Educational computer games
S. Golzar Aziz; Z. Khoshneshin; Y Mahdavinasab; M. Rajabi
Background and Objectives: The rapid advance of smart technologies has transformed various aspects of social life and, by its very nature, has significantly changed the nature, timing, and place of learning. Digital educational games, which in turn are one of the manifestations of technological progress ...
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Background and Objectives: The rapid advance of smart technologies has transformed various aspects of social life and, by its very nature, has significantly changed the nature, timing, and place of learning. Digital educational games, which in turn are one of the manifestations of technological progress in the modern era, will become an important part of education in the future. In this direction, educational systems have decided to change their educational methods and are looking for answers to the question of teaching and learning methods and how to prepare learners of the digital generation for life in this culture. In order to improve and make education effective for today's digital learners, one of these methods seems to be the use of educational games as an educational strategy in educational systems, considering the characteristics and possibilities of educational games. The purpose of this research was to investigate the effect of the design and application of ARIAN digital educational game on the motivation and learning of dyslexic students in the second grade of elementary school.Methods: In view of the practical purpose and method of data collection, the present research was conducted quasi-experimentally using pre-tests and post-tests. The statistical population of this research included all students with dysgraphia in the second grade of Baharestan city who studied in the academic year 2017-2018. For this research, firstly, a school in Tehran province in Baharestan city was randomly selected. Then, 32 students who met the conditions of the study were selected among the students with learning disabilities. The following instruments were used in this study: 1. A teacher-made test to investigate the effects of games on learning of dyslexic students 2. Harter's academic motivation questionnaire to measure students' academic motivation 3. Clinical interviews with teachers 4. Spelling disorder test to select a sample of dyslexic Then, according to the pretest, the students were divided into two experimental group and a control group.Findings: After collecting statistical data from the pretest, posttest, and learning and motivation test, the data were analyzed using SPSS statistical software in two parts: descriptive statistics (mean, median, mode, and standard deviation) and inferential statistics (variance and covariance analysis). The results of the covariance analysis of the effect of the pretest on the total academic motivation score show that there was a statistical difference between the mean academic motivation score of the dyslexic students in the experimental group and the control group. The results of the covariance analysis of the effect of the pretest on the total learning score also showed that there was a statistical difference between the average learning score of the dyslexic students in the experimental group and the control group.Conclusion: The results of the research showed that the use of educational game is effective in motivating (P<0. 01) and learning (P<0. 01) students with dysgraphia in the second grade. ARIAN digital educational game was able to significantly increase students' motivation and learning due to its features such as purposefulness and attention to students' needs, providing immediate feedback, providing suitable opportunities for trial and error and turning a negative and stressful atmosphere into an atmosphere full of trust and motivation, using communication channels such as text, speech, image, music and movement in education, the activeness of students in the learning process, the student-centeredness of the teaching and learning process and the use of multiple senses, it was able to significantly increase the motivation and learning of students.
Preparation and compilation of electronic content
M. S. Mosavi Shafigh,; Z. Khoshneshin; Y. Mahdavi Nasab; M. Mojadam
Background and Objectives: Concept mapping as a collaborative tool for enhanced learning has been explained in many studies. The present study described effectiveness of teacher- and student-based concept mapping on students’ motivation and learning. Teaching on the basis of concept mapping is ...
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Background and Objectives: Concept mapping as a collaborative tool for enhanced learning has been explained in many studies. The present study described effectiveness of teacher- and student-based concept mapping on students’ motivation and learning. Teaching on the basis of concept mapping is known as an active method, to improve learning ability and motives.Methods: The research was designed based on quasi-experimental method of analysis. Sample of research included 60 students selected randomly from two high schools and the pretest and posttest were administered. Hermann’s standard questionnaire was used to estimate the motivation achievement and a researcher-made questionnaire was used to measure learners’ motivation and learning. The reliability of the questionnaires was estimated by Cronbach's alpha as 0.82 and 0.85. Covariance analysis was used to analyze the data compartments of the pre- post-test scores in experimental groups after the intervention.Findings: It was revealed that there was a significant difference (sig 0.05) in pre- and post-test scores of students’ different levels of learning and motivation. It was also found that experimental teaching method, using concept mapping, to improve students’ cognition skills and their motivation could increase the opportunity of discussion among peers and understanding the content. Concept mapping in different ways of implementation as teacher- or student-based activities could promote the students’ learning level and motivation.Conclusion: Implementation of teacher- and student- made concept mapping enabled students to learn better and improved their motivation and led to the improvement of their learning skills.
