Electronic learning- virtual
S.H. Nouri; M. Ayati; A. Khamesan
Abstract: This study was done with the aim of making and testing multimedia program in Biology and Hygiene course by using scientific exploration model in Birjand. The method which is used is Quasi-experimental and the research population consists of the students of a guidance school in Birjand. This ...
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Abstract: This study was done with the aim of making and testing multimedia program in Biology and Hygiene course by using scientific exploration model in Birjand. The method which is used is Quasi-experimental and the research population consists of the students of a guidance school in Birjand. This study consists of 40 individuals that have been chosen by available method and the students were considered homogeneously with average, parents, educational levels and social status. Educational attainment in high and low levels of cognitive domain was measured in pre-test and post- test. The results of analyzing research by using combined ANOVA and repeated measurement indicates that the educational progress in both levels (upper and lower) of the cognitive area in the experimental group with compare to the control group was significantly higher. On the other hand t-test analysis results showed that the teaching by multimedia method has been increased the period of memories in the students.
Electronic learning- virtual
A. Asadi; G.H. Montazer
Abstract: To meet the increasing demand for higher education, universities are questing for new ways of delivering education and as a result, e-learning is being implemented more frequently each day, creating new opportunities for both educational institutions and students. Likewise, every online organization, ...
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Abstract: To meet the increasing demand for higher education, universities are questing for new ways of delivering education and as a result, e-learning is being implemented more frequently each day, creating new opportunities for both educational institutions and students. Likewise, every online organization, the website of an educational institution is the first interaction tool between the user and the organization and plays an important role in establishing long term relationships with students. To face this strategic issue for virtual universities, this paper focuses on improving website quality based on users’ information and structural needs. By considering that the basic goal of every website is to provide the user with information, first, proper content for a university website from the users’ perspective will be selected, and then a framework for Iranian universities’ websites will be proposed. Selecting proper content items from a website is a selection problem with different criteria influencing the optimal solution. Therefore, in this paper, multicriteria decision making approach is taken toward this selection problem.
Electronic learning- virtual
R. Farshad; P. Akhavan; D. Karimzadegan
Assictant: In recent years a fundamental revolution has been seen in the education. This transformation is not only in the tools and methods, but in the concept and approach of education. One of these developments is in the transferring from teacher-centered methods into students-centered methods. In ...
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Assictant: In recent years a fundamental revolution has been seen in the education. This transformation is not only in the tools and methods, but in the concept and approach of education. One of these developments is in the transferring from teacher-centered methods into students-centered methods. In this transformation, personal knowledge management can be recognized as the coin of e-learning. Concurrent with this evolution in the methods, tools of teaching have been changed fundamentally from traditional teaching tools to e-learning and e-learning 2.0 (e-learning with Web 2.0 tools). This novel method has been studied in this research. At the first, personal knowledge management processes, Web 2.0 tools have been recognized and then the overlaps with the training have been studied. The suggested model has been composed of these three areas, validated by the Delphi panel, and at last with chi-square test a survey has been done. 300 users of knowledge workers of online knowledge communities have been recognized and categorized; and knowledge workers 2.0 have been selected. In recognizing processes and tools of personal knowledge management, which can be used in e-learning, these knowledge workers answer the questions. On the other hand, 11 experts on Knowledge management (authors of ISI articles) in three rounds have been contributed in Delphi panel. The result of this study has been formed as a model for leveraging personal knowledge management tools in learning. This model includes the personal knowledge management 2.0 processes which can be used in learning. In addition, the best tools for each process have been identified in this model.
Electronic learning- virtual
S. Ayat; F. Bananzadeh
Abstract: The importance of physician’s access to the latest findings reveals the need for studying about more efficient infrastructures based on the potential of new educational technologies. In this paper, a practical model to optimize the process of medical education has been presented. This ...
