Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Curriculum Department, Factually of Humanities, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University, Tehran, Iran

2 Curriculum Department, Factually of Humanities, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University, Tehran, Iran University, Tehran, Iran

3 Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Basic Sciences, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University, Tehran, Iran


Background and Objective:The role of mathematics in various fields of science and technology and its usefulness in improving human life has been so effective and irreplaceable that it has been called the mother of sciences. Therefore, the development and improvement of mathematics curricula has always been on the agenda of curriculum planners. In such a way that these programs can provide more and more ground for the development of process, skills and attitudes of learners in mathematics and they lead to the growth and development of their understanding and logical reasoning. Therefore, achieving the goals of mathematics education should be monitored in different ways. International tests that are conducted for this purpose are designed and implemented to measure the mathematical literacy of students in participating countries and indicate the sensitivity of educational systems to the performance of students' mathematical performance. This paper evaluates the curriculum of 10th grade mathematics from the perspective of the respective teachers working in Tehran, Iran.
Methods: The research is based on Aker’s curriculum elements and it also has emphasis on the mathematics context-based approach. The method is descriptive background study. The tool for the research is a self-constructed questionnaire which has been validated with the content validation method. The Cornbach’s alpha test has been utilized to test the consistency of the questionnaire which resulted in value equal to 0.910. The statistics sample size is equal to people all of which has been working as teachers throughout the 2017 academic year. To attain samples, we utilized multistage cluster sampling that carried out on a sample of 111 respective teachers. One sample t-test was used to answer the research question.
Findings: The results reveal that the answer to the 6 research question were negative. That is, in curriculum of 10th grade mathematics have not been noticed to the context-based mathematical curriculum elements.
Conclusion: Evaluative studies are the bases of change and transformation of curricula. Changing math curricula to a performance-based approach and link of school mathematics to everyday life and students' experiences can reveal the usefulness of mathematics to them. In this way, the interest and motivation of learning in learners increases. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct other research in the theoretical dimension to formulate the theoretical foundations of this approach in accordance with the culture of the country, so that using these fundamentals, extract principles to design appropriate mathematics curriculum. Also, in practical aspect, it is suggested that the organization of the content of the tenth human mathematics textbook be changed so that the book begins with an issue of students' daily lives to help students recreate mathematical concepts. Changing the content organization requires taking the time to teach as well as educating teachers so that they can guide students during the modeling process.


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[5] Mosvold R. Det genetiske prinsipp i matematikkdidaktikk. Kristiansand: Agder University College; 2003.
[6]   National Curriculum of the Islamic Republic of Iran Ministry of Education; 2012. Persian.
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[17] Gravemeijer K, Doorman M. Context Problems in Realistic Mathematics Education: A calculus course as an example. Educational Studies in Mathematics. 1999; 39: 111-129.
[18] Van Reeuwijk M. Students’ knowledge of algebra. In L. Meira & D. Carraher (Eds.); 1995
[19] Alsina C. Teaching application and modeling in tertiary level. In W. Blum, P (Ed); 2007.
[27] Parhizkar Z. The training capacity of modeling issues to change students' attitude towards math. Two Sets of Theory and Practice in the Curriculum. 2017; 5(9): 192-167. Persian.
[28] Ghulam Azad S. Practical Math Tutorial in Iranian School of Mathematics. Two Maths and Practice Plans in Curriculum. 2014; 47-70. Persian.
[29] Ahmadi G. Evaluation of New Maths First-to-Fourth Primary Maths Books in Context with National Curriculum. Research Project. 2016. Persian.