Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Educational Technology, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch, Iran

2 Educational Management, Vice President for Strategic Planning and Oversight, Tehran, Iran


Abstract: The purpose of this descriptive research was to identify and rank the  education goals of occupational safety and health in industries, for this purpose a questionnaire was prepared by researcher and were distributed among 50 informed and experts person of industry who were selected purposive sampling, then by using of single sample t-test and Friedman, significance of each question and field was evaluated, the results indicate that the goals such as safety and workplace hygiene, to gain general cognition about safety and health concepts and occupational accidents, creation and increase the accuracy and alertness in process of production  in order to recognize the risk factors and then stop and prevent risk , to increase knowledge, skills, individual abilities have the highest priority and according to informed people recognize and different uses of water in industries,  familiarity with tools and equipment and structures and correct using them have the low priority, also the analysis showed that all the fields are significant but the occupational accident , hazardous materials, discipline and responsibility have most agreement and equipment and fire have least agreement.


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