Technology-based learning environments
S.R. Emadi; A. Mokhtarisami
Background and Objectives: The present age is called the age of communication and the most prominent symbol of that is the media. Today, educators, especially teachers, strive to use a variety of media to improve teaching and learning so that they can provide students with most information in an effective ...
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Background and Objectives: The present age is called the age of communication and the most prominent symbol of that is the media. Today, educators, especially teachers, strive to use a variety of media to improve teaching and learning so that they can provide students with most information in an effective way in the shortest possible time. In many domestic and foreign studies, infographics have been introduced as one of the most effective media in the field of education and researchers in many studies have found that infographics can improve academic performance in normal students and facilitate learning in students with disabilities. In this study, we try to examine the effect of using an infographic in the learning environment based on the Glasersfeld model on the level of motivation, learning, and retention in the fifth grade of the social studies course. This research is practical in terms of purpose.Methods: This study was quasi-experimental in terms of research method, using pre-test and post-test design with separate experimental and control groups. The sample was comprised of 30 fifth-grade students randomly divided into two groups of 15, i.e., the control group and the experimental group. Researcher-made tests as that were used as the main methodological instruments administered for eliciting data in this study were validated by the comments of the experts in this field, the educational technology professors, and the thesis supervisor. Moreover, the Cronbach alpha and scholars’ assessment methods were employed to measure the reliability of multiple choice tests and open-ended question types, respectively. In addition, to analyze the data collected in the study, both descriptive statistics (that is, mean, standard deviation, skewness, and kurtosis) and inferential statistics (that is, Kolmogorov–Smirnov test, T test, Analysis of Covariance( were used by applying the SPSS software.Findings: The results of this study revealed that the amount of learning and retention of the students who were trained with the help of an infographic in the learning environment based on the Glasersfeld model was statistically significant as compared to that of those students who have not used infographics in the social studies course (p<0.05). But with respect to motivation, since P = 0.87 and F = 0.02, no significant difference was observed between the two groups and the hypothesis was not confirmed (P> 0.05).Conclusion: An effective education is one that can attract the attention of students and keep them involved and active in the learning process. Infographics are tools that provide information in the forms of both text and image, enabling learners to use their full capacity for cognition which actually leads to more and better teaching-learning. An infographic is the visualization of information or ideas that convey complex information to the audience in a way that is too fast and easily comprehensible and, therefore, easily retrievable. Since infographics simplify difficult materials, they are very helpful in learning and memorizing complex and difficult lessons. In the teaching method with infographics in a learning environment based on the Glasersfeld model, conditions are provided for the learners to be involved in education and actively build knowledge and be able to visualize complex and difficult content in a simple, concise, and structured way in their minds.
M. Mohammadi; Z. Khoshneshin; N. Mohammadhasani
Background and Objectives: Gamification means the use of elements and mechanics of a game in a non-game environment increasingly used in learning environments as a way to increase student motivation and learning outcomes. While several studies have been conducted to investigate the effectiveness of gamification ...
