Document Type : Original Research Paper


Department of Architecture, Isfahan University of Arts, Isfahan, Iran


There is increasing support for the constructive approach in learning and teaching to respond the changes and challenges facing higher education; an approach that is particularly suitable for architectural education and design studio pedagogy. While the studio environment has been promoted as an ideal educational setting for project-based disciplines, few qualitative studies have been undertaken in a comprehensive way. This study responds to this need by adopting Grounded Theory methodology in a qualitative comparative approach. The research aim is to explore the limitations and benefits of a face-to-face design studio as well as a virtual design studio to achieve a suitable platform to establish the best and maximum learning situation. The main outcome is a holistic multidimensional blended model being sufficiently flexible to adapt to various settings, in the process, facilitating constructive learning through self-determination, self-management and personalization of the learning environment.The model was tested in 2013 in the third year architecture course at Art University of Isfahan. The author’s role in the study was to teach the students and attend all the sessions as an active researcher observer. Volunteer students participated in a discussion group discussing their experiences at the end of the semester. Full access to the web-based design studio and archives of the design process was the most important benefit and technical internet problem and limited virtual partnership is the most important limitation of this experience.


Main Subjects

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