Electronic learning- virtual
E. Jafari; M. RezaeiZadeh,; R. Shahverdi,; B. Bandali; M. Abolghasemi
Background and Objectives: Today, teachers need a set of broader and more complex qualifications than before. In order for e-learning to be successful, front-line teachers must employ the necessary technological knowledge and effective pedagogical strategies to use ICT in the classroom. Also, to accompany ...
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Background and Objectives: Today, teachers need a set of broader and more complex qualifications than before. In order for e-learning to be successful, front-line teachers must employ the necessary technological knowledge and effective pedagogical strategies to use ICT in the classroom. Also, to accompany young learners in the development of digital competences, it is necessary that their teachers have the necessary digital literacy and competence in the first place. Therefore, digital competence is one of the key competences for teachers. For this reason, the aim of the present study was to evaluate the status of digital educational competencies of teachers based on the European Union framework.Methods: The current research design was quantitative and the participants in the research were 182 teachers from all over the country from 20 provinces and 46 different cities. To evaluate the digital educational competencies of teachers, a virtual workshop entitled "Teacher; On the way to digitalization" was held. After introducing and explaining each competence, the teacher provided the question related to the competence to the participants through the link of Google form, so that the questionnaire could be completed in this way. The questionnaire included 3 general competencies and 10 sub-competencies. Each competency had three levels: Novice and Explorer, Expert and Integrator, and Leader and Pioneer. In fact, the teacher evaluated him/herself based on these three levels of each competency.Findings: The results showed that the competence status of teachers' digital resources in the field of managing, protecting and sharing digital resources and creating and modifying digital resources was at the level of "novice and explorer" and "integrator and expert", respectively. In relation to teaching and learning competence, except self-regulated learning competence, which was at the "novice and explorer" level, other competences were at the "integrator and expert" level. Competence of "assessment strategies" and "analyzing evidence" was also at the level of "novice and explorer". Regarding other competencies, no significant relationship between levels was observed. Also, no significant relationship was found between demographic components (occupation, age, gender, and province) and competencies.Conclusion: In the current research, in addition to familiarizing the teachers with this framework and the types of digital competencies they need in the teaching profession, the evaluation of the digital competencies of the participants was also considered. Since the evaluation was done along with the training, it can be said with more confidence that the obtained data was more accurate. Also, evaluating teachers' digital competencies based on a spectrum or progression model helps to better and more accurately evaluate teachers and develop their digital competencies. In this case, training will be need-based and personalized in some way. Also, investigating the relationship between demographic components and the state of competencies leads to a more accurate understanding of the current situation of teachers in the country. In general, the results of using this self-evaluation can be used to adjust training courses and empower teachers and help teachers' educational preparation. One of the suggestions of this research for future researchers is to consider the evaluation of other competencies of the DigCompEdu framework. In the current research, the main focus was on basic competencies, that is, digital resources, teaching and learning, and assessment.
Educational Technology - Blended Learning
A. Hossiny; M.R. Yousefzadeh; F. Seraji
Background and Objectives: The mission of the education system is to transform students into citizens of the information society, according to technological developments that can use the facilities and platforms created in education to guide and direct daily activities and solve different problems appropriately. ...