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Background and Objectives: Gamification means the use of elements and mechanics of a game in a non-game environment increasingly used in learning environments as a way to increase student motivation and learning outcomes. While several studies have been conducted to investigate the effectiveness of gamification in education. But there are blind spots regarding the precise application of gamification elements using new educational tools in various educational fields. In this study, using the educational tools of Kahoot and Mentimeter with focus on the leaderboard, the effect of the elements of competition and has been investigated cooperation on learning and approach motivation of math lesson. Methods: The statistical population of the study included all fourth-grade male students in Divandarreh in the academic year 2020-2021. The study sample was selected using the available sampling method from the classes of the city. consisting of two classes of 20 people and placed in experimental groups. The research method was quasi-experimental with pre-test, post-test design. The research instruments included researcher-made learning tests and Aminifar and SalehSadeghpour motivation questionnaire whose reliability coefficient was calculated with Cronbach's alpha criterion for learning test 0.93 and approach motivation 0.81. The learning environment of the experimental groups was presented simultaneously and separately surveyed for ten sessions using the educational tools of Kahoot and Mentimeter were influenced by gamification’s elements of competition and cooperation. Findings: Mean and standard deviation indexes were used to evaluate descriptive statistics. The difference between the mean pre-test and post-test learning of students who were trained in a gamified environment using Kahoot the competition-based educational tools was 19.45 and in a gamified environment using Mentimeter educational tools based on the cooperation element was 23.9. In the variable of approach motivation, the difference between the mean of pre-test and post-test obtained in the gamified environment using Kahoot educational tools based on the competition element was 4.95 and in the gamified environment using Mentimeter educational tools based on the cooperation element was 8.1. respectively. Based on the results of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, the variances were equal and the normality of the data distribution was confirmed. According to the results of the variance homogeneity test, since the significance level is greater than (0.05), the null hypothesis based on variance homogeneity was confirmed and the assumption of variance homogeneity was confirmed at a 95% confidence level. Data analysis by multivariate analysis of covariance (MANOVA) in SPSS statistical package showed that with a significance level of less than 0.05 and a 95% confidence level, there was a significant difference between the use of Kahoot and Mentimeter educational tools based on competition and cooperation gamification’s elements in learning and students' approach motivation. Therefore, the null hypothesis is rejected and the opposite hypothesis is based on the inequality of the average learning rate and approach motivation in a gamified environment with a focus on the leaderboard using the teaching tools of Kahoot and Mentimeter based on the elements of competition and cooperation, was accepted. Conclusion: The results of this study indicated that the application of the Mentimeter educational tool based on cooperation element, compared to Kahoot educational tool based on competition element, has a more significant effect on student's learning and approach motivation in the gamified environment. Therefore, it is better to design gamified learning.
F. Seraji; R. Malmir; H. Abbasi kasani
Background and Objectives: Users enter social networks with different motives and their participation in social networks is also different from each other. Having different goals and motives, teachers as users of social networks choose various ways to participate in these networks. So, laying emphasis ...
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Background and Objectives: Users enter social networks with different motives and their participation in social networks is also different from each other. Having different goals and motives, teachers as users of social networks choose various ways to participate in these networks. So, laying emphasis on the role of motivation in the ways teachers use social networks, the present study aims at identifying teachers’ motivation and the ways they use social networks. The specific objectives of this research are: 1. determining how virtual social networks are used by teachers who are actively using them. 2. Identifying the feedback of teachers in virtual social networks. Methods: The present research is done using qualitative research approach. The field of this research includes groups and forums of Iranian teachers’ social networks. In this research, 30 teachers who were active in social networks participated among whom 14 teachers were male and 16 teachers were female. All of these participants were managers of virtual channels and Various supergroups in social networks. They were selected using the logic of purposeful sampling and criterion-based method. The selection criterion was the record or history of the group or channel, the number of the followers and the number of the visitors. Also, the teachers who were selected for the interview in addition to this criterion, were selected in the field of e- content generation in virtual social networks by the Roshd center site as an active content generator. Every interviewee mentioned their views in answer to the interview questions for 40 to 45 minutes. To analyze data, the theme analysis method was used. In this method, first the concepts and codes are extracted from the interview text and then the status of each theme from the type of inclusive, organizing, and basic is determined in the network of themes. In this research, in order to perform this process, the following steps were taken: 1. Frist, with the frequent screening and active reading of the data, the search for the meaning and discovery of patterns began by using note-taking and punctuating the data (familiarity with the data). 2. After reading the data, the codes and concepts introducing the data were established (generating basic codes). 3. The identified codes were organized and transferred to certain themes (generating themes). 4. At this stage, the themes were named and reviewed as needed 5. The network of themes were generated to identify the basic, organizing and inclusive themes and the final report of the data was set. Findings: The findings showed that teachers benefit from social networks for personal purposes such as entertainment, access to the news and communication with friends, and for occupational purposes, such as professional development and interaction with colleagues. The teachers’ motives affect how they provide feedback and how they participate in the social networks. Teachers show various feedbacks and participation in the social media which can be classified into six levels of reasonable diffusing, liking, controlling, counselling, criticizing, and commenting. Conclusion: Levels of teachers’ participation in the social networks in terms of their professional development and occupational learning is of significance from the perspective that the more the participation of the teachers in social networks can be organized by using specific projects and programs, so that they can move away from weak interactions, such as diffusing, liking, and controlling towards counselling, criticizing, and reasoning, they can be more profoundly involved with their own occupational themes in the social networks and can benefit from any time, any place, and interactive potentials of this environment for their own professional development.
