Document Type : Review Paper


1 Department of Curriculum Studies, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran

2 Humanities Faculty, West Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


Background and Objective:As widespread changes have occurred in the community, the use of technology has also expanded. To effectively prepare for and cope with evolving of this century we need to design and develop special curricula. Educational robotics is an advanced technology that requires special attention. In the past few decades, robotics has attracted the attention of researchers and teachers as a valuable tool in developing cognitive / social skills of students and in supporting the learning of subjects in science, mathematics, language, and technology.
There are several important reasons why young students should be exposed to robotics. As our world becomes more and more technologically advanced, students need to early experience so that to feel comfortable with and be aware of technology. In addition, the inclusion of robotics in the school curriculum will help prepare students to enter the job market with technological literacy. Robotics is an attractive approach to technology training due to its interdisciplinary nature, which requires expertise in a wide range of fields from mathematics to aesthetics. This can attract the interest and engagement of students who have not been successful in traditional subject matters. The purpose of this paper is to explain the philosophical orientation and educational robotics foundations at the primary school level so that policymakers, engineers and curriculum developers can formulate curriculum models for implementation.
Methods: In this research, educational robotics was analyzed and synthesized using the synthesis research method. Valid documents and research from the last four decades have been selected and categorized using a criterion-based purposive sampling technique.
Findings: Synthesis findings indicate that robotics in schools work in two ways as an independent subject and as an educational enabler serving other topics. Logical justification of it is based on constructivist, including epistemological (personal and multidisciplinary), psychological (attention to motivation, creativity and etc.) and sociological foundations (interaction, predictability and etc.).
Conclusion: In order to design a curriculum, a planner must first pay attention to the nature of the subject or knowledge and then proceed to develop a plan based on the orientations of the curriculum. Because the subject is robotics training in elementary school, the planner must pay attention to its nature first. The findings of this synthesis showed that robotics can serve in schools at all levels as an independent subject or as an educational enabler in the service of other subjects. Therefore, it is necessary to differentiate between the concepts of robotic training and training robotics. In robotics training, the subject is robot training; but in educational robotics, the robot is considered as a method, tool or technique that is used to teach other subjects.


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Main Subjects

©2019 The author(s). This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, as long as the original authors and source are cited. No permission is required from the authors or the publishers. 

[4] Lough TFC. Robotics education: Teacher observations of the effect onstudent attitudes and learning. TIES Magazin; 2002.
[11] Nasr Esfahani AR [Translation of Educational research: an introduction] Gall MD, Borg WR, Gall JP (Author). Tehran: Samt.; 1996. Persian
[20]  Meghdari A, Alemi M. Cognitive-Social Robotics: Mysteries and Needs. Iranian Journal of Engineering Education. 2016; 18(70): 55-76. Persian
[21]  Costa MF, Ribeiro C, Coutinho C, Rocha M. A Study of educational robotics in elementary schools. Selected Papers on Hands-on Science. 2008; 1: 580-595.
[29] Wyrobek KA, Berger EH, Van der Loos HM,  Salisbury JK. Towards a personal robotics development platform: Rationale and design of an intrinsically safe personal robot. Paper presented at theRobotics and Automation, 2008. ICRA 2008. IEEE International Conference on.
[40] Botelho SS, Braz LG, odrigues, RN. Exploring creativity and sociability with an accessible educational robotic kit. Paper presented at the Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. on Robotics in Education (RiE 2012), Prague, Czech Republic.
[41] Chu KH, Goldman R, Sklar E. Roboxap: an agent-based educational robotics simulator. Paper presented at the Agent-based Systems for Human Learning Workshop at AAMAS-2005.
[49] Vernado T. Robotics across the curriculum. Tech Directions. 2000; 60(4), 22.
[50] Mataric MJ. Robotics education for all ages.Paper presented at the Proc. AAAI Spring Symposium on Accessible, Hands-on AI and Robotics Education; 2004.
[58] Bers MU. Blocks to robots: Learning with technology in the early childhood classroom. United States of America: Teachers College, Columbia University; 2008.
[64] Woffinden S, Packham J. Experiential learning, just do it! The Agricultural Education Magazine. 2001; 73(6): 8.
[70] Deen M, Bailey S, Parker L. View life skills.
[72] Alimisis D. Robotics in education & education in robotics: Shifting focus from technology to pedagogy. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Robotics in Education; 2012.
[73] Fiorini P, Galvan S, Giuliari L, Pighi L. It Takes a Village... to do Science Education. Paper presented at the SIMPAR 2008, Intl. Conf. on Simulation, modeling and programming for autonomous robots.
[86] Costa MF, Ribeiro C, Coutinho C, Rocha M. A Study of educational robotics in elementary schools. Selected Papers on Hands-on Science. 2008; 1, 580-595.
[89] Datteri E, Zecca L, Laudisa F, Castiglioni M. Explaining robotic behaviors: a case study on science education. Paper presented at the Proceedings of 3rd International Workshop Teaching Robotics, Teaching with Robotics Integrating Robotics in School Curriculum; 2012.
[99] Eguchi A. Bringing Robotics in Classrooms Robotics in STEM Education (pp. 3-31): Springer; 2017.
[103] Mota MIG. Work in progress-using lego mindstorms and robolab as a mean to lowering dropout and failure rate in programming course. Paper presented at the Frontiers In Education Conference-Global Engineering: Knowledge Without Borders, Opportunities Without Passports, 2007. FIE'07. 37th Annual.
[105] Shariatmadari A. Principles and Philosophy of Education. Tehran: Amir Kabir; 2002 Persian
[112]  Datteri E, Zecca L, Laudisa F, Castiglioni M. Explaining robotic behaviors: a case study on science education. Paper presented at the Proceedings of 3rd International Workshop Teaching Robotics, Teaching with Robotics Integrating Robotics in School Curriculum; 2012.
[113] Cavas B, Kesercioglu T, Holbrook J, Rannikmae M, Ozdogru E, Gokler F. The effects of robotics club on the students’ performance on science process & scientific creativity skills and perceptions on robots, human and society. Paper presented at the Proceedings of 3rd International Workshop Teaching Robotics, Teaching with Robotics Integrating Robotics in School Curriculum, (pp. 40-50).; 2012
[116] Lewis R. Working and learning in distributed communities. Computer Supported Learning Environments, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid; 1996.
[117] Charlier B, Daele A, Cheffert JL, Peeters R, Lusalusa S. Learning collaboratively in a virtual campus: teachers’ experiences. Paper presented at the ISATT 99 conference, Dublin (Ireland); 1999.
[119]  Petters R. Learning collaboratively in a virtual campus. Learn-Nett, WP4; 1998.
[131] Lee CD. Intervention research based on current views of cognition and learning: Black education: A transformative research and action agenda for the new century: American Educational Research Association; 2005.
[134] Bouillion LM, Gomez LM. The case for considering cultural entailments and genres of attachment in the design of educational technologies. Paper presented at the Smart machines in education; 2001.
[136] Alemi M, Meghdari A, Basiri NM, Taheri A. The effect of applying humanoid robots as teacher assistants to help Iranian autistic pupils learn English as a foreign language. Paper presented at the International Conference on Social Robotics; 2015.