Electronic learning- virtual
Validating Printed and Electronic Version of Digital Natives Assessment Scale (DNAS)

Kh. Aliabadi; A. Delavar; M.R Nili; M. Iziy

Volume 14, Issue 1 , January 2020, , Pages 135-144


  Background and Objective: The educational system, each decade, faces special audience as learners. These students have special educational characteristics, needs, interests, and preferences that significantly improve the policies, quantity, and quality of the educational system services. The emergence ...  Read More

Construction and Validation and Standardization of the Questionnaire for Socialization in the traditional Iranian Bazaar with approaching to learn of traditional architecture

J. Mahdinezhad; B. Ssaleh Sedghpour; R. Najjari

Volume 13, Issue 3 , July 2019, , Pages 536-549


  Background and Objective:In tracing the recent crises of contemporary architecture, one of the roots of this crisis is the lack of attention and learning from traditional architecture in the educational system. Architecture education in Iran has been codified in the form of uniform programs, which has ...  Read More

Electronic learning- virtual
Designing and validating the training pattern of information and communication technology (ICT) for employees

M. Baghdarnia; Gh. Ahghar; A. Ahmade

Volume 12, Issue 3 , July 2018, , Pages 203-218


  Background and Objectives:The rapid spread of information and communication technology around the world in recent decades, the increasing scientific interest of business in disparate information problems and the application of communication technology and the construction of information society among ...  Read More