S. M. Seyedaliyan; K. Salehi
Background and Objectives: Knowledge and skill in mathematics are considered as one of the most essential individual skills for living in modern societies. For this reason, mathematics is seen as a major discipline in education. One of the problems in the field of education today is the decrease in students' ...
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Background and Objectives: Knowledge and skill in mathematics are considered as one of the most essential individual skills for living in modern societies. For this reason, mathematics is seen as a major discipline in education. One of the problems in the field of education today is the decrease in students' interest in learning, especially in subjects such as mathematics. Despite its wide range of applications, mathematics and mathematical thinking are considered as complex around the world, and teaching mathematics is often a difficult task. Many students avoid mathematics or show their true ability in mathematics less than usual, so the study of factors affecting the learning of mathematics in recent decades has attracted the attention of many experts and educators. Due to the lack of studies in our country Iran and the importance of educational materials and their effects, making a comparison between traditional teaching method and the method based on the use of technology and teaching aids was necessary to examine its impact on improving the learning of math students in high school. Therefore, the main hypothesis of this study is based on the principle that the use of teaching aids is effective in learning mathematics better.Methods: For this purpose, a study with a quantitative approach, using quasi-experimental method and pre-test-post-test design with a control group was used. The statistical population includes all high school students in Mahdi Shahr city from Semnan province .Thrity-three female students in grade 12 whose field of study was mathematics were selected and assigned randomly into two experimental and controlled groups. Data collection was done using a teacher-made achievement test with validity and reliability considerations. After validation of the intervention protocol, the training program was performed on the experimental group in 12 sessions of 2 hours per week using teaching aids.Findings: Multivariate and univariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA & ANCOVA) were used to analyze the data. The results showed that teaching mathematics with the help of teaching aids and using information technology had a significant effect on students' learning rate. The groups were almost identical before applying the independent variable, but after the experimental period, there was a significant difference between their scores which could be related to the teaching method (p<0.05). The squared value of the obtained ETA shows that 71% of the variance of the dependent variable is derived from the independent variable. Supplementary studies showed that at the level of individual courses, the difference related to the topics of conic sections and circles is significant (p < 0.01). This means that the post-test scores of conical and circular sections in the experimental group were significantly higher than the control group, which indicates the positive effect of the intervention program. Also, according to the ETA squared scores, it can be said that in the test of conical sections 29% and in the test of circle 66% of the changes are due to the effect of the teaching program with the help of teaching aids and information technology.Conclusions: Overall, the findings showed that teaching with the help of ICTs can improve the learning process and achievement in mathematics by facilitating the transfer of lessons, improving the learning process and its sustainability, enhancing learning motivation, improving the grades and problem-solving skills. This program can be used as a useful and effective intervention for improving the learning of mathematics.
Learning Environment
J. Jahani; R. Mazaheri; Mehdi Mohamadi; M Shafiei
Background and Objectives:The purpose of the present descriptive-survey study is development and validation of teaching - learning process instrument in smart schools in educational system of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Methods: The research tool i.e. the researcher-made questionnaire was designed ...
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Background and Objectives:The purpose of the present descriptive-survey study is development and validation of teaching - learning process instrument in smart schools in educational system of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Methods: The research tool i.e. the researcher-made questionnaire was designed and implemented based on research background. First, the theoretical foundations and research background in this field were studied And three dimensions of indicators, components and tools were extracted and designed in the form of scale items. In the next step, to evaluate the validity of this scale, item analysis method was used and all items had the required validity more than 0.4. In addition, the reliability of the scale was determined and confirmed by Cronbach's alpha. then The designed questionnaire was provide after validation to statistical sample of 216 teachers of smart schools in Gorgan randomly selected based on the sample size formula in the academic year of 1395-1396. who were. Finally, The results were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistical methods. Friedman test and one-sample t-test statistical techniques were used to analyze statistical data. Findings The results of this study show that the teaching and learning indicators in smart schools have the greatest impact on creating a dynamic and attractive environment for students' creativity and the least amount is related to the promotion of the assessment of high levels of thinking, knowledge and skills. In terms of teaching and learning components of intelligent schools, the highest level of influences is on teachers' familiarity with IT skills and the least amount on the promotion of critical thinking and students’ self-directedness. Also, regarding teaching and learning tools, smart schools have had the greatest impact on hybrid technology (film, image, etc.), and the least amount of influence on the production of blogs and educational sites. Conclusion: Smart schools are one of the most important achievements in the development of information technology in order to fundamentally change the educational system. Technology can be used as a powerful tool to improve the quality and efficiency of education, but it should be noted that the combination of information and communication technology with education and learning system is a multifaceted and complex process. According to the findings of the present study, in examining the infrastructure of smart schools, quantitative and qualitative aspects of indicators, components and effective tools of smartening up process should be considered. Undoubtedly, development of smart schools in the country will not be successful regardless of the attitude of the authorities, parents, students and most importantly teachers to this technology. In other words, to succeed in this, determining the factors affecting a positive attitude to technology-based learning is of particular importance because a positive attitude increases motivation and better acceptance of technology as well as active participation in the related activities. Moreover, With a scientific and technological view of the current situation of the country's educational system and producing various electronic content and empowering teachers in the field of information technology it is possible with a long term planning to provide a dynamic ground and bring about structural developments in all dimensions for the educational environment and the teaching-learning process in smart schools. In knowledge-based societies, the development of smart schools is welcomed as a way to train creative and entrepreneurial force and is considered as a way of sustainable development. According to this principle, the entry of our country into this field can provide the ground for increasing and sustainable development.
