Educational technology- primary school
Construction and validation of the quality measurement scale of the virtual learning curriculum of elementary school in Iran's educational system

S. Mansoori; M. Talebbeygi

Volume 18, Issue 2 , April 2024, , Pages 415-428

  Background and Objectives: Virtual learning has become an integral part of today's learning. Therefore, the continuous evaluation of the quality of these learnings is one of the basic missions of the educational system, and the existence of a valid tool to measure these learning is necessary. On the ...  Read More

Electronic learning- virtual
The Quality of Virtual Learning at Farhangian Teacher Education University of Markazi Province during the Corona Epidemic from the Trainees and Trainers' Perspectives

M. Maghsoudi; F. Safaee; A. Hashemi

Volume 16, Issue 3 , July 2022, , Pages 525-538

  Background and Objectives: Relying on e-learning in higher education is not a newly emerging phenomenon and has always been considered as a supplementary learning environment. But with the sudden outbreak of the Corona epidemic, the higher education system was shocked. Although the quality of this learning ...  Read More

The nature of the relationship between teacher and learner in comprehensive e-learning process with an emphasis on ideas of Deleuze

N. Tari; S. Zarghami; A. Mahmoodnia; Y. Ghaedi

Volume 14, Issue 3 , July 2020, , Pages 521-532

  Background and Objectives: The aim of this research is study the nature of the relationship between teacher and learner in comprehensive e-learning process with an emphasis on ideas of Deleuze. With the expansion of e-learning, one of the important aspects of change in education is in the field of teaching ...  Read More

Design and Validation of quality improvement model of virtual learning in Farhangian University (mixed method)

M. Esmaeilnia; H. Kouhestani; A. Maghul

Volume 13, Issue 2 , April 2019, , Pages 409-427

  Background and Objective:Higher education administrators are looking for ways to increase the number of courses and disciplines. While university budgets are steadily declining, they are forced to increase their distance learning courses to meet the growing needs of learners during budget constraints ...  Read More

competency of teachers
Identifying and ranking the challenges of learners in virtual education and improvement of human resources (case study: Shahid Beheshti University)

Z. Jafari far; A. Khorasani; M. Rezaei Zadeh

Volume 11, Issue 1 , January 2017, , Pages 1-20

  Distance education is one of the most important criteria of education; organizations believe that it has important role in human resource (HR) education. However, there are some challenges in implementing distance learning in the organisations' HRD (Human Resource development) departments. The current ...  Read More

Technology-based learning environments
A Holistic Model for Architectural Education: Blending Face-to-Face and Web-Based Learning Environments

M.R. Saghafi

Volume 9, Issue 3 , July 2015, , Pages 155-165

  There is increasing support for the constructive approach in learning and teaching to respond the changes and challenges facing higher education; an approach that is particularly suitable for architectural education and design studio pedagogy. While the studio environment has been promoted as an ideal ...  Read More