M. Falahi; M. R. Nili Ahmadabadi; H.R. Maghami; I. Zaraii zavaraki; A. Delavar
Background and Objectives: Where there is a lot of time for individual expansion and complete work, there are various programs that are different according to the requirements of the course and the type that is available for individuals on different surfaces, from the channell of the administration of ...
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Background and Objectives: Where there is a lot of time for individual expansion and complete work, there are various programs that are different according to the requirements of the course and the type that is available for individuals on different surfaces, from the channell of the administration of a group and a group of people in the form of a letter, i. You can check this information and remove the problem and remove the problems that are present in the program, which can be taken from the path of Buzzhord Graften and Arziba Mia. Banabrain is an investigator who has been working on the technology of Chegongi Tarahi to supply electronics with a view to the work of Karknan Ra in the Tehran Neft Public Company, the supplier of Kendokau. We are looking forward to the resources of many of them in the present office. You are interested in the direction of the direction of the course of any electronic mentoring course, according to the importance of the work of the Karkanan company in Tehran. This is a suitable electronic tuning; what is the meaning of Karkanan's work?Methods::This is very useful for using a qualitative analysis of the content and analysis of the content. A university with a comprehensive resource, including all articles, written sources, statements, names, and chains of reference available in various pieces of information, and all professors and specialists who have established a mentoring seminary. Change the size of the nameplate Use it as a target type.Take advantage of it as a collection of information about linguistics, information, and information about the language that has been checked for different purposes. This is a type of qualitative content analysis, an inductive type, and guaranteed analysis, in my opinion, which is of great benefit. I would like to take a picture of this to begin with, with a deep picture of the theoretical foundations of Mentoring, with a deep picture of the source of reading and decision-making, and the excitement of accompanying the name I chose from. More than fifteen people are specialists who are experts in the work of mentoring and long-term work, and they are damaged by the removal of the money. Findings: After the initial interview with the experts and associated content of the interview, three-stage coding was done. Then the collected data was analyzed using MAXQDA software. In the design of the researcher-made questionnaire, first the theoretical foundations and research literature on employee performance improvement were studied in detail, and based on that, semi-structured interview questions and finally a researcher-made questionnaire were designed to measure employee performance improvement with the help of specialists and experts.Conclusion: In the end, components were extracted from this order and used in the design of the electronic mentoring model: mentor characteristics, mentor competencies (management competencies, mentor learning competencies, mentor communication competencies, mentor specialized competencies, competence intercultural mentor), soft skills of mentor, electronic interactions in mentoring, electronic feedback in mentoring, electronic evaluation in mentoring, technological infrastructure in electronic mentoring, mentee competencies in electronic mentoring. Finally, it was suggested to design the model of electronic mentoring in other organizations and industries, as well as in mobile variables of employees. Also, design a consolidated mentoring model in organizations and industries. Educational workshops should be held in order to nurture and train mentors. The organizational position of mentor should be determined and appointed due to the high sensitivity of their work. The mentee is promoted after passing the mentoring courses.
Technology-based learning environments
V. Bakhshi khilgavani; K. Aliabadi; M.. R. Nili Ahmadabadi; S. Borzoeian; A. Delavar
Background and Objectives: In recent years, the emergence of information and communication technology has affected the world of education. As some experts believe, the previous methods, models and theories of learning and education are not able to explain learning and education in this era. Connectivism ...
