Original Research Paper Electronic learning- virtual
Checking the e-learning acceptability of Iranian agricultural higher education centers from the viewpoints of faculty staff and graduate students

Kh. Mirzaei; H. Saadi; S.H. Movahedmohamadi; R. Movahedi

Volume 12, Issue 3 , July 2018, Pages 171-183


  Background and Objectives:E-learning is the newest form of distance learning and is called an approach to curriculum planning in which, in addition to using inclusive methods, computer tools and the Internet are used. The first generation of e-learning, or web-based learning programs, focused on providing ...  Read More

Original Research Paper Education technology -training course
Investigation of the conception of third-grade female high school students of the concept of limit and continuity

E. Reyhani; Z. Sharifi

Volume 12, Issue 3 , July 2018, Pages 185-201


  Background and Objectives:One of the most important concepts in mathematics, which has always been difficult for students to understand, is the concept of limit. Due to the connection of this concept to many other concepts such as infinitely large and infinitesimally small, continuity, derivative and ...  Read More

Original Research Paper Electronic learning- virtual
Designing and validating the training pattern of information and communication technology (ICT) for employees

M. Baghdarnia; Gh. Ahghar; A. Ahmade

Volume 12, Issue 3 , July 2018, Pages 203-218


  Background and Objectives:The rapid spread of information and communication technology around the world in recent decades, the increasing scientific interest of business in disparate information problems and the application of communication technology and the construction of information society among ...  Read More

Original Research Paper Educational computer games
Designing an intelligent computer game for prediction of dyslexia based on cognitive science

Z. Nevisi; M.E. Shiri; B. Minaei

Volume 12, Issue 3 , July 2018, Pages 219-229


  Background and Objectives:The ability to read is one of the abilities effective in quality of life. From among the children with normal intelligence and more, dyslexic students have a significant lack of readability due to their age and their ability to intelligence. In any planning and designing a treatment ...  Read More

Original Research Paper science education
An analytic review on blended learning effects on students achievements in learning science

Z. Khoshneshin

Volume 12, Issue 3 , July 2018, Pages 231-238


  Background and Objectives:The world of communication in the third wave of communication approaches has brought a new way of life in the form of new tools, which has led to it being called the electronic hut. Rapid developments resulting from the application of technology, including productive technology ...  Read More

Original Research Paper Electronic learning- virtual
The effectiveness of multimedia of philosophy for children on K-6 students’ problem solving

T. Esmaelzade; A. Allah Karami; F. Mosavi

Volume 12, Issue 3 , July 2018, Pages 239-247


  Background and Objectives:One of the most suitable methods whose main purposes is to teach problem-solving skills is Philosophy is for children. The interest in teaching thinking skills dates back to the late 1960s, when Professor Lippmann was teaching philosophy at Columbia University (New York) and ...  Read More

Original Research Paper Electronic learning- virtual
Application of fuzzy system in assessment of practical courses: Developing an educational multimedia

F. Jafarkhani

Volume 12, Issue 3 , July 2018, Pages 249-256


  Background and Objectives:To motivate learners to learn, their needs for security, belonging, and respect must be met, and they must be encouraged to make cognitive and developmental choices. In many ways, the only effective way to achieve this goal is to set up an education in which all learners feel ...  Read More