Document Type : Original Research Paper


Faculty of Education and Psychology, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran


Background and Objectives: One of the forms of knowledge acquisition in the current era is the distance education system, which has changed the traditional teaching methods, made it possible for everyone to learn everywhere and at any time, and has established social justice in the distribution of resources and facilities. It has created the necessary conditions for standardized education and in accordance with the needs of individuals and society, as well as the significant help that this system can easily and timely modernize education, save time, money and energy consumption, create opportunities for continuing education for employed people, strengthen specializations and creates calmness and reduces anxiety. And given that in addition to classroom teaching at the university, distance learning is now a valid method worldwide and UNESCO and other educational organizations around the world emphasize the expansion of distance learning, it is necessary to seriously develop it and the foundations of epistemology; and make it known to policymakers, planners and learners.The present study was conducted with the aim of identification and assessing the epistemological characteristics of MOOC (massive and courses).
Methods: For this purpose, two methods of exploratory search (qualitative) and a questionnaire (quantitative) method were used. In the qualitative part of the research environment, the relevant electronic sources related to the subject matter of the research including 20 related articles were selected. In the quantitative section from the statistical population of 60 specialists in planning distance education in 2018 in the country a sample of 36 people was selected through voluntary sampling. To analyze the qualitative data, content analysis method and content validity index were used for analyzing quantitative data from mean weight and Friedman test.
Findings: The results of content analysis indicated that four episodes of the learner, the content, teaching organization and educational environment can be investigated in MOOC epistemology (massive and courses). A total of 35 criteria were identified and confirmed. Quantitative results show that improving the level of information and digital literacy of professors, and knowledge with previous cognitive structures are the most important criterions of the epistemological characteristics of the courses of MOOC; and the criteria of ease of usedigital content, the recruitment of information technology professionals, for knowledge courses and the provision of Internet-based learning group environment, are the most important criterion for epistemology of massive MOOC.
Conclusion: The results showed that in the epistemology of massive courses the dim


Main Subjects

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