Document Type : Original Research Paper


Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Abhar Azad University, Zanjan, Iran


Nowadays, the vehicle of education is changing from the traditional form into mobile learning. The present study is performed with the general objective of determining the role of mobile learning in the educational communications between agricultural cooperatives. This study is a quantitative research, non experimental and in terms of the objective is an applied research. The participants of this descriptive-survey include managers and board of directors of agricultural cooperatives of Zanjan province. Among a population of 900, 176 participants were selected based on Cochran formula and through stratified random sampling. The main instrument of the research for collecting data was a questionnaire. The results showed that among the problems of the current learning system in agricultural cooperatives the lack of technical education, educational participation and motivating factors have a high priority. In this research the most important capability of mobile learning system is the modification of some of the problems such as low quality and quantity of education, the lack of motivating factors and participation in education. Regarding the results of the research, sending questionnaires and receiving information and news through SMS, sending questionnaires and receiving information through MMS and sending questionnaires and receiving information and news through SMS, Bluetooth and Communicative phone respectively have more capability for education of the members of agricultural cooperatives, members of broad members and employee of cooperation office.


Main Subjects

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