Electronic learning- virtual
Identifying and Ranking Virtual Learning Pathology in the Shad Network and its Relationship with Educational Quality

S. Salimi

Volume 18, Issue 2 , April 2024, , Pages 493-508


  Background and Objectives: To ensure the continuity of education during closures and quarantines, various methods such as television education through the Education Network and content production by teachers were offered on social networks. However, to organize virtual education, the Ministry of Education ...  Read More

Pathology of the development of technical and vocational branches in Tabriz

M. Asghari; T. Hashemi

Volume 15, Issue 1 , January 2021, , Pages 165-180


  Background and Objectives: Technical and vocational training play an important role in the formation of human capital with Preparation of skilled workers in the market work needs of the world. These trainings in the developing countries are not only responsible for training the workforce but also help ...  Read More

Books evaluation
Pathology of Technology Curriculum in secondary School: Qualitative Study

Z. Abolhasani; M. Dehghani

Volume 14, Issue 2 , April 2020, , Pages 261-272


  Background and ObjectiveS: The field of training and learning of work and technology is one of the eleven areas included in the national curriculum and includes the acquisition of practical skills for a productive life and the acquisition of competencies related to technology related sciences. One of ...  Read More