Teacher Education
Explaining principles governing desirable lesson study practice: Case study of Mazandaran Province

A. Pourahmadali; A. Sheykhi Fini; H. Zainalipour; S. Izadi

Volume 13, Issue 1 , January 2019, , Pages 110-119


  Background and Objective:The experience of some countries, including Japan, shows that opening the classroom and the whole educational process from design to evaluation to teachers and creating an educational group creates a cycle of gradual improvement of the educational process in the classroom and ...  Read More

competency of teachers
Introducing a Model for Mathematics Classroom Inquiry

A. Rafeepour

Volume 6, Issue 3 , July 2013, , Pages 199-209


  Teacher education in both in-service and pre-service was a main concern of every educational system. In this paper with concentration on in-service teacher education for teacher of mathematics, we introduce a theoretical model of classroom inquiry for decreasing the gap between theory and action (research ...  Read More