Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Department of Artificial Intelligence, Faculty of Computer Engineering, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University, Tehran, Iran

2 Center for Cognitive Science, Institute for Convergence Science & Technology, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran


Background and Objectives: Today, due to the increasing development of technology all over the world, e-learning systems are expanding rapidly. With the progress of electronic education, the movement from traditional education (the approach of providing one education for all) to personalized education began. Personalized education is an educational approach that aims to customize learning based on a learner's strengths, skills, interests, and needs. This method of education, like any other new method, has its strengths and weaknesses. In fact, increasing motivation and acquiring self-defense skills can be considered as one of the important benefits of this type of training. On the other hand, as the weaknesses of this method, we can mention the time-consuming training, the challenge in implementation, and the lack of clarity in the method of application. Due to the availability of many data from learners, the use of artificial intelligence to personalize education will both increase the quality and make education more attractive. Nowadays, one of the ways to personalize education is to provide it based on the preferences of learners. Learner preferences can be self-identified and explicitly identified and extracted by directly asking the learner or implicitly and collecting and monitoring data. Today, modeling user preferences is one of the most challenging tasks in e-learning systems that deal with a large amount of information. The aim of this research was to extract the implicit preferences of the learner by using an online interactive intelligent educational system that models the learner's preferences using conceptualization for learning objects through profile expansion and the use of artificial intelligence algorithms. The model was trained with the collected interactive data and provides new learning objects based on the learner's preferences. This research was practical in terms of purpose.
Methods: In this research, according to the society available to us, 29 male and female undergraduate students of computer sciences, with an average age of 21.5 years, who had not taken the machine learning course, were included as the participants. After registration, the participants were randomly divided into two control and experimental groups. The experimental group was presented with personalized content that matched their preferences, and the control group was presented with content that did not match their preferences. After the training, the learning rate and cognitive load of the participants were measured by the designed performance test and the NASA workload index questionnaire. At the end, the significance level of the obtained results of the two groups was evaluated using the independent t-test.
Findings: Based on the obtained results, the average performance test scores of the experimental group who received content matching their preferences had no significant difference compared to the average of the control group with a value of p=0.7 (while learning), but the cognition of the control group was significantly lower with p=0.00 compared to that of the experimental group.
Conclusion: Based on the findings of the research, providing personalized educational content based on learners' preferences using the profile expansion technique significantly reduced the cognitive load during learning. So, Providing educational content based on learners' preferences, as one of the personalized educational methods in e-learning, plays an important role in reducing the cognitive load of learners.


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