Education technology - higher education
A.M. Ahmadvand; H. Nasiri; F. NasrollahiNia; A. Mahjoubian
Background and Objective:Nowadays, information technology, has affected the production, distribution, and use of knowledge-based processes. Among other things, the Internet of Things as a network of objects connected to each other can bring new capacities in all fields. The aim of the present research ...
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Background and Objective:Nowadays, information technology, has affected the production, distribution, and use of knowledge-based processes. Among other things, the Internet of Things as a network of objects connected to each other can bring new capacities in all fields. The aim of the present research is to examine the opportunities and challenges that the Internet of Things can have in relation to the higher education system. The concept of connecting devices and objects to each other is a new development on the Internet; anything anywhere can connect to the Internet and be "smart". Connected devices can communicate with each other and share information, then this information can be processed and lead to making decisions. This concept is called the "Internet of Things (IOT)." The wide range of applications of IOT has enabled educational environments at all levels to benefit from it. In terms of the role of IoT in higher education, this domain includes energy storage, monitoring the health and safety of students, optimizing the physical envriornment of the campus and classrooms, as well as enabling students to attend remotely. The main point that seems to differentiate IOT from other past technologies is that older methods cover a limited range of areas of higher education. With the use of various IOT tools, all these tools and facilities can be made intelligent and use for educational, research and service providing purposes. The aim of this study is to investigate the role and function of the IOT in the processes of knowledge production, transmission and application in higher education system. Methods: For this purpose, the systematic approach and the Chelkland SSM method were used. By refer to several internal and external scientific information databases, 25 related articles were identified. Then, without any sampling, all of these articles were studied by the researchers and their contents are divided into four categories: the introduction of the internet of things, the role of the internet of things in educational functions, the opportunities of the internet of things for higher education and the challenges of the internet of things in higher education, and they were organized in the dimensions of the input, process and output of the higher education system. Findings: The findings of the research indicate that the internet of things, by providing advanced information services, provides a flexible and measurable system for academic community that can be used to personalize training and reinforcement of learning, better management of educational processes, and more effective logistic management etc. The use of the internet of things will also challenge higher education, which violation of privacy, security issues, and rising costs are some of these challenges. Conclusion: In the present study, an attempt was made to introduce IOT and its opportunities and challenges for higher education system by reviewing the related literature. IOT is a technology that covers a wide range of applications in the university, from classrooms to laboratories, colleges and parking lots, and more. Within the system, IOT can be used to support the higher education chain and facilitate communication between input, output, and the process, and facilitate monitoring, control, and management of the university's system. In other words, the IOT operates communication center for the university system. In the dimension of higher education and university process, the IOT can be effective in student interaction and participation, evaluation, mental and physical health, classroom management, satisfaction, attendance, time saving as well as faculty management, energy saving, information searching, improving security in the university environment, providing real learning, personal growth and development for both the university instructors and the students, and so on. Of course, as mentioned, the use of this technology has cetain challenges. These challenges include security and privacy risks, high costs, connection to the Internet, scalability, self-organization and acceptance, etce. But despite this, experts generally see the future of this technology as more practical and important than it is now.
S. Yarmohammadi; F. Ashrafganjouei; A. Zarei
Background and Objective:Today, the use of information technology is an integral part of jobs, especially management. Sports managers must be able to persuade technical experts to use information technology innovations to change the nature of the organization's jobs and affairs in order to be more productive ...
