M. Wahdattalab; M. Kaboudi
Background and Objectives: Visual representations in the form of manuscripts are the most important tools for expressing ideas and generating concepts for designers and architecture students. Its wide application is always considered by designers due to the simplicity of tools and speed of expression. ...
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Background and Objectives: Visual representations in the form of manuscripts are the most important tools for expressing ideas and generating concepts for designers and architecture students. Its wide application is always considered by designers due to the simplicity of tools and speed of expression. Examining the types and methods of drawing design by students show that each uses a unique method and structure in drawing. An analysis of the concepts underlying the manuscript and identifying the possible relationship between graphic expression and personality type is very similar to research on graphology and the relationship between personality and handwriting. graphology is examined in psychology and personality analysis and means the analysis of physical features and handwriting patterns representing the author's personality. Conceptual sketch is the first visual representation of the mental ideas in the process of representation and interpretation embedded on paper, and similar to approaches of line psychology, it reflects many of the mental attributes of the designers and guidance for architecture design professors to understand the students' ability. The research problem is to identify the hidden concepts of conceptual sketch and how different personalities function in problem-solving. Methods: An exploratory descriptive study with an exploratory approach that with direct observation of architectural design and personality test seeks to find out the relationship between the qualities of drawing with personality type. Findings: The sample of the results of the personality and design test shows that perceptual and intuitive personalities have a broader approach to problem-solving ideas and are more skilled in open issues, but they are faced with defective details and lacking a fixed idea. In contrast, logical and judgmental personalities are more powerful in closed issues. They face flaws in detail and fail to come up with a well-established idea, and rational and judgmental personalities are more capable in closed issues. Conclusion: The results show that extroverted personalities have a general approach to the problem, while introverts do not pay attention to the essence of the problem and the real world, with mental ideas, especially in solving open problems by gathering a lot of information and drowning in an idea. Isolation and anxiety in the type of drawing indicate their lack of self-confidence. In intuitive and sensory personality, the way of receiving and interpreting the problem of designing and transmitting it becomes more visible. Attention to narrative and narrative aspects makes intuitions more successful in analyzing multidimensional problems; Therefore, they are more successful in solving open problems by creating various ideas, and in contrast, they are less careful in paying attention to details, especially in closed problems By primary interpretation of these sketches, professors can detect and correct these issues. Knowing students’ capabilities with respect to their varied personalities facilitates their guidance in the right time فخ strengthen their design ability and take the right path of productivity and fixed ideas.
Learning Environment
M. Arghiyani; seyed abass agha yazdanfar; M. Feizi
Background and Objective:Given the basic needs of humans in various social, emotional, intellectual and physical aspects, the current learning environment is far from reaching the living and active space, the place to encounter, experience, and so on. various studies show that collective sense has the ...
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Background and Objective:Given the basic needs of humans in various social, emotional, intellectual and physical aspects, the current learning environment is far from reaching the living and active space, the place to encounter, experience, and so on. various studies show that collective sense has the greatest impact on the participation of individuals in the performance of the environment. the collective sense is multidimensional, and the place must be somewhere for a collective sense among users. One of the missions of designers and architects is to create a proportionate relationship between humans and the environment around them. To achieve this goal, the creators of space must have a correct understanding of human behavior in different environments to strengthen the connection between man and place. Studies of learning environments have grown significantly over the past 30 years and many studies have been done on the relationship between the classroom environment and student learning. The history of studies of educational spaces shows that these environments have been less studied from sociocultural aspects. The school environment has been studied as a social learning environment for the last four decades. This indicates that the spatial features of the school building can increase or decrease opportunities for interaction between students, which in turn affects the level of socialization, awareness and knowledge of others and the level of collective feeling. Methods:Based on available literature, the five-dimensional model of the richness of place, social ties and interaction, collective activity, security, and sense of belonging and identity were extracted as the most effective criteria for revealing collective sense. to evaluate the theoretical model, three schools were selected from among high schools in Tehran and appropriate questionnaires were distributed among them. the research sample consisted of 750 people who have been selected by random sampling method. content analysis method was used in theoretical part to categorize the views and the case study was used for doing the research. the research method is factor analysis. Findings: The factor load of each measure in the theoretical model was determined and finally, 11 final strategies for designing the educational environment were explained. Conclusion: This study seeks to evaluate the relationship between collective sense and the quality of educational spaces. Closed educational spaces are the platform for social interactions between users, so it is necessary to review and pay special attention to the design of educational closed spaces as a collective space in many types of education today. The results of this study emphasize the importance of spatial features on the evaluation of collective feeling in place. Accordingly, the mental-psychological and behavioral-activity dimensions are other effective criteria in the collective feeling among users. The presented results are the first step in analyzing and evaluating the closed educational space. The results of this research can be considered as the starting point to evaluate and review the closed educational spaces and become the basis for developing a design guide to improve the quality of the closed educational space.