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Abstract: The importance of physician’s access to the latest findings reveals the need for studying about more efficient infrastructures based on the potential of new educational technologies. In this paper, a practical model to optimize the process of medical education has been presented. This model is based on the knowledge obtained through questionnaires completed by faculty members and clinical assistants from Medical school of Shiraz University. The questionnaire reliability using Cronbach's alpha was (α=0.71). Research findings show that there is no optimal continuing educational method for updating the knowledge of studied population and more than 82% of the target audience access to the latest resources by a delay more than one month. Furthermore, 68% of them believe that treatment algorithms are the fastest methods of training. Therefore, based on these results, by employing web 2, a new model, is proposed to achieve faster and continues method for education. Functional assessment of the proposed model approved by IT professionals and its effectiveness evaluated through a descriptive study of the respondent population.
Electronic learning- virtual
N. Azizi; A. Shah Mohammadi; H. Naghdi
Abstract:The aim of this research is recognizing the barriers which exist in implementing and holding the Elearning course in Kurdistan province secondary and high schools. We also try to provide solutions for this barrier to improve the course. To do so and as a descriptive research author uses a qualitative ...
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Abstract:The aim of this research is recognizing the barriers which exist in implementing and holding the Elearning course in Kurdistan province secondary and high schools. We also try to provide solutions for this barrier to improve the course. To do so and as a descriptive research author uses a qualitative method. The statistical population of this research was 7 managers and 14 teachers who were working in the E-learning schools in the Kurdistan province. To collect the data both semi structure interview and open questionnaires were used for those participants who were not available. For analyzing the data content analysis was used in inductive approach. The results showed that technology and communications, curriculum, administrative and structural and financial barriers are the most important ones. To remove these barriers, it is necessary that the aforementioned centers and the agencies which support them provide the best infrastructures in technology and financial terms. Also, it is necessary for them to evaluate and review the related strategies and programs.
Electronic learning- virtual
P. Mortazavi Aghdam; R. Rahmani Neyshabour; E. Zareye Zavaraki; M. Atashak
This research tries to evaluate the electronic contents of "General Farsi" course consistent with Mayer multimedia design principles. The population of the research includes electronic contents of "General Farsi" course in electronic learning of Khajeh-Nassir Tousi University. The data gathering tools ...
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This research tries to evaluate the electronic contents of "General Farsi" course consistent with Mayer multimedia design principles. The population of the research includes electronic contents of "General Farsi" course in electronic learning of Khajeh-Nassir Tousi University. The data gathering tools consisted of a researcher-made checklist using five-point Liker scale with a 96 percent content validity and reliability. The results of the study indicate that the extent of consistency of the contents with the Temporal Contiguity and Redundancy Principles was optimal while it was semi-optimal when Multimedia, Spatial Contiguity, Coherence and Modality Principles were taken into account and finally it was regarded suboptimal in relation to Individual Differences Principle.
Electronic learning- virtual
A. Sanayei; H. Salimian
Internet has been a significant effect on the establishment of virtual education. Virtual education is a term that involves online learning by using e-learning. This study analyzes the affecting factors for virtual education acceptance with emphasize on the internal factors and its statistical population ...
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Internet has been a significant effect on the establishment of virtual education. Virtual education is a term that involves online learning by using e-learning. This study analyzes the affecting factors for virtual education acceptance with emphasize on the internal factors and its statistical population is, virtual faculty students of Isfahan University who have been completed the questionnaires either by their presence or through the internet (electronic questionnaires). In comparing this research with others in this field we will understand that, there is more recognition of the internal factors affecting the learners in this paper, in this study, we emphasize on these factors; and we consider the motivation and self-efficacy as internal factors. According to the technology acceptance model, we consider the direct effect of the motivation variables, ease of perceived use, cognition’s benefits, the indirect effect of social influence, system quality, facilitating condition and self-efficiency on behavioral tendency and students’ acceptance of virtual education. SPSS 19 and Amos 18 software have been used to analyze the data. The 121 questionnaire findings showed that Social influences and system quality have an impact on cognition’s benefits. Also it must be noted that we showed the effect of facilitating conditions and self-efficiency on ease of perceived use and effect of ease perceived use of the cognition’s benefits. Also on we accepted that motivation, ease of perceived use and cognition’s benefits have a direct effect on the students tendency and their behavioral tendency.