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Background and Objectives: The mission of the education system is to transform students into citizens of the information society, according to technological developments that can use the facilities and platforms created in education to guide and direct daily activities and solve different problems appropriately. The Iranian educational system has emphasized the use of new technologies, the National Information and Communication Network in education, by preparing the "Fundamental Transformation Document of Education". Along with the expansion of ICT integration in schools, the matter of evaluating ICT integration in primary schools is important to ensure and improve the quality of teaching and learning, to determine the contexts and requirements of integration in the curriculum for implementation and enforcement. Evaluation criteria help all experts, managers and teachers to always be aware of the results of their work and know how much educational goals and goals of the organization have been achieved. This awareness leads to the integration of ICT in the curriculum in the desired way. The purpose of this study was to determine the holistic framework for evaluation of ICT integration in elementary school curriculum.Methods This research was conducted by a combined exploratory method in two stages. The qualitative research method was phenomenological. In the first stage, in order to determine the evaluation criteria, the semi-structured interview was conducted using purposive sampling, and in the next stage, a questionnaire was used to confirm the evaluation criteria by available sampling method. The participants in qualitative phase were selected based on criteria-based sampling method and the rule of theoretical saturation and hence included teachers and principals of smart schools. The statistical sample in the quantitative part included experts in the field of e-learning. Participants in the qualitative section included six principals and nine teachers and in the quantitative section, the participants included ten e-learning experts. In order to analyze the collected data in the qualitative part, the collage method (open, axial and selective coding) and in the quantitative part, CVR was used.Findings: The findings of the research in the qualitative part indicated that the evaluation framework of ICT integration included 14 criteria in different sections such as: supportive (3 criteria), electronic content (2 criteria), teacher's teaching activities (2 criteria), materials and learning resources (2 criteria), learning activities (2 criteria) and student group activities (2 criteria). In the quantitative part, the CVR percentage of all six evaluation components was higher than the table number (0.62). Electronic content components and support with the highest percentage and qualification of students were confirmed with the lowest percentage of agreement among the evaluation criteria.Conclusion: In order to increase the quality of integration in evaluation, special attention should be paid to the interaction and transaction of all evaluation components. The emphasis on separate evaluation of the dimensions of integration is the incomplete implementation of integrated evaluation in the curriculum. It is suggested that evaluators have a comprehensive and holistic view of all evaluation criteria in the field of Organizational and Educational Areas in evaluating the integration of ICT in the curriculum.
R. Ahmadi; B. Mohammadi
Background and Objectives: On March 29, 2021, UNESCO held a virtual meeting of education ministers under the slogan "One year into covid, priority given to improving education to prevent generational catastrophe".The purpose of this meeting was to review the lessons learned from this new situation, the ...
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Background and Objectives: On March 29, 2021, UNESCO held a virtual meeting of education ministers under the slogan "One year into covid, priority given to improving education to prevent generational catastrophe".The purpose of this meeting was to review the lessons learned from this new situation, the most important risks head and strategies to prevent academic backwardness. One of the main themes of the meeting was the digital transformation and the future of education. Following the pandemic of covid-19 disease in Iran and other countries of the world and the horizon opened in the application of e-learning, it is necessary to develop indicators to evaluate the quality of this training. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the quality of learning management system based on ISO 9126 standard.Methods: In this research, descriptive-survey research method was used. Data collection tool was a researcher-made quality questionnaire of e-learning management system that was designed based on ISO 9126 indicators. To check the validity of the measurement tool, Question analysis, reliability and validity were used. To analyze the questions, the methods of calculating the difficulty index , discriminative index and loop method and for face validity, content validity and construct validity were used to validate the questionnaire. Its validity was confirmed by experts and its reliability was obtained using Cronbach's alpha of 0.907. To analyze the data, two methods of descriptive and inferential statistics were used by SPSS software. In the descriptive statistics section, tables of frequency, mean, graphs and standard deviation, frequency percentage and in the inferential statistics section, one-group t were used to test for significant differences. The statistical population of this study included Master's and PhD students of Shahid Rajaei teacher training University Virtual Education Center, which was calculated by random sampling method to 161 people based on Klein's view.Findings: According to statistical tests results the results indicate that the quality of the learning management system, virtual learning centers operating in the components and reliability is low-middle level, and components of usability is medium to high levels and components of efficiency is medium levels. The results of t-test indicate that the mean obtained in 160 degrees is significant with 95% confidence. Therefore, the quality of e-learning management system of the statistical population based on ISO 9126, with 95% confidence is in the middle to lower level.Conclusion: In the learning management system, the ISO 9126 standard to determine the quality of software is one of the most important topics in e-learning which has been considered as an influential factor in various researches. In terms of the necessary of changes the world's educational systems and the tendency to use virtual education, Managers of educational systems are advised to ensure the provision of high quality training by identifying the weaknesses of the e-learning software system and paving the way for their elimination. Also, in accordance with the standards, provide the necessary infrastructure for the purposeful use of these systems. In investigating the cause of low quality of learning management system based on ISO 9126 standard, there can be weaknesses in the sub-characteristics of these components such as adaptability, compliance, security, fault tolerance, recoverability, time behavior, resource behavior, installability, analyzability and stability named.