Learning Environment
Y. Movahedi
Background and Objective:Creativity, is one of the great features of human thinking. One of the creative support strategies in cognitive education and increasing creativity is designing educational space. The educational space designed to enhance creativity should provide students with the opportunity ...
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Background and Objective:Creativity, is one of the great features of human thinking. One of the creative support strategies in cognitive education and increasing creativity is designing educational space. The educational space designed to enhance creativity should provide students with the opportunity to learn by being in a position beyond the classroom. Accordingly, the educational space designed based on cognitive education should, while acquainting students with creativity in solving problems, invite them to discovery and search and encourage them to experience and manipulate phenomena. One of the main priorities of the cognitive education is strengthening students' creativity and increasing their ability to solve open problems. Also, creativity and initiative are very important for the scientific growth and development of the country. A society that can provide creativity for the younger generation, especially students, will certainly benefit from scientific growth and prosperity. As the authority, ministry of education can create a suitable platform for the intellectual development of students in this regard. The purpose of this study was to determine the optimal design of the educational environment for the promotion of creativity. Methods: The present study was a correlational design that was carried out using a precondition method. The statistical population of this study was all high school students in Tabriz during the academic year of 2017-18. 370 of them were selected as the sample and the questionnaire of optimal design of educational space and creativity was distributed among them. Data were collected using SPSS software version 19 cases were analyzed. Statistical analysis of the data was Pearson correlation coefficient and regression. Findings: The findings showed that there is a significant relationship between variation in space detail, the use of natural materials, variability in coloration, variety in lighting, flexible and flexible space, and the existence of flower and plant with cognitive creativity. This difference is significant at P Conclusion: The design of educational spaces, such as schools, is valuable because, on average, each person spends about 14,000 hours of their lives in the educational space, from elementary school to high school.However, many school buildings have been severely damaged for a variety of reasons, which is inconsistent with the attractive environment for increased creativity. In such educational spaces the physical space of the school and the environment of the students' souls and minds cause fatigue, disruption of concentration, and indiscipline in scholars, and therefore the realization of the desired goals in the field of creativity, encounter new problems. The diversity of natural elements has a great impact on promoting children's creativity. For example, plants with different shapes, colors, and sizes of flowers and leaves in different seasons contribute to space diversity, as well as different colors of the light spectrum using colored glass or creating pools of water, waterfalls, aquariums, and fountains would contribute to variety. Playing with water, planting plants by oneself and the like have a great impact on promoting motivation and releasing emotions and can be a good facilitator for student participation in group activities. Based on the findings of this study, educational providers are recommended to consider environmental components and external education in students' creativity, and take into account students' and students' environments
Electronic learning- virtual
M. Baghdarnia; Gh. Ahghar; A. Ahmade
Background and Objectives:The rapid spread of information and communication technology around the world in recent decades, the increasing scientific interest of business in disparate information problems and the application of communication technology and the construction of information society among ...
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Background and Objectives:The rapid spread of information and communication technology around the world in recent decades, the increasing scientific interest of business in disparate information problems and the application of communication technology and the construction of information society among all countries in the world has expanded. While it is widely accepted that ICT has the potential to create economic opportunities, promote social and political change in society, provide access to knowledge, provide incentives and opportunities for practical sharing in the best possible way in all walks of life, real awareness processes around the world are completely asymmetric. On the contrary, while the digital revolution has pushed the boundaries of the global village, the vast majority of the world has not been separated from this obvious event. The purpose of this study was to design and validate ICT training model for employees. Method and Materials: To design, compile and construct research instruments, some components including basic concepts of information technology, computer use, word processor, spreadsheets, databases, presentations and internet have been extracted using interviews and qualitative analysis. Based on the above components, a questionnaire including 35 items was developed. The statistical population of the research was the staff of the Ministry of Education headquarters in the academic year of 2016-2017. The sample size of the study was 280 people, who have been selected using random sampling for external validation. The reliability of the questionnaire in this research was estimated to be 0.92 which indicates a high reliability for the designed instrument. In order to study the validity of the model, structural analysis of confirmatory and exploratory factor analysis methods, path analysis and fitting were used. Findings: The exploratory analysis results included seven components, all of which had a positive correlation. Finally, the result of the analysis of the confirmatory factor was obtained and the fitting indices in the components of ICT education were evaluated, that indicated a proper and desirable fit. Conclusion: Necessary measures should be taken to turn the proposed model of ICT skills training into a codified training program. These measures include reviewing the current ICT training method, compiling training materials and developing guidelines and implementing rules, and providing the necessary arrangements for implementation. In taking the necessary steps to develop and implement ICT training, coordination with the model of the seven types of ICDL training skills proposed should not be forgotten. Independent training should be called computer skills, and a book of the same name, a teacher's guide, and other teaching aids should be designed and compiled, or be done in a multimedia fromat. Due to the implementation of these trainings, a new function in the field of headquarters of the Ministry of Education can be given to all teachers in the country and with the necessary review and information at the beginning of staff recruitment as well as in-service courses.