Educational Technology
E. Badiee; M.R. Nili; Y. Abedini; B. E. Zamani
Background and Objectives: The rapid growth of science and technology and the subsequent emergence of e-learning have revolutionized education. Also in this period, becoming aware of how the brain functions during the learning process has had important effects on training and learning. Educators are ...
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Background and Objectives: The rapid growth of science and technology and the subsequent emergence of e-learning have revolutionized education. Also in this period, becoming aware of how the brain functions during the learning process has had important effects on training and learning. Educators are looking for ways to the most usage of technology-based facilities and new findings in educational neuroscience to obtain the optimal learning, especially in difficult subject matters such as computer programming course, which are associated with the problem-solving process. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of electronic courseware designed based on the brain based learning principles on problem-solving performance and motivation of the students in computer programming course. Methods: This research is a quasi-experimental study, and was conducted with a pretest posttest control group design. In this study, sampling was done by cluster sampling method and thus 60 female students of the eleventh grade of computer fields of vocational schools in Isfahan were selected to participate in the study. Participants were randomly divided into 3 groups of 20 (experimental, control 1 and control 2). A literature review was conducted to identify the brain based learning strategies. Based on the lesson objectives and the strategies derived from the principles of brain based learning, an electronic courseware was designed and developed by the researcher and the expert team. The validity of this courseware was confirmed by experts. The intrinsic and extrinsic motivation subscales of Pintrich et al.'s questionnaire as well as a teacher-made computer programming problem-solving test were used as data collection tools, which were used as a pre-test and post-test, before and after the training, in all 3 groups. The same content from the computer programming course was taught in all three groups. In the experimental group, in addition to the conventional method, an electronic courseware based on brain based learning strategies was used. In the first control group, in addition to conventional method, a non-brain based electronic courseware was used. The second control group was trained only in the conventional method. Findings: The research data were analyzed using univariate covariance analysis on problem-solving performance test scores and multivariate covariance analysis on intrinsic and extrinsic motivation scores. The results of the study showed that the problem solving performance of experimental group was significantly better than the control 1 and control 2 groups (P <0.05) in computer programming course. Also, the extrinsic motivation of the experimental group was significantly higher (P <0.05) than the first control group. Based on these findings, the use of non-brain based courseware significantly (P <0.05) reduced the extrinsic motivation of control group 2 students compared to control group 1. Conclusion: The use of electronic courseware designed and developed based on brain based learning principles has a significant impact on increasing student computer problem solving performance. Also, the application of brain based learning principles in designing and developing the electronic courseware makes more external motivation in the users of this courseware than the users of typical courseware while learning.
Educational computer games
Z. Batooli; F. Fahimnia; N. Naghshineh; F. Mirhosseini
Background and Objective:Despite the advent of new technologies and the consequent change in lifestyle in recent decades, education systems have retained their traditional way of teaching and have not adapted to the characteristics of the digital generation. At the same time, the characteristics of digital ...