Electronic learning- virtual
N. Bibi Eshrat Zamani; M.J. Liaghat dar; A. Mohamadi; H. Babri
At first this project reviews and then compares the self-efficiency of instructors and students who use the internet in the Isfahan teacher training center. The research method is descriptive-survey. The statistical population consists of all the students and instructors in Isfahan teacher training ...
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At first this project reviews and then compares the self-efficiency of instructors and students who use the internet in the Isfahan teacher training center. The research method is descriptive-survey. The statistical population consists of all the students and instructors in Isfahan teacher training centers. The related data gathered by the researcher made questionnaire. The validity of the questionnaire was determined by content validity. The reliability coefficient calculated by Cranach’s Alpha scale 0.94. The findings showed that it should be a significant difference between the students and instructors ideas in their self-efficiency to use the internet in different areas such as: education, communication and research context. The instructors’ self-efficiency level in education, communications and research context is more than students. Also both groups have the same viewpoints about the effective factor that increase the self-efficiency in using the internet. Among these ideas access to the internet at home for the students and holding English courses for instructors has more importance.
Electronic learning- virtual
B. Maghsoudi; S. Sulaimany; A. Amiri; M. Afsharchi
Educational and technology based learning is the turning point of learning and so is utilizing networks for design, presentation, selection, management and development which includes learners, specialists and content providers. A large volume of data which is produced in user interaction with learning ...
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Educational and technology based learning is the turning point of learning and so is utilizing networks for design, presentation, selection, management and development which includes learners, specialists and content providers. A large volume of data which is produced in user interaction with learning management systems, student selected courses and their course grades are stored. These data include valuable information for studying, analyzing student behavior and offering consulting services. Electronic learning systems need virtual consultants and online associate specialists because of user-teacher distance and lack of related assistance in order to help students make better decisions and improve the learning quality level. This study aims at gaining more experience than is acquired by an associate specialist and dean by means of data mining. It also uses the data mining results to conduct educational guidance in electronic learning systems. It finds hidden patterns in student's course selection and predicts their final grades. The research also investigates the effect of activity, entrance method, time of attendance, and semester in electronic learning systems
Electronic learning- virtual
Gh. Montazer; A. Moosavi
Focusing on quality and expansion of skill education to train creative and skill ful human resources has had a significant increase over the last years. In this regard، creating E-Training centers is among issues that should be carefully considered by training authorities. In this paper، evaluating ...
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Focusing on quality and expansion of skill education to train creative and skill ful human resources has had a significant increase over the last years. In this regard، creating E-Training centers is among issues that should be carefully considered by training authorities. In this paper، evaluating different models for E-readiness، relying on comparative studies، and analyzing data obtained from national studies، a comprehensive conceptual framework has been designed to study e-training readiness in the country. The achieved model includes three main dimensions: “hard infrastructure readiness”، “soft provisions readiness”، “supervision، and arrangements readiness”، as well as fifteen indexes which offer a comprehensive model to the countries training system and define its position in the development of mass scaled E-learning.
Electronic learning- virtual
Z. Sharifi; A. Nasr; A. Monajemi
The purpose of this study was investigate the amount of realization of technical characterization and the assessment of course in developing and designing virtual courses of Iranian universities from the view points of students. Developing and designing virtual courses of criteria was five domain, and ...