Curriculum Planning
S. Zare; H. Zeinalipour; E. Zaree; M. Mohammadi
Background and Objectives:Today, with the development of new information and communication technologies, business methods, daily activities, communication with others, access to information and in general, all elements of human life have undergone a great change. These technologies are mainly aimed at ...
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Background and Objectives:Today, with the development of new information and communication technologies, business methods, daily activities, communication with others, access to information and in general, all elements of human life have undergone a great change. These technologies are mainly aimed at improving the quality of educational services, as well as goals such as expanding the number of contacts, educators and educational institutions, and even companies and business centers to enable cost-effectiveness and in the shortest possible time to convey the desired content to students, customers and the audience in general. Education for sustainable development is an approach to education that seeks to empower people to take responsibility for building a sustainable future. In order to better achieve the goals of education for sustainable development, the e-learning approach can be used, which in this study has developed and validated the framework of the electronic curriculum for sustainable development in higher education. The main purpose of this study was designing curriculum electronic-content for sustainable development education in the higher education system. Methods: The research project was qualitative and in particular ’qualitative case study‘; The statistical population of the study consisted of three groups: 1: All members of the faculty of civil engineering, architecture, agriculture; 2: All members of faculty of educational psychology of Shiraz University And 3: all experts, scholars, and researchers in the field of electronic curriculum planning; To collect data questionnaire and interview were used. To analyze the data, a consensus-based approach and the Bowl technique were used; Also, open-ended interview was used. Findings: The data obtained were analyzed by the software Nvivo version 8 using Thematic analysis technique and content design curriculum for sustainable development education in Iran's higher education system As a comprehensive Thematic, 4 organizing themes and 73 basic themes were identified and the content network was extracted. Curriculum framework for sustainable development education at higher education level designed in the form of twelve elements: goal, content, role of instructor, learner role, teaching method-learning, evaluation, teaching materials, type of curriculum, level of education, participants in the design and implementation of curriculum, place of training, and time of training. The curriculum was compiled in five chapters, five titles and sixteen chapters. As such, this curriculum can be taught in the form of an instructional book as a two-unit course in a variety of disciplines, including civil engineering, architecture, and agriculture. Conclusion: In the higher education system, the issue of sustainable development is not specifically addressed, but as a part of the courses in civil engineering, architecture, agriculture, students are taught these contents. On the other hand, the integration of e-learning as an achievement of the new educational system in the process of teaching and learning and the curriculum of educational institutions is inevitable. According to the results of this study, it can be said that many courses in the fields of civil engineering, architecture, agriculture, directly or indirectly refer to the issue of sustainable development or professors, according to their expertise and excellence, in relation to the subject of development to provide stable information to students. In the present study, while paying attention to this issue, an attempt was made to design the electronic content of the sustainable development education curriculum in the higher education system.
Technology-based learning environments
S. B. Hosseini; H,R. Azemati; M. Bagheri
Open urban spaces and contemporary urban neighborhoods are not compatible with the physical and mental characteristics of Iranian male and female students. The per capita restriction of educational spaces in schools threatens the quantitative and qualitative limitation of contemporary residential homes ...
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Open urban spaces and contemporary urban neighborhoods are not compatible with the physical and mental characteristics of Iranian male and female students. The per capita restriction of educational spaces in schools threatens the quantitative and qualitative limitation of contemporary residential homes and the prevalence of students' environmental lifestyle machine health patterns. Symptoms such as students' high dependence on horseback riding from home to school, construction of schools without desirable open spaces, expansion of apartment living and housing at least without yard and desirable open spaces, continuous TV viewing, excessive computer use, nutrition patterns Unhealthy and the prevalence of phenomena such as overweight and obesity, social avoidance and depression of some students are a confirmation of the problem of students' environmental health.In such a situation, improving urban environments and redeveloped spaces can be effective in changing some unhealthy patterns of students' perceptions and behaviors. The present article tries to introduce some of the planning and environmental design capabilities of residential neighborhoods compatible with the growth and physical and mental health of children and adolescents.Planning and designing pedestrian and bicycle paths from home to school, proper location and design of social schools, planning and design of access networks and connected local sidewalks, planning and design to prevent crime in the neighborhood, traffic calming And expanding neighborhood safety and tranquility, improving and developing neighborhood and neighborhood parks, designing beautiful local streets with environmental design and furniture and natural landscapes and rows of street trees, expanding mixed and diverse local uses and controlling average residential density to In order to increase the access to the services required by students and the socio-local interaction of students, practical solutions are suggested.Also, the development of specialized interdisciplinary research by programmers and environmental and transportation designers with students' general growth and health specialists is one of the proposed research fields.