Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Department of Instructional Technology, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran

2 Assessment and Measurement Department, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran


Background and Objectives: Where there is a lot of time for individual expansion and complete work, there are various programs that are different according to the requirements of the course and the type that is available for individuals on different surfaces, from the channell of the administration of a group and a group of people in the form of a letter, i. You can check this information and remove the problem and remove the problems that are present in the program, which can be taken from the path of Buzzhord Graften and Arziba Mia. Banabrain is an investigator who has been working on the technology of Chegongi Tarahi to supply electronics with a view to the work of Karknan Ra in the Tehran Neft Public Company, the supplier of Kendokau. We are looking forward to the resources of many of them in the present office. You are interested in the direction of the direction of the course of any electronic mentoring course, according to the importance of the work of the Karkanan company in Tehran. This is a suitable electronic tuning; what is the meaning of Karkanan's work?
Methods::This is very useful for using a qualitative analysis of the content and analysis of the content. A university with a comprehensive resource, including all articles, written sources, statements, names, and chains of reference available in various pieces of information, and all professors and specialists who have established a mentoring seminary. Change the size of the nameplate Use it as a target type.Take advantage of it as a collection of information about linguistics, information, and information about the language that has been checked for different purposes. This is a type of qualitative content analysis, an inductive type, and guaranteed analysis, in my opinion, which is of great benefit. I would like to take a picture of this to begin with, with a deep picture of the theoretical foundations of Mentoring, with a deep picture of the source of reading and decision-making, and the excitement of accompanying the name I chose from. More than fifteen people are specialists who are experts in the work of mentoring and long-term work, and they are damaged by the removal of the money.  
Findings: After the initial interview with the experts and associated content of the interview, three-stage coding was done. Then the collected data was analyzed using MAXQDA software. In the design of the researcher-made questionnaire, first the theoretical foundations and research literature on employee performance improvement were studied in detail, and based on that, semi-structured interview questions and finally a researcher-made questionnaire were designed to measure employee performance improvement with the help of specialists and experts.
Conclusion: In the end, components were extracted from this order and used in the design of the electronic mentoring model: mentor characteristics, mentor competencies (management competencies, mentor learning competencies, mentor communication competencies, mentor specialized competencies, competence intercultural mentor), soft skills of mentor, electronic interactions in mentoring, electronic feedback in mentoring, electronic evaluation in mentoring, technological infrastructure in electronic mentoring, mentee competencies in electronic mentoring. Finally, it was suggested to design the model of electronic mentoring in other organizations and industries, as well as in mobile variables of employees. Also, design a consolidated mentoring model in organizations and industries. Educational workshops should be held in order to nurture and train mentors. The organizational position of mentor should be determined and appointed due to the high sensitivity of their work. The mentee is promoted after passing the mentoring courses.


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