Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Psychology, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training Uni. Tehran. Iran

2 Marketing Management, Malek Ashtar Uni. Tehran. Iran

3 Educational Administration Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training Uni. Tehran. Iran


The purpose of this study was to identify the factors affecting the quality of the in-service trainings in Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University. This study is a descriptive, survey research. Five indicators, including educational needs assessment, goal development, educational contents, learning-teaching strategies, educational conditions and facilities and evaluation and its components were studied. The population of this study included all the university employees (223 people). 150 people were selected using Morgan’s table and stratified random sampling method.  The data were gathered through a researcher made questionnaire, the validity of the tool was verified by experts and the reliability was satisfactory with Cornbrash’s alpha 0.93. The data were analyzed by the Chi-square test. The findings showed the most important qualifying factor was the courses’ trainers and the least important was the virtual and distant education. The properties of the factors are respectively as educational needs assessment, learning-teaching strategies, educational conditions and facilities, goal development, educational contents, and evaluation and its components. At the end, a theoretical model for in-service training was offered.


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