need, ICT use help educators replace traditional teaching methods with technology-based teaching and learning tools and facilities. But today this is much more important for education than in the past, because new tools and the use of ICT are effective in instructional methods. ICT seems to have a tremendous impact on the learning process in higher education by providing new and exciting opportunities for faculty and students. The present study aims to Meta-analyze the previous studies on the effect of ICT on the faculty members' educational and research performance to show the real value 0f ICT.
Methods:The research sample consists of all previous studies done on the effect of ICT till 2018 in Iran. The purposeful sampling was done for selection of 6 studies on the effect of ICT on the faculty members' educational performance and 5 appropriate studies regarding the impact of ICT on their research performance to enter the meta-analysis. The isntrument for data gathering includes a checklist of choosing studies technically and methodologically. The meta-analysis method consists of the mixed approach of Hunter and Smith and Cohen for interpretation of results.
Findings: The findings confirmed that ICT has a significant effect on faculty members' educational and research performance. The effect size was of ICT on the faculty members' educational performance was 0.413. Also, the effect size of ICT on the faculty members' research performance was 0.315.
Conclusion: Vsing ICT has significant effect on educationl and research per formance of faculty members. Considering the obtained results and the quantity and quality of existing research studies, it is suggested that the researches of these two fields be carried out at a higher level in terms of quality and observance of the rules of academic paper writing and conducting research. Also, to achieve a reliable result in the first stage, use parametric statistics in their design and use strong statistical methods with appropriate sample and appropriate sampling methods in accordance with the population.


Main Subjects

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