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Background and Objectives: In recent years, the emergence of information and communication technology has affected the world of education. As some experts believe, the previous methods, models and theories of learning and education are not able to explain learning and education in this era. Connectivism theory is one of the new theories of the digital age that tries to explain learning from a different perspective. The purpose of this research was to explore the elements of a suitable educational model based on connectivism in teaching and learning.Methods: The research was qualitative in terms of paradigm and among the types of qualitative research, it was qualitative content analysis. The research population included original research articles related to connectivism teaching and learning for the last 10 years (from the beginning of 2013 to the end of 2022) available in 4 databases (1) Eric (2) Emerald Insight (3) Springer (4) Science Direct. There were 592 articles, which were reduced to 194 articles after the initial review of the abstract and full text in two stages and the removal of irrelevant items. After organizing the remaining articles and using targeted sampling, 28 of these articles were analyzed, and due to the repetition of the obtained codes and the achievement of theoretical saturation, the analysis of the remaining articles of the studied population was stopped. Free coding with inductive approach was used to analyze the texts.Findings: From the content of the analyzed works, three layers called "theoretical and technological foundations", "principles and assumptions of connectivism" and "learning networks" were extracted as the main components for a connectivism-oriented learning environment. The first layer included 14 theories, approaches, movements and technological developments as sub-components. Each of these theories, movements and approaches with their principles and assumptions had aa direct and an indirect influence on the next layers. The second layer was related to the general and specific principles, characteristics and assumptions about knowledge, learning and network phenomena, and its sub-components contain facts that strongly affected the executive layer of the connectivism-oriented environment, and the learning environment was designed based on this. It distinguished the theory from other theories. In this layer, four sub-components with the titles (1) connectivism principles of Siemens and others (2) connectivism assumptions about learning (3) connectivism assumptions about knowledge (4) features and principles of the network/learning environment were also identified. In the third layer, there were networks, each network had 9 sub-components :(1) types of tasks, actions and learning activities (in 6 overlapping forms of cooperation, interaction, evaluation, communication, involvement and participation) (2) the role of the teacher (3) the role of the student (4) the place of learning (5) the stages/steps of learning (6) the levels of learning (7) the required skills (8) the materials/resources/appendices/media or nodes learning, and (9) building new networks.Conclusion: The results of the research showed that the connectivism-oriented learning environment is an open, non-targeted, chaotic environment that lacks an organized framework and fixed elements. Two theoretical levels and basic assumptions as layers influence the operational environment of connectivism learning. Theories, as the first layer, are the theoretical and technological foundations of connectivism, which dominate the other two layers like an umbrella and determine the assumptions and activities of this environment. The assumptions and principles of connectivism, which are considered as the second layer of this environment, affect the third layer and determine the framework and types of scientific activities of this environment.
S. Abdoli; M. Nili Ahmadabadi; H. Fardanesh; M. Asgari
Background and Objectives:. Learning management systems are one of the most important platforms for virtual education, and usability is the most important feature that determines their quality. In the conducted research, various factors have been proposed as factors affecting the usability of learning ...
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Background and Objectives:. Learning management systems are one of the most important platforms for virtual education, and usability is the most important feature that determines their quality. In the conducted research, various factors have been proposed as factors affecting the usability of learning management systems, but shortcomings in the field of usability of these systems and determining the factors affecting it in a comprehensive and practical guide map, based on which usability of learning management system can be evaluated and improved, is the challenge of various educational institutions in virtual education. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to extract the most important factors affecting usability and then present these factors in a comprehensive and practical framework.Methods: In this research, the qualitative method and meta-synthesis approach were used. Based on the stages of the meta-synthesis approach, after stating the research questions and purposes, the systematic review method was used to search for research reports in the field of usability of learning management systems, which were the statistical population of this research, and the sample - the documents available in Scopus and Web of Science databases - was selected through purposive sampling. Then, the quality of research resources was examined through individual appraisal and comparative appraisal; the findings from the research were classified, these findings were synthesized by the taxonomic analysis approach, and finally, to examine the validity of the findings, the audit trail, consensual validity, and expert peer review methods were used.Findings: The findings of this research included the usability factors of learning management systems and the presentation of these factors in a framework. In this framework, factors were categorized based on the responsible of each factor. Factors included navigation, visual design, learnability and memorability, efficiency, accessibility, errors correction, privacy and security, ease of use, ethical issues and compliance in the tasks of IT specialists and content, Instructor’s knowledge, and learning orientation in the task Instructors/instructional designers. Factors that both IT specialists and instructors/instructional designers were in charge of encompassed interactivity/interaction, assessment and feedback, help and documentation, usefulness, and satisfaction and enjoyment.Conclusion: Based on the findings, by considering usability factors in designing and evaluation of learning management systems, it is possible to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of these platforms in virtual education and ultimately the level of learners' satisfaction. The results of this research, while enriching the research literature in the field of usability of learning management systems, help these systems to be used efficiently, effectively and satisfactorily by learners and teachers. The results also help system developers, instructional designers, and evaluators to adopt a more effective approach to improving system usability by designing and evaluating learning management systems based on the framework presented in this research. The time-consuming nature of testing the usability of learning management systems used in Iranian universities based on the proposed framework was one of the limitations of this research, and other researchers can focus on doing this test in future research. It is also suggested that future research, in addition to the Scopus and Web of Science databases, which have been selected as the sources for research reports, consider the resources available in other databases, such as ERIC and Google Scholar. In addition, increasing the number of reviewers of research in the systematic review and the number of evaluators in the phase of evaluating the quality of resources and validating findings make the results more generalizable. Finally, applying quantitative research methods as well as heuristic evaluation of usability factors can complement this qualitative research.
