Document Type : Original Research Paper


Department of Educational Science, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, BuAli Sina University. Hamedan. Iran


The main goal of this study was to Comparison of Teachers’ Familiarity rate with Technology- Based Teaching Competencies in Smart and Traditional Schools in hamedan in academic year of 2014-2015 and used Survey research method. From (N=437) female teachers based on random stratified sampling 103 female teachers in smart schools and 102 female teachers is traditional schools were selected. For data collecting, a researcher-made questionnaire with 33 items based on Likert scale (5 = strongly agree, 4 = agree, 3 = average, 2 = disagree, 1= completely disagree) was set. The tool content validity was achieved by the opinion of eight experts in educational technology, and its validity according to Cronbach’s alpha was determined.82. Data obtained by descriptive and inferential statistics indicates that the smart school teachers’ familiar level with Technology- Based Teaching Competencies outperformed the teachers in traditional schools. Also smart school teachers, in terms of cognitive knowledge t=6/34, skills t=6/74, emotional t=6/34 and self-efficacy t=4/42, dominated the traditional school teachers.


Main Subjects

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