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Background and Objective:Despite the advent of new technologies and the consequent change in lifestyle in recent decades, education systems have retained their traditional way of teaching and have not adapted to the characteristics of the digital generation. At the same time, the characteristics of digital people have also influenced their teaching-learning methods. One of the latest developments in the field of new technologies is the revitalization of educational environments. Despite the emergence and advancement of new technologies and, consequently, the change in lifestyle in recent decades, education systems have maintained the same traditional method of education and have not changed according to the characteristics of the digital generation. Meanwhile, digital generation features have been effective on their learning-teaching methods. One of the most important and recent developments in the field of modern technologies is gamified learning environments. The purpose of this study was to review the studies in the field of ‘Gamification in e-Learning’ and to provide the content analysis of this field and its effectiveness in education. Materials: After searching the databases with related keywords and based on input criteria, 60 relevant articles were selected in this study. The selected articles were analyzed in terms of the game elements, gamified e-learning courses and the purpose of the articles. The effectiveness of the gamification on participation, learning, motivation, anxiety, peer assessment, collaboration, website optimization, cost reduction and faculty load were among the subject areas of these articles. The programming languages and English language were the most gamified educational courses. The game element point, leaderboard, badge, levels, challenge and feedback were used more than other elements. Findings: The results indicated the effectiveness of gamified e-learning environments to increase learning, engagement and motivation of learners. Conclusion: The present study tries to have a comprehensive review of studies in the field of gamification in e-learning, although it was accompanied by limitations such as not reviewing articles in non-English languages and not reviewing studies published in a format other than journal and conference articles. Undoubtedly, in order to succeed in projects related to gamification in e-learning, looking at its different dimensions and planning in those areas will be very fruitful, and research such as the present study can provide a comprehensive view for designing long-term gamified e-learning environments. The subjects obtained from the analysis of the field studies of gamification in e-learning can be done in Iran, although additional and more detailed research with various methods will help to enrich it.
Modern Educational Approaches
N. Farajpour; S. A. Samavi; M. Javdan
Background and Objective:In various studies, the factors affecting academic achievement and performance are divided into two categories: the first category are variables and factors that are outside the learner and include factors such as teacher teaching method and socio-economic status of students ...
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Background and Objective:In various studies, the factors affecting academic achievement and performance are divided into two categories: the first category are variables and factors that are outside the learner and include factors such as teacher teaching method and socio-economic status of students and the category; the second are the variables that are related to the learner and are known as personal factors that include motivation, attitude, self-efficacy and cognitive factors. From the perspective of educational psychologists as well as teachers, motivation is one of the key concepts and is used to explain different levels of student performance. The purpose of this study was to examine the causal relationship between motivational variables and academic performance in science, mediated by conceptual understanding in male and female students of the eighth grade. Methods: The sample was recruited from all of eighth grade students in Darab city, Iran. The research method was correlational. The data gathered through the three questionnaires: the modified version of Harter's (1980, 1981) scale, Attitude Survey Questionnaire, and the researcher-made conceptual understanding of Science. In the descriptive section, the mean, standard deviation and correlation coefficient were used and in the inferential section, structural equation modeling was used. Findings: The results showed that all relationships between variables, except the extrinsic motivation for conceptual understanding were significant. Results also indicated that all indirect hypotheses, except the indirect relation of extrinsic motivation to the academic performance in science mediated by conceptual understanding were confirmed. Conclusion: In the explanation of the present study that there is no significant relationship between external motivation and conceptual understanding, it can be pointed out that students who are motivated externally, study activities simply to achieve the desired outcomes such as approval or reward and prevent undesirable consequences such as punishment. In other words, the external factor controls their behavior and encourages them to perform a specific activity. According to behaviorists, learning is a change in the obvious behavior of the individual and its realization requires the use of positive and negative reinforcers. And these environmental stimuli, which are used to reinforce or inhibit observable behaviors, lead to behavioral changes. Since behaviorists focus on observable and measurable behaviors, not on inaccessible mental processes, and given that conceptual understanding is a mental process related to one's perceptions, it is not unreasonable to expect that there is no significant relationship between external motivation. And observe conceptual understanding.
Educational Technology
G. Ali Bakhshi; M. Zeinali; M. Bakhtiarvand
Background and Objective:One of the new developments in educational technology that is currently widely used in classrooms to increase students' learning and motivation is the smart board. Smart board is an educational tool that allows computer images to be displayed using video projector on the board. ...
