Document Type : Original Research Paper


Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Birjand University, Iran


: Considering that the teacher is important and the most important factor in the development of an effective qualitative education system, the present research has assessed methods of elementary school teacher’s selection. In this research, the quantitative and qualitative methods of study have been utilized. The statistical population of this research includes the principals of elementary schools, experts, and teachers of teacher training center of Qom in the educational year of 2008-2009. In order to select the principals, classified sampling method was used in congruency with the size and purposeful sampling method was used to determine the experts' sample. In this regard 162 principals', 20 experts and members of the faculty's view analyzed who had a great research background. The validity of the questionnaire and the interview has been confirmed by some of the professors and PhD and M.A students. The reliability of the questionnaire has been estimated as 0.91, using Cronbach alpha. In order to analyze the results descriptively and analytically, the SPSS software was used; and the interview analysis was done through the categorization method. The results show that the subject's physical, emotional and scientific capabilities, improvement of the teacher's selection, using native forces must be taken into consideration. In this regard, using the experience of developed countries (paying attention to cultural differences) in teacher selection programs were underlined to make the reviewing, amending and developing possible. Finally, some recommendations were suggested to improve the selection of the elementary teachers.


Main Subjects

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