Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Lecturer, Faculty of humanities, Uni. of Applied Science and Technology, Tehran,Iran

2 Faculty of Psychology and Education, Allameh Tabataba’i Uni. Tehran,Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Psychology and Education Allameh Tabataba’i Uni. Tehran,Iran

4 Faculty of Psychology and Education, Shahid Beheshti Uni. Tehran,Iran


This research tries to evaluate the electronic contents of "General Farsi" course consistent with Mayer multimedia design principles. The population of the research includes electronic contents of "General Farsi" course in electronic learning of Khajeh-Nassir Tousi University. The data gathering tools consisted of a researcher-made checklist using five-point Liker scale with a 96 percent content validity and reliability. The results of the study indicate that the extent of consistency of the contents with the Temporal Contiguity and Redundancy Principles was optimal while it was semi-optimal when Multimedia, Spatial Contiguity, Coherence and Modality Principles were taken into account and finally it was regarded suboptimal in relation to Individual Differences Principle.


Main Subjects