Emerging educational technologies
Z. Rashidi; M.R. Nili Ahmadabadi; E. Zaraii Zavaraki; A. Delavar
Background and Objectives: Teachers are considered as one of the most important and vital elements of virtual in-service training, and supporting them is one of the basic elements in the virtual training system. Supporting teachers in the virtual learning environment is one of the key factors in the ...
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Background and Objectives: Teachers are considered as one of the most important and vital elements of virtual in-service training, and supporting them is one of the basic elements in the virtual training system. Supporting teachers in the virtual learning environment is one of the key factors in the success and development of the virtual training system that if it is not continuously provided, it will lead to a waste of capital and a lack of motivation to stay in the virtual learning environment. Support for teachers has different areas, among which we can mention instructional support. In virtual in-service teachers training, instructional support has priority over other different areas of support and is more important. Instructional support is one of the main components affecting the effectiveness of virtual training. Dynamic computer-based scaffolding is one form of instructional support that supports learners in a personalized way. The purpose of this research was to investigate the effect of dynamic computer-based scaffolding on the effectiveness of virtual in-service teacher training.Methods: This research was conducted in a quasi-experimental way using a pretest-posttest design with an experimental and a control group. The statistical population of this research consisted of elementary school teachers in the academic year of 1401-1402 who applied to participate in virtual in-service training. A total of 30 elementary school teachers were selected as a sample to participate in the research, who were randomly divided into two groups of 15 people, experimental and control. The tool used in this research was a researcher-made questionnaire for the evaluation of virtual in-service teacher training based on Roderick Sims’s developed model. This model has 11 components including educational objectives, content, design and user interface, interaction, evaluation, support services, outcomes quality, organization, management, educational technology and information and communication technology ethics. The validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by experts. Also, the reliability of the questionnaire was obtained as Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.82. The experimental group received dynamic computer-based scaffolding during the virtual in-service training, but the virtual in-service training was presented to the control group in the usual way. Descriptive statistics indices (mean and standard deviation) were used for data analysis, and covariance analysis was used in the inferential statistics section.Findings: The results of the research showed that training through dynamic computer-based scaffolding was of significant impact on the effectiveness of virtual in-service teacher training. Also, dynamic computer-based scaffolding in each of the components of the effectiveness of virtual in-service teacher training, including organization and management, educational technology, educational objectives, content, design and user interface, information and communication technology ethics, interaction with the user interface, evaluation, support services and quality of outcomes had a significant effect.Conclusion: In virtual in-service training, dynamic computer-based scaffolding can provide the help and guidance needed by teachers and lead to mastery in learning and helps teachers to play an active role in training. Regardless of this, the use of web-based tools and technologies is emphasized in the studies as long as they can facilitate the performance of learners in learning, and have an effect on the effectiveness of education. Therefore, considering the benefits of dynamic computer-based scaffolding, it is suggested that those involved in virtual in-service teacher training include the design and development of dynamic computer-based scaffolding in their work agenda.
Electronic learning- virtual
Kh. Aliabadi; A. Delavar; M.R Nili; M. Iziy
Background and Objective: The educational system, each decade, faces special audience as learners. These students have special educational characteristics, needs, interests, and preferences that significantly improve the policies, quantity, and quality of the educational system services. The emergence ...
