Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Department of Architecture, College of Architecture, Tabriz Islamic Art University, Tabriz, Iran

2 Department of Architecture, College of Architecture, Tabriz Islamic Art University, Tabriz, Iran.


Background and Objectives: Visual representations in the form of manuscripts are the most important tools for expressing ideas and generating concepts for designers and architecture students. Its wide application is always considered by designers due to the simplicity of tools and speed of expression. Examining the types and methods of drawing design by students show that each uses a unique method and structure in drawing. An analysis of the concepts underlying the manuscript and identifying the possible relationship between graphic expression and personality type is very similar to research on graphology and the relationship between personality and handwriting. graphology is examined in psychology and personality analysis and means the analysis of physical features and handwriting patterns representing the author's personality. Conceptual sketch is the first visual representation of the mental ideas in the process of representation and interpretation embedded on paper, and similar to approaches of line psychology, it reflects many of the mental attributes of the designers and guidance for architecture design professors to understand the students' ability. The research problem is to identify the hidden concepts of conceptual sketch and how different personalities function in problem-solving.
Methods: An exploratory descriptive study with an exploratory approach that with direct observation of architectural design and personality test seeks to find out the relationship between the qualities of drawing with personality type.
Findings: The sample of the results of the personality and design test shows that perceptual and intuitive personalities have a broader approach to problem-solving ideas and are more skilled in open issues, but they are faced with defective details and lacking a fixed idea.  In contrast, logical and judgmental personalities are more powerful in closed issues. They face flaws in detail and fail to come up with a well-established idea, and rational and judgmental personalities are more capable in closed issues.
Conclusion: The results show that extroverted personalities have a general approach to the problem, while introverts do not pay attention to the essence of the problem and the real world, with mental ideas, especially in solving open problems by gathering a lot of information and drowning in an idea. Isolation and anxiety in the type of drawing indicate their lack of self-confidence. In intuitive and sensory personality, the way of receiving and interpreting the problem of designing and transmitting it becomes more visible. Attention to narrative and narrative aspects makes intuitions more successful in analyzing multidimensional problems; Therefore, they are more successful in solving open problems by creating various ideas, and in contrast, they are less careful in paying attention to details, especially in closed problems
By primary interpretation of these sketches, professors can detect and correct these issues. Knowing students’ capabilities with respect to their varied personalities facilitates their guidance in the right time فخ strengthen their design ability and take the right path of productivity and fixed ideas.


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