Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of humanities, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department research disrriction 2, Educationlal ministry of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


Background and Objectives: On March 29, 2021, UNESCO held a virtual meeting of education ministers under the slogan "One year into covid, priority given to improving education to prevent generational catastrophe".The purpose of this meeting was to review the lessons learned from this new situation, the most important risks head and strategies to prevent academic backwardness. One of the main themes of the meeting was the digital transformation and the future of education. Following the pandemic of covid-19 disease in Iran and other countries of the world and the horizon opened in the application of e-learning, it is necessary to develop indicators to evaluate the quality of this training. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the quality of learning management system based on ISO 9126 standard.
Methods: In this research, descriptive-survey research method was used. Data collection tool was a researcher-made quality questionnaire of e-learning management system that was designed based on ISO 9126 indicators. To check the validity of the measurement tool, Question analysis, reliability and validity were used. To analyze the questions, the methods of calculating the difficulty index   , discriminative index and loop method and for  face validity, content validity and construct validity were used to validate the questionnaire. Its validity was confirmed by experts and its reliability was obtained using Cronbach's alpha of 0.907.  To analyze the data, two methods of descriptive and inferential statistics were used by SPSS software. In the descriptive statistics section, tables of frequency, mean, graphs and standard deviation, frequency percentage and in the inferential statistics section, one-group t were used to test for significant differences. The statistical population of this study included Master's and PhD students of Shahid Rajaei teacher training University Virtual Education Center, which was calculated by random sampling method to 161 people based on Klein's view.
Findings: According to statistical tests results the results indicate that the quality of the learning management system, virtual learning centers operating in the components and reliability is low-middle level, and components of usability is medium to high levels and components of efficiency is medium levels. The results of t-test indicate that the mean obtained in 160 degrees is significant with 95% confidence. Therefore, the quality of e-learning management system of the statistical population based on ISO 9126, with 95% confidence is in the middle to lower level.
Conclusion: In the learning management system, the ISO 9126 standard to determine the quality of software is one of the most important topics in e-learning which has been considered as an influential factor in various researches. In terms of the necessary of changes the world's educational systems and the tendency to use virtual education, Managers of educational systems are advised to ensure the provision of high quality training by identifying the weaknesses of the e-learning software system and paving the way for their elimination. Also, in accordance with the standards, provide the necessary infrastructure for the purposeful use of these systems. In investigating the cause of low quality of learning management system based on ISO 9126 standard, there can be weaknesses in the sub-characteristics of these components such as adaptability, compliance, security, fault tolerance, recoverability, time behavior, resource behavior, installability, analyzability and stability named.


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