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The purpose of this study was investigate the amount of realization of technical characterization and the assessment of course in developing and designing virtual courses of Iranian universities from the view points of students. Developing and designing virtual courses of criteria was five domain, and because of there are a lot of subjects in this article so, only above categories have been considered. In this study, descriptive-measurable method has been used. Statistical population of the study who were studying graduate and undergraduate students in the courses of engineering and human science who were selected of Shiraz and Khajenasir universities in the colligate year of 1386-87. For gathering the data, were used: quantitative method (researcher-made questionnaire). The questionnaire results identified that, in two research domain (technical characterization, and the assessment of course) The T which was seen was larger than the critical level of table (p≤0.05). In general, the all of the means, was higher than value means (3) (the mean of technical characterization domain 3/58, and the mean of assessment of course domain 3/02). Therefore, in relation to the results of this research as viewed by students, characteristics that mentioned above must pay attention higher average level.
Electronic learning- virtual
M. Mazloom
Many discussions are available about the benefits and drawbacks of PowerPoint software in literature; however, according to the author’s review, there is not any comprehensive research about the optimum percentage of time of the classes for teaching with this software. This paper represents the ...
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Many discussions are available about the benefits and drawbacks of PowerPoint software in literature; however, according to the author’s review, there is not any comprehensive research about the optimum percentage of time of the classes for teaching with this software. This paper represents the best methods and percentages of utilizing PowerPoint software in classes. For this purpose, eight different classes of a university course were chosen, and each two classes were taught with a specific training method. In other words, four teaching methods containing four different amounts of times used for teaching with PowerPoint files were selected. This experimental work took four semesters. The percentages of times used for teaching with PowerPoint software were 0%, 25%, 40% and 100% respectively. The statistical analyses on coefficient errors indicate that the suitable percentages of teaching with PowerPoint are from 37% to 52% of the time of classes.
Electronic learning- virtual
S. Mosa ramezani
The aim of this research was to determine the effect of teaching method (lecture and multimedia) on the level of achievement motivation and self-regulation students of distance education centers in Tehran Arabic cource (2). All statistical community to second grade students of humanities degree distance ...
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The aim of this research was to determine the effect of teaching method (lecture and multimedia) on the level of achievement motivation and self-regulation students of distance education centers in Tehran Arabic cource (2). All statistical community to second grade students of humanities degree distance learning centers in Tehran and in the academic year studying 1388-89 were comprised. To select samples randomly from the multi-stage cluster is used. Total sample size of "30 was randomly divided into 15 groups, then a group of multimedia teaching method and the other group received training in methods of training lecture. Academic achievement motivation and self-regulation through varlland test learners through tests self-regulation strategies and pintrich °roate (1990) were measured. pretest has shown not significant difference between the two groups (a) and (2) the level of achievement motivation and self-regulation of Arabic cource (2). Data obtained from these two tests using covariance analysis to help software and Excell SPSS18 were analyzed. The results have shown, achievement motivation between these two groups there is no significant difference. After observed no differences between two groups of academic achievement motivation, internal and external motivation of two groups using independent t tests were calculated and analyzed. Our results showed no difference in academic achievement motivation among internal and external groups the subjects. The self-regulation in the field, the results had suggested that the two groups in their regulatory subscales except anxiety, and efficiency and goal orientation, there is no significant difference.
Electronic learning- virtual
E. Aminifar; B. Saleh Sedghpour; F. Valinejad
To investigate the impact of technology on the mathematics learning, female students of two mathematics classes who studying at pre-university level in Torkamanchay, were selected as experimental and control group. Graph subject was taught to the experimental group by NEWGRAPH software (a kind of dynamic ...
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To investigate the impact of technology on the mathematics learning, female students of two mathematics classes who studying at pre-university level in Torkamanchay, were selected as experimental and control group. Graph subject was taught to the experimental group by NEWGRAPH software (a kind of dynamic interactive software), and to the control group without it. At first a pre-test and after the teaching period, a post-test was given to both groups. Statistical analysis revealed the experimental group’s marks is better than the control group’s marks. This research is also about answering to questions, in teaching by technology, whether the total of teaching should be done by using technology, or must integrate with other teaching methods?, which patterns for teaching without technology could be deducted from this research?
