Electronic learning- virtual
Meta-analysis of the impact of the use of information and communication technology On Educational and Research Performance of Faculty Members of Universities

N. Amini; A.R. Nasr; B.E. Zamani; B. Tork Ladani

Volume 14, Issue 2 , April 2020, , Pages 231-245


  Background and Objectives: The nature of higher education is evolving due to the advancement of ICT while these technologies have had a significant impact on the mission of universities in education and research directions. ICT is a mdeiator that enables the expression of a wide range of information, ...  Read More

Education technology - Lifelong learning
Evaluation of the Implementing Different Methods of Measurement and Sustainable Learning Based Measurements

P. Pornaderi; A.R. Nasr; M.R. Nili; Z. Bagheri

Volume 8, Issue 1 , January 2014, , Pages 45-54


  Abstract: The aim of higher education is granted jurisdiction to the students and increase their learning. In the recent years, experts believe that these aims must pay more attention to sustainable learning in the life. Selecting the suitable evaluation methods for the students, which can access different ...  Read More