Evaluation of the quality of e-learning management system of Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University based on ISO 9126

R. Ahmadi; B. Mohammadi

Volume 17, Issue 1 , January 2023, , Pages 185-196


  Background and Objectives: On March 29, 2021, UNESCO held a virtual meeting of education ministers under the slogan "One year into covid, priority given to improving education to prevent generational catastrophe".The purpose of this meeting was to review the lessons learned from this new situation, the ...  Read More

Electronic learning- virtual
The Quality of Virtual Learning at Farhangian Teacher Education University of Markazi Province during the Corona Epidemic from the Trainees and Trainers' Perspectives

M. Maghsoudi; F. Safaee; A. Hashemi

Volume 16, Issue 3 , July 2022, , Pages 525-538


  Background and Objectives: Relying on e-learning in higher education is not a newly emerging phenomenon and has always been considered as a supplementary learning environment. But with the sudden outbreak of the Corona epidemic, the higher education system was shocked. Although the quality of this learning ...  Read More

Learning Environment
Studying the quality of teaching the course of the Introduction to architectural design (2) at the Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Tehran

E. Kazemi; H. sattari sarebangoli; R. Mohammadzade; A. Gharibpur

Volume 15, Issue 4 , October 2021, , Pages 815-835


  Background and Objectives: The importance of the process of teaching the basics of the architechtural design is obvious. Accordingly, before teaching the architectural design courses, it is suggested to take the architectural design courses, so that the students become familiar with the components required ...  Read More

Education technology - Evaluation and testing
The Assessment of Quality and Modeling Educational Services In Payame Noor University

M.A. Javadi Boura; I. Ebrahimzade; M. Farajollahi; M.R. Sarmadi

Volume 8, Issue 2 , April 2014, , Pages 73-80


  Abstract: One Of The Most Critical Steps Of  The Educational Planning Is The Evaluation Of Educational Goals.Identifying This Aim Requaires A Tool By Which To Measure The Quality Of  Programs.The Aim of This Study was  Assessment The Quality And Modeling Educational Services In Distance ...  Read More