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Background and Objective: The educational system, each decade, faces special audience as learners. These students have special educational characteristics, needs, interests, and preferences that significantly improve the policies, quantity, and quality of the educational system services. The emergence of a generational phenomenon in academic discourses are addressed with themes such as "students of this period of time" and issues such as the differences between the students of the current period of time and the past with respect to motivation, scientific perseverance, academic interests, and academic ethics. The subject of the differences between the learners of one period and another is referred to as the generation gap. Generational issues are one of the most important themes in the field of education, especially higher education. In the early years of the 21st century, some theories about the new generation entering universities were proposed stating that these learners have certain characteristics due to their birth and growth in the age of technology. Labels such as Digital Natives, Millennial, Network Generation, and Digital Learner have been set. The present study aims to validate the Digital Native Characteristics Scale (DNAS). Methods: Regarding to the issue of validity consideration in electronic versions of the instruments; therefore, electronic and printed versions of this scale validated by descriptive-survey method. The population included 7320 undergraduate students of Birjand University who were studying in the academic year 2017-2018. The number of samples in the present study was 374 students who selected from 10 faculties of Birjand University based on the table of sample size of Krejcie and Morgan and using cluster sampling method. The sampling method was such that one class was randomly selected in each faculty, and about 50% of the class population randomly completed the Digital Natives Measurement Scale electronically and the other 50% in print. Findings: The results of exploratory factor analysis showed that both electronic and printed versions had satisfactory validity and reliability. The scale revealed 4 features for digital natives, including: (1) grow up with technology; (2) reliance on the graphic in communication; (3) multitasking; and (4) instant feedback. The electronic version and printed version explained 65.71% and 62.43% of the variance respectively. The total reliability was obtained by Cronbach alpha for the electronic and printed version were α = 0.89 and α = 0.91 respectively. All four identified components in both print and electronic versions had optimum reliability. Conclusion: Comparing the psychometric characteristics of the two electronic and printed formats in the present study did not show a significant difference between these versions. According to the research findings that have confirmed the construct validity and reliability of this scale, this instrument can be used in future research for the purpose of measuring the characteristics of digital natives in Iranian culture and at the academic community. However, pre-university courses it require more research. Also, this instrument can be used for educational design and teaching purposes by educational designers and can be used to adapt the training to the characteristics of this generation. Despite the optimal validity and reliability of the scale in this research, it is recommended that new instruments be designed and validated in future research considering the findings of the present study and using generational theories in Iran.
Mobile learning
S. Mosa Ramezani; E. Zaraii Zavaraki; M.R. Nili; A. Delavar; M. Farajollahi
Background and Objective:Mobile learning is a subset of e-learning and focuses on the use of portable learning tools. This method of learning allows learning regardless of time and place. In learning, students are able to learn from a variety of sources around the world. This enrichment leads to effective ...
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Background and Objective:Mobile learning is a subset of e-learning and focuses on the use of portable learning tools. This method of learning allows learning regardless of time and place. In learning, students are able to learn from a variety of sources around the world. This enrichment leads to effective and meaningful learning. In addition, learners in this environment can change their learning environment and use a variety of learning experiences. The role of social (communication) and managerial processes (teaching and classroom skills) is also important in this regard. The purpose of this research is Impact use of education model based on mobile learning environments on Social peresence and teaching peresence for Smart schools students in mathematical lesson. Methods: in this research goal, a mixed methods research was used. In this research we used quasi-experimental with pre-test and post-test design with control group. Research statistical population included all girl students studying in Tehran Smart schools. In order to select the sample size using multi-stage cluster sampling method from among smart schools in Tehran, one school was selected and finally 15 people were in the experimental group and 15 people in the control group. Multivariate analysis of covariance was used to test the first and second hypotheses of the study. Findings: The results showed that the application of this model was effective on all dimensions of social presence and teaching presence in the experimental group compared to the control group (in the post-test). Conclusion:. The present study was conducted to investigate the effect of the application of mobile learning model based on social presence and attendance of smart school learners in mathematics. The results of the analysis of research data indicate that the application of mobile learning model has a positive effect on social presence and the presence of smart school students teaching in mathematics. Students in the mobile learning management system scored higher than the other group trained in the traditional environment. This indicates the effectiveness of the environment designed for mobile learning in terms of social presence and teaching.