Modern Educational Approaches
S. Rezaei Ashtiani; J. MahdiNejad
Background and Objective:Architecture education is one of the most important issues in the development of architecture. In this decade, universities and colleges are increasingly committed to effective assessment of students to improve students' learning, and not just giving them a grade. The importance ...
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Background and Objective:Architecture education is one of the most important issues in the development of architecture. In this decade, universities and colleges are increasingly committed to effective assessment of students to improve students' learning, and not just giving them a grade. The importance of examining this issue is that the assessment methods for architectural education systems that are based on design and studio, need more research than other fields. In the field of architectural design, unlike other fields students do not take part in written, descriptive, or multiple choice tests, and it is much more difficult to turn what architecture students offer into a score in comparison to other disciplines. One of the important pillars of education is evaluation. The crit is the most common assessment method and having feedback in architecture. In research on the crit, little attention was paid to the sense and reception of students from the process of evaluation, while being recognized as one of the greatest student's dissatisfaction. The purpose of this research is to understand the students' viewpoints about the current methods of the crit, in addition of studying student designing capability, evaluate the design and process, in a way to judge architectural projects to improve the quality of arbitration and education in this field, شnd provides model for the correct measurement and judgment method, based on goals and design process, relying on criteria which are based on educational objectives. Methods: In this research, 40 undergraduate and postgraduate students at Sure university school of architecture were selected through cluster sampling as focus groups, and experts has been used to weight the criteria by AHP method. Findings: Among them, critical explanation with weight of 38% is more important, after that the development of the chosen idea with 21%, the concept and design solution, with 17% & 14% eventually the final design with 10% is the least important of the five criteria. Conclusion: In order to evaluate the architectural design based on the students' opinion and the previous methods of evaluation, a model was proposed. The proposed pattern correctly plays all four roles of evaluation - feedback, motivator, guide, evaluation-communication. With this model, students are graded based on the quality of their work and this have nothing to do with the performance of other students; and therefore there is no comparison between students. At the same time, because a number is presented in the end, the rank of the student is determined among the other students, while each person's work is compared to his own. In this model, the criteria are defined and prioritized based on the objectives of the course. The proposed model can provide strategies for practitioners of architecture education, such as lecturers and students to enhance their learning
Curriculum Planning
G.A. Ahmady; H. Sheikholeslami; A. Assareh; E. Reyhani
Background and Objective:The role of mathematics in various fields of science and technology and its usefulness in improving human life has been so effective and irreplaceable that it has been called the mother of sciences. Therefore, the development and improvement of mathematics curricula has always ...
