Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Management Department of Islamic Azad University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Business Management

3 Department of Health and Environment, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Tarbiat Dabir University, Shahid Rajaei University, Tehran, Iran


Social capital which is resources and rewards that people achieve through social relations has gained a wide acceptance in recent decades. However, there has been little research regarding the impact of social capital on occupational activity. The purpose of writing this paper is to study the effects of social capital on occupational activities, of public university faculty members based in Tehran. In order to do this the researcher has taken advantage Putnam and Coleman’s measure of social capital among the university faculty members and then the relationship and its impact on their business activities have been discussed. The components of social capital include the quality of relationships (trustworthiness) and quantity of relationships (membership in groups and associations and cooperative relations) were measured and assessed. This research is correlational. The participants include 160 faculty members of the public universities located in Tehran in the first half of the year 1388. Based on the Cochrane formula, 120 subjects were selected by random sampling. Information was collected through a questionnaire. The questionnaire is considered reliable with a Cranbach alpha coefficient of 0.901. The findings indicate that social capital had a positive and significant impact on the employment aspects of faculty activity. Therefore, the hypotheses of the study stating the relation between social capital and faculty members occupational activity level, quality of education and quality of work was supported.


Main Subjects

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