Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Department of Educational Sciences, Educational Management, Farhangian University, Bojnourd, Iran

2 Department of Educational Sciences, Ferdowsi University, Mashhad, Iran

3 Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Neyshabur Branch, Neyshabour, Iran


Background and Objective:Higher education administrators are looking for ways to increase the number of courses and disciplines. While university budgets are steadily declining, they are forced to increase their distance learning courses to meet the growing needs of learners during budget constraints and recessions. Because this type of training does not require a classroom and the nees less full-time instructors. Over the past two decades, the issue of quality and excellence in universities and higher education institutions has become one of the most important issues in the field of higher education, and especially in the newly-establisehd Farhangian University. National evaluation systems are designed to evaluate teaching and learning programs in universities; and they have attracted atttention at the international level in higher education research, and interest in improving education, both nationally and internationally has increased. An increasing number of universities in Iran have started virtual education courses. Farhangian University has also provided a good platform for these trainings, but so far it has not been able to institutionalize a proper and comprehensive quality education. Therefore, due to the fact that the quantitative growth of virtual education is progressing, yet no improvement has been made in the quality of education, the researchers have taken a step towards responding to these challenges and filling the gap in research literature of the field. The purpose of this study is to design and validate a quality improvement virtual learning model using a mixed method.
Methods: In the quantitative section, 608 students and professors were using stratified random sampling method. In the qualitative section, 18 professors were interviewed. The quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive methods and the grounded theory was used for the analysis of the qualitative data. The data analysis was based on open and pivoted coding. Finally, 14 main categories including quality improvement of virtual education at the University of Farhangian were investigated as strategies, background conditions, intervening conditions and outcomes.
Findings: Results suggested that learning-educating activities and human actors had a positive and significant effect on improving quality and deployment strategies. Moreover, deployment strategies exerted a positive and significant impact on quality improvement. Background features also affected deployment strategies and quality improvement in a positive and significant way. The effect of deployment strategies and quality improvement on individual, organizational and transactional outcomes was also significant.
Conclusion: Considering the position of Farhangian University in the present models, the fair distribution of knowledge and ignorance of instructors’ character and the positive effect of recruiting distinguished instructors are emphasized in the results section. In causes section, in discussing strategies centralized decision making is referred to; and in strategy section, development of trust making and culture building for virtual learning is referred to that includes using the experiences of other countries. In intervening conditions section, using Web 2 and Web 3, prior knowledge of learners and the combination of face-to-face and virtual education at Farhangian University are mentioned.


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[5] Tasdighi F, Tasdighi M. Virtual Education, A new approach to teaching process, Learning in the third millennium (obstacles and problems). Paper presented in the 1st Conference on Unofficial Training & Learning, Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology (pp. 110-120)., Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran; 2008. Persian
 [7] Lindström B.. Networked learning an emerging paradigm for higher education in the 21th century. Berner Lindström Keynote speech at the 1st International Conference on e-learning and teaching (ICeLT), (pp. 12-20). Tehran, Iran; 2009.
[8] Yamani N. Needs assessment of virtual education development: assessing the level of readiness in college of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Iranian Journal of Medical Education. 2017; (17)6: 70-76. Persian
[9] Raziqi B, Saberi H. A comparative study of self-regulation and academic achievement among master's students of electronic learning systems aournnd in-person learning systems, Journal of Paramedical Sciences, Tehran University of Medical Sciences. 2016;11(1): 105-98. Persian
[12] Rahmani B. (2005). A study on the content of the virtual curriculum of the Faculty of Science and Hadith of Rey based on predefined goals [master’s thesis], Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran; 2005. Persian
[15] Capel S, Leas M, Turner T. Learning to teach in the secondary school: A companion to school experience with a forward by professor peter Mortimor. London: Rutledge Flamer National Center for Education; 2001.
[28] Golzari Z. Compilation and validation of the proposed model of internal quality assessment of e-learning. Quarterly Journal of Higher Education Curriculum. 2010; 1(1): 160-185. Persian.
[30] Saketi P. Evaluating e-Learning approaches and providing an assessment framework for higher education in Iran. Paper presented in the 1st Congress on Application of Information Technology in Health, Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences and Health Services. Sari, Iran; 2011. Persian.
[33] Strauss A, Corbin G. Principles of Qualitative Research Methodology: Basic Theory, Procedures and Practices, Translation Mohammadi, B. Tehran: Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies; 2005. Persian
[35] Qaedi B. Evaluation of computer science curriculum. Computer Engineering Information and Communication Technology from the viewpoint of professors and students at the University of Science and Technology [master's thesis] Teacher Training University of Tehran, Tehran; 2006. Persian
[37] Momeni Rad A, Ali Abadi K. Quality assurance in e-learning using e-learning standards. Quarterly Journal of Educational Strategies in Medical Sciences. 2010; (3)3: 87-92. Persian.
[39] Hollandsworth RJ. The theorical and practical consideration for effective design, development and evaluation of an Asynchronous review module on interpersonal communications[doctoral dissertation] Virginia Ploytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia; 2005.