Electronic learning- virtual
J. Mesrabadi
One of the most widely used information presentation software is PowerPoint. This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of PowerPoint slides on the learners’ cognitive and affective outputs. Affective indicators have included the student opinions about the effects of these methods on improving ...
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One of the most widely used information presentation software is PowerPoint. This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of PowerPoint slides on the learners’ cognitive and affective outputs. Affective indicators have included the student opinions about the effects of these methods on improving note-taking, improving understanding and improving Teaching - learning process. Retention, understanding and application of the learned material were considered as well as cognitive indicators. An educational psychology achievement test was used to measure the cognitive outputs and an attitude scale was used to measure the affective outputs. Research design used in this study is a semi-experimental with pretest and posttest by compared groups. The study subjects were 73 students of teacher training Azerbaijan University who were chosen by available sampling method. Results indicated that the use of PowerPoint software hasn’t a significant impact on the cognitive parameters but that has a significant effect on the students’ opinions about improving note taking. This inefficiency due content centered and linearity nature of PowerPoint software. Using concept map software that in which the structure of knowledge is emphasized was introduced as an alternative approach.
Electronic learning- virtual
M. Khoshnoodifar; K. Fathi Vajargah
The purpose of this study with a descriptive-survey method is to investigate the trends and dimensions of curricula internationalization process with a distance education approach in higher education in Iran. It examines the necessity of internationalization of curriculum as well identifying the factors, ...
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The purpose of this study with a descriptive-survey method is to investigate the trends and dimensions of curricula internationalization process with a distance education approach in higher education in Iran. It examines the necessity of internationalization of curriculum as well identifying the factors, conditions, resources, equipment, limitations, opportunities and appropriate strategies to do so. Using cluster-stratified sampling and Cochran formula, 543 university professors and Iranian and foreign students at five universities in Tehran were selected to fill out the questionnaire which consisted of 8 areas and 96 questions. The data analysis was carried out using one sample t-test, Friedman test and standard deviation. Based on the findings, to accompany globalization and to introduce Iranian culture and civilization to the world, curricula internationalization in higher education is a necessary issue; Distance education can be an effective strategy to achieve the above due to its high degree of flexibility and its ability to overcome geographical, political, economic and cultural borders. The most influential factor in succeeding in internationalizing curriculum with a distance education approach in higher education of Iran are: increasing international cooperation of universities, expanding use of the international language in teaching, revising the current rules and regulations and clarifying them, increasing financial and human resources, developing technological infrastructure, exploiting cultural similarities and a large number of applicants who want to study aboard in the middle east, selecting appropriate subjects and considering transformative approach in curriculum components or change in thought paradigms of teachers and learners for the sake of change in materials and how to teach them.
Electronic learning- virtual
S. Khazaie; H. Vahid Dastjerdi; M.R. Talebinezhad
The present study was intended to investigate the effectiveness of using Short Message Service (SMS) in blended way of teaching English vocabulary items to Iranian high school students. Moreover, it aimed to understand whether or not using verbal annotation with new vocabulary items affect on students' ...
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The present study was intended to investigate the effectiveness of using Short Message Service (SMS) in blended way of teaching English vocabulary items to Iranian high school students. Moreover, it aimed to understand whether or not using verbal annotation with new vocabulary items affect on students' learning process. To those ends, 60 Iranian high school juniors were divided to two groups to learn 100 vocabulary items in an educational year. To prevent the inclusion of word items that students already knew English vocabulary level test was conducted. Then, they were taught English vocabulary items in 10 sessions in the two modes of presentation. That is, the first group (hereafter G1) was taught the vocabulary items traditionally and the other group (hereafter G2) was taught vocabulary items, with and without annotation, using the blended way of teaching. At the end of each session, they took part in English Vocabulary Recognition and Recall (EVRR) tests under the same conditions. Based on their scores on EVRR tests and statistical analysis of the results it was revealed that compared with traditional method of language teaching there is a significant relationship between using mobile technology and Students' vocabulary learning abilities especially with incorporation of verbal annotation.