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Background and Objective:Today, the use of information technology is an integral part of jobs, especially management. Sports managers must be able to persuade technical experts to use information technology innovations to change the nature of the organization's jobs and affairs in order to be more productive and effective. If there is an obstacle to the use of information technology, the organization will no longer be effective and competitive. IT teaches managers how to repair an organization and start a new business, and how to be effective in relation to the environment and other organizations. Therefore, in case of problems in the implementation of information technology and there are obstacles in the way of its application in the organization, the organization will become an unusable ruin and compete with other organizations. The purpose of this research was cognitive analysis of factors influencing the use of Information Technology based on change management at the Ministry of Sport and Youth of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Methods: The research method is descriptive-survey and the study is applied considering its purpose. The statistical population includes 812 employees of all sections of the Ministry of Sports and Youth in 2016. The statistical sample size was calculated on the basis of Cochran's formula. 261 people were randomly selected based on stratified sampling. To collect data, two standard and international questionnaires were used: TEM for IT and ADKAR for change management. Findings:Data were analyzed through descriptive and inferential statistics including Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, single sample t-test, Pearson correlation coefficient and multiple regression tests. The results showed that in the cognitive analysis, the barriers to the use of information technology from the perspective of change management are: perceived utility, willingness to use, attitude towards application, and finally, the perceived ease of use in the application of the priority of the first to fourth. The findings indicate the extent to which these components are applied and influenced by the use of technology in the Ministry of Sports and Youth. Conclusion: When the use of a new technology, especially information technology, is supported by sports managers according to existing values and professional needs, the human resources of that organization will not only have more confidence in using information technology, but also a higher degree of perception and demonstrate the benefits of the system; and they will probably make better use of this technology. Therefore, some suggestions are presented below. Senior managers and those involved in sports pay more attention to the individual aspects of people working in the organization, provide the necessary training before the implementation of information systems and provide them with the benefits and capabilities of new technologies as well as usefulness and ease of use of technology components; also they need to familiarize themselves with information; involve others in the decisions that are made to use such technologies in order to get things done in less time or to facilitate the work process.
Electronic learning- virtual
Kh. Mirzaei; H. Saadi; S.H. Movahedmohamadi; R. Movahedi
Background and Objectives:E-learning is the newest form of distance learning and is called an approach to curriculum planning in which, in addition to using inclusive methods, computer tools and the Internet are used. The first generation of e-learning, or web-based learning programs, focused on providing ...
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Background and Objectives:E-learning is the newest form of distance learning and is called an approach to curriculum planning in which, in addition to using inclusive methods, computer tools and the Internet are used. The first generation of e-learning, or web-based learning programs, focused on providing physical classes based on educational content and the Internet. Today, many universities and educational institutions around the world have stepped in to design and offer e-learning programs and courses to meet the growing demand for education. One of the desirable features that can play an important role in increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of this type of training is the personalization of the learning environment according to the characteristics of learners. This adaptation is in order for the user to be able to benefit from the learning content and other services of the system according to their goals, knowledge and preferences, and the system, instead of treating everyone equally, treats everyone according to its own characteristics. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effective factors of e-learning adoption in agricultural higher education universities of Iran and to determine the most effective structures on the acceptance of this technology by the faculty members and graduate students. This research was performed to measure the acceptance using survey and the multivariate statistical technique of path analyses. Method and Materials: Statistical population of this research consisted of faculty members and postgraduate students in Iran’s higher agricultural education centers. Total Cronbach Alpha of the questionnaire, for the reliability of the 68 items of the questionnaire, was 88.5 % that is an acceptable figure which demonstrates the high reliability of the questionnaire. In total, 646 questionnaires were collected from 4 universities (Tehran University, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hormozgan University and Torbat Heydariyeh University). After multivariate statistical analysis ‘Path analysis’ and through calculating Beta Coefficients for different routes, the importance of each path was determined. Findings: The results showed that if members of the faculty and postgraduate students of higher education of agriculture in Iran get this reflection that the use of e-learning to carry out their educational activities is useful and reliable at higher agricultural education centers, even those people are not consistent with their subjective norms and have risks, they will continue to use e-learning. From the perspective of the respondents, e-learning is a safe and appropriate education. Therefore, possible risks in such training in virtual environments does not affect their attitude towards this type of training. Conclusion: Therefore, it can be said that if faculty members and graduate students of agricultural higher education in Iran come to the mentality that using e-learning to carry out their educational activities in agricultural higher education centers is "beneficial" as well as "reliable”, even if it is not compatible with their "mental norm" and has a "perceived risk", they will still use e-learning.
competency of teachers
F. Seraji; M. Rostami
The main goal of this study was to Comparison of Teachers’ Familiarity rate with Technology- Based Teaching Competencies in Smart and Traditional Schools in hamedan in academic year of 2014-2015 and used Survey research method. From (N=437) female teachers based on random stratified sampling 103 ...
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The main goal of this study was to Comparison of Teachers’ Familiarity rate with Technology- Based Teaching Competencies in Smart and Traditional Schools in hamedan in academic year of 2014-2015 and used Survey research method. From (N=437) female teachers based on random stratified sampling 103 female teachers in smart schools and 102 female teachers is traditional schools were selected. For data collecting, a researcher-made questionnaire with 33 items based on Likert scale (5 = strongly agree, 4 = agree, 3 = average, 2 = disagree, 1= completely disagree) was set. The tool content validity was achieved by the opinion of eight experts in educational technology, and its validity according to Cronbach’s alpha was determined.82. Data obtained by descriptive and inferential statistics indicates that the smart school teachers’ familiar level with Technology- Based Teaching Competencies outperformed the teachers in traditional schools. Also smart school teachers, in terms of cognitive knowledge t=6/34, skills t=6/74, emotional t=6/34 and self-efficacy t=4/42, dominated the traditional school teachers.