Educational Robotics
The impact of assistantrobotteacher on improving productive English skillsemphasizing communicative language teaching approach: Researchsynthesis

Sh. Khosravinezhad; Z. Taleb; A. Ahmadi; D. Noroozi

Volume 14, Issue 3 , July 2020, , Pages 603-614

  Background and Objectives:The goal of this study was to examine the impact of assistant robot teacher on improving productive English skills emphasizing on Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) by research synthesis method. The research was applied one; and considering the the way of implementation, ...  Read More

Educational Robotics
The nature and rationale of the robotic curriculum in elementary school

R. Mansouri Gargar; A. Hoseini Khah; M. Alemi; Z. Niknam

Volume 13, Issue 2 , April 2019, , Pages 351-369

  Background and Objective:As widespread changes have occurred in the community, the use of technology has also expanded. To effectively prepare for and cope with evolving of this century we need to design and develop special curricula. Educational robotics is an advanced technology that requires special ...  Read More

Educational Robotics
Effect of Virtual Social Robots on Improving Students’ Cognitive Performance on a Vigilance Assignment

A. Meghdari; M. Alemi; S. Rezaie Zareie

Volume 11, Issue 3 , July 2017, , Pages 271-283

  Instruction has been the most important way of transferring knowledge. Education efficiency is dependent on many different parameters such as education scenario (game scenario designed based on winning strategy), environment condition, the method of interaction with students, etc. Teachers during the ...  Read More

Educational Robotics
Using Virtual Reality Technology and a Haptic Robot for Teaching Blind Students

S. Hossein khani; M. ArbabTafti; Gh. Payganeh

Volume 9, Issue 3 , July 2015, , Pages 167-174

  A virtual reality platform is presented for teaching simple shapes and alphabetic letters to blind students. By using this technology the teacher could be able to present special letters and shapes on a virtual plate. A virtual plate displays shapes and letters that the blind user can “feel” ...  Read More