Electronic learning- virtual
S. Morasaei
Nowadays, the vehicle of education is changing from the traditional form into mobile learning. The present study is performed with the general objective of determining the role of mobile learning in the educational communications between agricultural cooperatives. This study is a quantitative research, ...
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Nowadays, the vehicle of education is changing from the traditional form into mobile learning. The present study is performed with the general objective of determining the role of mobile learning in the educational communications between agricultural cooperatives. This study is a quantitative research, non experimental and in terms of the objective is an applied research. The participants of this descriptive-survey include managers and board of directors of agricultural cooperatives of Zanjan province. Among a population of 900, 176 participants were selected based on Cochran formula and through stratified random sampling. The main instrument of the research for collecting data was a questionnaire. The results showed that among the problems of the current learning system in agricultural cooperatives the lack of technical education, educational participation and motivating factors have a high priority. In this research the most important capability of mobile learning system is the modification of some of the problems such as low quality and quantity of education, the lack of motivating factors and participation in education. Regarding the results of the research, sending questionnaires and receiving information and news through SMS, sending questionnaires and receiving information through MMS and sending questionnaires and receiving information and news through SMS, Bluetooth and Communicative phone respectively have more capability for education of the members of agricultural cooperatives, members of broad members and employee of cooperation office.
Electronic learning- virtual
N. Saberi; Gh.A. Montazer
Environmental monitoring for extraction of learner’s features and accurately learner modeling is a time and cost consuming task. This paper proposes a flexible framework using agent architecture capabilities in learners’ monitoring and also in optimization of Intelligent Tutoring subsystems ...
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Environmental monitoring for extraction of learner’s features and accurately learner modeling is a time and cost consuming task. This paper proposes a flexible framework using agent architecture capabilities in learners’ monitoring and also in optimization of Intelligent Tutoring subsystems interactions. In this research learner’s learning approaches have been recognized by learning style theory then their uncertainty has been reduced by Bayesian Network. This framework prepares recommendations by combination of learners’ learning style and learner’s abilities (that are computed by Item Response Theory (IRT)) for three groups: learners, tutors and system designer. The architecture of proposed tutoring system has been presented in three layers. In middle layer there are four agents that monitor learners, create learner’s model, update it and prepare some recommendations based on courseware features, learner’s abilities and his/her learning style. A study was conducted on 30 Computer Engineering students during one semester. The implementation of the proposed system on participants indicates an increase in all evaluation factors, for example it doubles educational success rate and learner’s satisfaction rate.
Electronic learning- virtual
H. Delf Acharsh
In this research, the effectiveness of Computer-Assisted Instruction on Academic Achievement of Higher Primary School in Ahwaz City has been surveying. Two hounded students (boys and girls) randomly selected and in each school, two classes (50 students in each class and totally four classes), were divided ...
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In this research, the effectiveness of Computer-Assisted Instruction on Academic Achievement of Higher Primary School in Ahwaz City has been surveying. Two hounded students (boys and girls) randomly selected and in each school, two classes (50 students in each class and totally four classes), were divided with the same teacher in science subject. It has collected around 200 academic achievement scores in science subject in form of pre-test and post-test from two different groups (control and experimental group). Pre-achievement scores in science in previous semester and non-verbal intelligence scores have obtained as co-variates for the study. It has analyzed the results that has compared between two groups with respect to academic achievement in science subject. The results revealed that the Computer-Assisted Instruction software package has its effect on academic achievement in science subject of students in experimental group and scores of students in experimental group were higher than scores of students in control group. In addition, the results revealed that there is no significant difference between boys and girls in academic achievement scores in science of experimental group after implement the Computer-Assisted Instruction software package teaching method and both of two groups have higher scores in science subject.
Electronic learning- virtual
H. Hashemnezhad; S.B. Hosseini; vahid vaziri
Architecture includes a wide range of courses from only theoretical courses to only practical ones. Applying distance education for transferring the learning from teacher to student requires deliberation and exact programming. In this research, we have compared the level of learning of students in traditional ...
