Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Faculty of Engineering, Shahrekord University, Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari, Iran

2 Educational System,, Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari, Iran


It is certain that the present world, in fact the world of information technology and the world of hasty history, is different because of changes. Education systems in society and university are not detached from other sociable and national organizations and from extensive international changes in global village, since education society is the center of changes and alternations both in historical experience and special condition at present century. Education systems will be changed in the future because there is transformation in social organization of human being but the most important issue is that those kinds of strategies should be used in which education systems at universities are not imitation but recreate themselves in sync with human's development.
This paper investigates information and communication technology and its application at university education in different courses of teaching, learning, educational help devices, imaginary libraries and distance education. Then there are different propositions about improving education at universities.


Main Subjects

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