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Background and Objective:One of the new developments in educational technology that is currently widely used in classrooms to increase students' learning and motivation is the smart board. Smart board is an educational tool that allows computer images to be displayed using video projector on the board. The teacher can then use his/ her finger as a mouse to directly manipulate and copy items on the board on the screen. The speaker can save the presented content. The smart board's technology capabilities and accompanying software encourage students to immerse themselves deeply in the educational content and to move forward step by step with high motivation with the teacher in order to learn the content of the lesson. Some of the strengths and weaknesses of this tool is understandable and its effectiveness can be revealed by further research.The use of smart boards in teaching English as a foreign language has been of much concern to English language teachers since a couple of years ago. However, the impact of smart boards on learning phrasal verbs and attitudes of Iranian learners of English language has not been appropriately investigated. Methods: The present study aimed at investigating the impact of smart boards on learning phrasal verbs and motivation of language learners for learning a foreign language. In doing so, 30 EFL learners at a high school in Khoramshahr were selected through convenience sampling. They received instruction on phrasal verbs through smart board within 8 weeks. The participants' scores on pretest, posttest, and follow up tests on motivation and phrasal verbs were submitted to two different repeated measures ANOVA. Findings: The results showed that there was a significant difference between the participants' scores on pretest and posttest of both phrasal verbs and motivation test. Therefore, it could be argued that the use of small boards can significantly contribute to the learners' motivation and learning of phrasal verbs. Conclusion: Smart boards as a tool have great potential to increase teachers 'educational performance and learners' educational achievements, and ultimately improve student achievement. However, the claim that the student's success can be automatically increased using this technology may be incorrect. Therefore, teachers need to think carefully about how to use this tool. Due to the spatial limitations of this research, its replication research in other schools may have different results. Therefore, the results may not be generalized to all high school students and other areas. The duration of this study was only eight sessions, which seems to be a limited time. In addition, the participants were high school seniors, and other high school levels were not considered, and only female students were recruited in the study. As a result, choosing a larger sample size consisting both male and female students can increase the validity of the results.
Modern Educational Approaches
B. Motiei; F. Mehdizadeh Saradj; Q. Bayzidi
Background and Objective:Architecture is a science in which aesthetics and sensory experiences are very important and creative action is a way of thinking and understanding. The use of combination education in basic courses is very important and combination education is very important in successfully ...
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Background and Objective:Architecture is a science in which aesthetics and sensory experiences are very important and creative action is a way of thinking and understanding. The use of combination education in basic courses is very important and combination education is very important in successfully achieving educational goals. By using efficient teaching methods and scientific methods, abandoning traditional methods, challenging students' minds, applying the element of creativity at all levels of teaching and creating active and dynamic classrooms that ensure sustainable learning in students, the desired situation can be achieved. Education in architecture uses visual methods in teaching and design process. The methods of teaching basic architecture courses should be such that they develop personal feelings and gain the confidence of new students, so proper training in the studios of basic courses is of special importance to improve the skills of new students. The proper education in basic courses is very important in improving the skills of novices. The purpose of this qualitative study is to assess the pathology of architecture education in the basic courses and provide some ways to improve the skills of the novices. Methods: So, through interview with university professors and graduates of architecture and evaluating the practices of students in basic courses, the concepts related to architecture training in basic courses extracted. Then, by using the SWOT analysis, the opportunities and threats for teaching the basic courses have been identified and accordingly the solutions suggested for the dynamic education of architecture. Findings: The results of this study indicated that using the combination education of basic courses, preparation of a joint lesson plan, emphasis on individual and group exercises, with an emphasis on promoting motivation, emotional intelligence and creativity of the novice students of architecture, a dynamic education can be achieved. Conclusion: Miscellaneous training and tasteful choice of type of prerequisites exercises for design courses in some studios, lack of coordination between teachers in choosing the type of exercises and the lack of a reliable relationship between the courses cause confusion, reduced skills and abilities of new students; and as a result, their academic motivation decreases. Therefore, the need for methods to create academic motivation and increase creativity and emotional intelligence in students is essential. Accordingly, teaching prerequisite design courses with an appropriate teaching method, including the combined studio method (simultaneous and combined teaching of basic courses) promotes students' creativity, increases their academic motivation and emotional intelligence, which can be dynamic and purposeful education, according to which the quality of education is improved, and this requires the organization of methods of taste of the professors of this field that are used during the correction process. When novice architects have high motivation, creativity and emotional intelligence, they will be more able to find unique design answers, and as a result, by choosing a suitable concept, they will determine their design path and achieve an acceptable design.