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Architecture includes a wide range of courses from only theoretical courses to only practical ones. Applying distance education for transferring the learning from teacher to student requires deliberation and exact programming. In this research, we have compared the level of learning of students in traditional education system with that of the students in distance education system in architecture field. For this purpose, students a course arbitrary choose traditional or distance education system for given course materials. Selection of studied course materials among specialized ones considering the level of action of its presentation will be illustrated in the text. This study is a semi-experimental research. The population which has been studied includes the students of architecture in associate and bachelor level program of the University of Mohaggeg in Ardebil during the academic years of 2007-8 and 2006-7. The collected data is the result of the qualitative –quantitative assessment of these students in their academic courses and comparison of their level of learning with one another. The result of this research focuses on the success of distance education system in theory vs. the relative lack of success in practical courses. These conditions, different plan for practical courses in distance education system takes.
Electronic learning- virtual
S.M. Abdollahi; B.E. Zamani; E. Ebrahimzadeh; B. Zandi; H. Zare
Main purpose of this research is to comparative study of point of views of faculty members and administers Isfahan university about major barriers of faculty participation in e-learning courses. Second purpose of this research is to study probably relations between these barriers h n order to suggest ...
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Main purpose of this research is to comparative study of point of views of faculty members and administers Isfahan university about major barriers of faculty participation in e-learning courses. Second purpose of this research is to study probably relations between these barriers h n order to suggest some advises for rising level of faculty collaboration on this field. Type of this research is qualitive -quantitive. At the beginning of research, researcher designed a conceptual model based on literature and classified deterrents on three groups include personal, attitudinal and contextual inhibitors. Then, a researcher-made inventory provided based on this model and distributed on a sample include 50 faculty members of educational groups which present virtual courses in this university. Method of sampling was census. Friedman analysis Result indicated between the barriers, contextual inhibitors have the most inhibition against faculty participation. In qualitive part of research, researchers performed some semi-structured interview with five administers who were supervisor of holding courses. Analysis of this part was done by coding and categorization of interviews. Result of comparative study indicated being of contextual inhibitors reinforce effect of personal and attitudinal inhibitors.
Electronic learning- virtual
L. Pour Mohammad Baqer; E. Pour Mohammad Baqer
It is certain that the present world, in fact the world of information technology and the world of hasty history, is different because of changes. Education systems in society and university are not detached from other sociable and national organizations and from extensive international changes in global ...
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It is certain that the present world, in fact the world of information technology and the world of hasty history, is different because of changes. Education systems in society and university are not detached from other sociable and national organizations and from extensive international changes in global village, since education society is the center of changes and alternations both in historical experience and special condition at present century. Education systems will be changed in the future because there is transformation in social organization of human being but the most important issue is that those kinds of strategies should be used in which education systems at universities are not imitation but recreate themselves in sync with human's development. This paper investigates information and communication technology and its application at university education in different courses of teaching, learning, educational help devices, imaginary libraries and distance education. Then there are different propositions about improving education at universities.
Electronic learning- virtual
B. Saleh Sadeghpour; S. Mirzaei
The present research tries to investigate the attitudes of Faculty members who adopt traditional, distance or both educational systems towards e learning. The ex post facto method was used in this study and population of the survey included faculty members of Basic Sciences and Technology Universities ...
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The present research tries to investigate the attitudes of Faculty members who adopt traditional, distance or both educational systems towards e learning. The ex post facto method was used in this study and population of the survey included faculty members of Basic Sciences and Technology Universities of Tehran. The instrument was used a questionnaire containing some questions about Faculty beliefs towards electronical learning. The method of analysis was used MANOVA. In conclusion, it appears that skill development is a fundamental factor for proffessors to adopt e learning. On the other hand, those who didn’t have enough familiarity with e learning issue, were more reluctant to apply it.