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Background and Objective:The role of mathematics in various fields of science and technology and its usefulness in improving human life has been so effective and irreplaceable that it has been called the mother of sciences. Therefore, the development and improvement of mathematics curricula has always been on the agenda of curriculum planners. In such a way that these programs can provide more and more ground for the development of process, skills and attitudes of learners in mathematics and they lead to the growth and development of their understanding and logical reasoning. Therefore, achieving the goals of mathematics education should be monitored in different ways. International tests that are conducted for this purpose are designed and implemented to measure the mathematical literacy of students in participating countries and indicate the sensitivity of educational systems to the performance of students' mathematical performance. This paper evaluates the curriculum of 10th grade mathematics from the perspective of the respective teachers working in Tehran, Iran. Methods: The research is based on Aker’s curriculum elements and it also has emphasis on the mathematics context-based approach. The method is descriptive background study. The tool for the research is a self-constructed questionnaire which has been validated with the content validation method. The Cornbach’s alpha test has been utilized to test the consistency of the questionnaire which resulted in value equal to 0.910. The statistics sample size is equal to people all of which has been working as teachers throughout the 2017 academic year. To attain samples, we utilized multistage cluster sampling that carried out on a sample of 111 respective teachers. One sample t-test was used to answer the research question. Findings: The results reveal that the answer to the 6 research question were negative. That is, in curriculum of 10th grade mathematics have not been noticed to the context-based mathematical curriculum elements. Conclusion: Evaluative studies are the bases of change and transformation of curricula. Changing math curricula to a performance-based approach and link of school mathematics to everyday life and students' experiences can reveal the usefulness of mathematics to them. In this way, the interest and motivation of learning in learners increases. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct other research in the theoretical dimension to formulate the theoretical foundations of this approach in accordance with the culture of the country, so that using these fundamentals, extract principles to design appropriate mathematics curriculum. Also, in practical aspect, it is suggested that the organization of the content of the tenth human mathematics textbook be changed so that the book begins with an issue of students' daily lives to help students recreate mathematical concepts. Changing the content organization requires taking the time to teach as well as educating teachers so that they can guide students during the modeling process.
Education technology -training course
M. Sabbaghan; J. Shahi Bigbaghi; M.R. Emamjomeh
The purpose of this research is green chemistry education with the design and implementation of green chemistry experiments in stoichiometric subject in high school. The designing experiment was used to compare the green chemistry learning of experimental and control groups with pre-testing and post ...
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The purpose of this research is green chemistry education with the design and implementation of green chemistry experiments in stoichiometric subject in high school. The designing experiment was used to compare the green chemistry learning of experimental and control groups with pre-testing and post testing. The school selecting as well as the class selecting and assigning them to experimental and control groups، is random sampling. The method was done in two stages, to begin the practical in education on the basis of green chemistry (Independent variable) experiment was performed by "How glue is made?" experiment. A next step, teaching saponification by means of green chemistry dealing with tendency aspects and stoichiometric topics of the subject is considered as in experiment which covers many of green chemistry objectives by experimental group. Saponification experiment was done for control group without considering green chemistry objects. The data collected through teacher-made tests for cognitive domain of learners and check lists for tendency and painting open drawing in green chemistry for skill domain of learners. In this study, statistic population consist of experimental group (N=30) and control group (N=30) in high school girl students in Jafarabad city. The research has been done through descriptive–evaluative method. The research has been done through descriptive–evaluative method. The results clearly indicated that the principle of 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 11 and 12 of green chemistry principles were learned by experimental group. Also, teaching on the basis of green chemistry objectives, play important role in educating responsible students discovering talent students, training creativity, encouraging and motivating students to study and research in the field of green chemistry and replacing green method by classical method.
Education technology -training course
M. Hadian; M.J. Eslampour; E. Reyhani
In new teaching-learning approaches, it is emphasized in meaningful learning versus rote learning .So assessment and evaluation as an inseparable part of the educational process should also be altered to suit the new educational approaches. One of the new tools for assessment and evaluation of conceptual ...
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In new teaching-learning approaches, it is emphasized in meaningful learning versus rote learning .So assessment and evaluation as an inseparable part of the educational process should also be altered to suit the new educational approaches. One of the new tools for assessment and evaluation of conceptual knowledge is conceptual scheme. Conceptual scheme contains concepts or phrases that are set in a circle or other geometric shapes and lines connecting with the significant relationship together. Conceptual scheme is a useful tool for education, curriculum development, assessment and evaluation of learning. In this study, using the conceptual scheme, understanding of 25 third-year students who major in mathematics teacher in the Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University was evaluated about limit concept. After familiarizing students with the conceptual scheme in three stages, students come with software to draw a conceptual scheme of “limit” individually and in groups. The findings show that misunderstanding and errors was reduced at each stage compared to a previous stage. Width and length relations get closer, more, and more complex respectively. Some misunderstanding of students that were identified in this way includes: (2) Definition of limit to a point where some students thought that the point should be in the function domain. (2)Some of them knew “limit’ ’for sequence divergence. (3)All asymptotic have not stated using the limit. Identify the misunderstanding of students using the traditional tools of evaluation was not possible. Moreover, according to the standard connections in learning, the relationship represents a deeper conceptual understanding of the concept when relations increase. The results can provide a basis for revision of assessment methods and improving the quality of educational designin.