Preparation and compilation of electronic content
L. Badri; M. Salehi
This research was an attempt to examine empirically whether therewas a meaningful relationship between the use of oral authentic materials and EFL learners` motivation and also determine the subsequent effects of them on the communicative competence of learners. Specifically, the purpose of this study ...
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This research was an attempt to examine empirically whether therewas a meaningful relationship between the use of oral authentic materials and EFL learners` motivation and also determine the subsequent effects of them on the communicative competence of learners. Specifically, the purpose of this study was to examine the impact of authentic listening materials on development of motivation and enhancement of listening comprehension ability of forty male and female EFL learners at institutional level. It basically focused on exposing language learners to authentic materials and real life situations in language classroom as part of the communicative approach. The results of listening comprehension post- test were compared with those of the pre- test scores using a t- test. The participants of this study also completed a questionnaire so that we could evaluate the degree of their motivation to learn English using the application of oral authentic materials and real life language which is used outside the classroom. The results of this study pointed to the effectiveness of using authentic materials; therefore corroborating previous findings in application of authentic listening materials as a useful technique to improve learners' listening comprehension skill and development of motivation.
Mobile learning
M. Ayati; H. Sarani
: Considering that the teacher is important and the most important factor in the development of an effective qualitative education system, the present research has assessed methods of elementary school teacher’s selection. In this research, the quantitative and qualitative methods of study have ...
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: Considering that the teacher is important and the most important factor in the development of an effective qualitative education system, the present research has assessed methods of elementary school teacher’s selection. In this research, the quantitative and qualitative methods of study have been utilized. The statistical population of this research includes the principals of elementary schools, experts, and teachers of teacher training center of Qom in the educational year of 2008-2009. In order to select the principals, classified sampling method was used in congruency with the size and purposeful sampling method was used to determine the experts' sample. In this regard 162 principals', 20 experts and members of the faculty's view analyzed who had a great research background. The validity of the questionnaire and the interview has been confirmed by some of the professors and PhD and M.A students. The reliability of the questionnaire has been estimated as 0.91, using Cronbach alpha. In order to analyze the results descriptively and analytically, the SPSS software was used; and the interview analysis was done through the categorization method. The results show that the subject's physical, emotional and scientific capabilities, improvement of the teacher's selection, using native forces must be taken into consideration. In this regard, using the experience of developed countries (paying attention to cultural differences) in teacher selection programs were underlined to make the reviewing, amending and developing possible. Finally, some recommendations were suggested to improve the selection of the elementary teachers.
Electronic learning- virtual
A. Sanayei; H. Salimian
Internet has been a significant effect on the establishment of virtual education. Virtual education is a term that involves online learning by using e-learning. This study analyzes the affecting factors for virtual education acceptance with emphasize on the internal factors and its statistical population ...
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Internet has been a significant effect on the establishment of virtual education. Virtual education is a term that involves online learning by using e-learning. This study analyzes the affecting factors for virtual education acceptance with emphasize on the internal factors and its statistical population is, virtual faculty students of Isfahan University who have been completed the questionnaires either by their presence or through the internet (electronic questionnaires). In comparing this research with others in this field we will understand that, there is more recognition of the internal factors affecting the learners in this paper, in this study, we emphasize on these factors; and we consider the motivation and self-efficacy as internal factors. According to the technology acceptance model, we consider the direct effect of the motivation variables, ease of perceived use, cognition’s benefits, the indirect effect of social influence, system quality, facilitating condition and self-efficiency on behavioral tendency and students’ acceptance of virtual education. SPSS 19 and Amos 18 software have been used to analyze the data. The 121 questionnaire findings showed that Social influences and system quality have an impact on cognition’s benefits. Also it must be noted that we showed the effect of facilitating conditions and self-efficiency on ease of perceived use and effect of ease perceived use of the cognition’s benefits. Also on we accepted that motivation, ease of perceived use and cognition’s benefits have a direct effect on the students tendency and their behavioral tendency.