Education technology - Evaluation and testing
B.E. Zamani; R. Parhizi; H. Kaviani
This study was performed aims to Identification challenges of evaluating Virtual College students' perceptions of electronics courses. Statistical population was consisted of all students of Virtual University. For samples, 140 students were selected using stratified random sampling. Research instrument, ...
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This study was performed aims to Identification challenges of evaluating Virtual College students' perceptions of electronics courses. Statistical population was consisted of all students of Virtual University. For samples, 140 students were selected using stratified random sampling. Research instrument, researcher made questionnaire was a valid and reliable. The obtained data were analyzed. The mean, standard deviation, variance analysis and paired t-tests to measure t. The results showed that the greatest challenges to the evaluation of students' views of electronic Respectively Technical problems with mean 3/71 , Pedagogical difficulties, with a mean 3/20, And Mental health problems with an average of 3.Also, the students' perspective. In the terms different And various disciplines. There was a difference. In the particular challenges of of evaluation. Yet from the perspective of students And in terms different academic, technical problems as the most important challenge of evaluating students' academic performance was introduced.
Electronic learning- virtual
P. Mortazavi Aghdam; R. Rahmani Neyshabour; E. Zareye Zavaraki; M. Atashak
This research tries to evaluate the electronic contents of "General Farsi" course consistent with Mayer multimedia design principles. The population of the research includes electronic contents of "General Farsi" course in electronic learning of Khajeh-Nassir Tousi University. The data gathering tools ...
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This research tries to evaluate the electronic contents of "General Farsi" course consistent with Mayer multimedia design principles. The population of the research includes electronic contents of "General Farsi" course in electronic learning of Khajeh-Nassir Tousi University. The data gathering tools consisted of a researcher-made checklist using five-point Liker scale with a 96 percent content validity and reliability. The results of the study indicate that the extent of consistency of the contents with the Temporal Contiguity and Redundancy Principles was optimal while it was semi-optimal when Multimedia, Spatial Contiguity, Coherence and Modality Principles were taken into account and finally it was regarded suboptimal in relation to Individual Differences Principle.
Education technology -Engineering training
M. Mahmoudi Sahebi; S. Nasri; H. Gholinia
Continuous professors' teaching quality evaluation has a great effect on their teaching quality progress. How to do an evaluation and criteria that are used to it, are really important. In this research, common methods for evaluating teaching quality are studied and new criteria were suggested. This ...
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Continuous professors' teaching quality evaluation has a great effect on their teaching quality progress. How to do an evaluation and criteria that are used to it, are really important. In this research, common methods for evaluating teaching quality are studied and new criteria were suggested. This research tries to select the statistical population among the engineering field and uses the students and professors’ idea to recognize the teaching evaluation criteria in theoretical lessons as well as project, laboratory and workshop lesson and come to new conclusions. In introducing the new criteria indexes including lessons plan, professional behavior, test questions, social behavior, case studies of the postgraduate and professors' performances in workshop and laboratory lessons and students' projects and thesis are targeted. For identifying criteria of professors' teaching performance evaluation, the research was a kind of descriptive-survey one. In this research, a statistic population including 340 students and 106 professors were selected as a sample group and their opinions about the criteria for evaluating the professors' teaching quality were collected. Data was analyzed by SPSS version 16.0 software. The professors and students’ opinions were processed by using this software. The results indicate that for professors, criteria for lesson plan, scheduling in class session by following the book topics and for students, providing booklet, answering questions, using suitable examples, professor skill in experimental lesson, participation and supervision of projects and student’s thesis are the most important criteria for evaluating professors' teaching quality.