Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Department of Educational Management, Semnan University. Semnan. Iran

2 Department of Higher Education Management,Esfahan University, Esfahan. Iran

3 , Semnan University. Semnan.Iran


This study was aimed at identifying interaction solutions in improving the teaching – learning process of smart schools in Semnan the method used for this study was exploratory mixed method that first part is qualitative and second part is quantitative. In the qualitative research, in first case 6 persons who are expert in ICT were sampled and they were interviewed in depth method, in second case 24 teachers were chosen in a purposive and snowball methods and they were interviewed in semi-guided method. After content analysis of the obtained results of interviews and deep theoretical study, the researchers developed this results in a form of questionnaire contained 2 sections: 1: demographic information and 2: interaction solutions in improving teaching – learning process of smart schools in the ideal situation and the present situation. Construct and content validity of the questionnaire was determined by experts, and its reliability was calculated using Cronbach's alpha, which in the ideal situation reported 0.85 and in the present situation 0.89.In the quantitative part of the research, questionnaires were completed by 254 teachers, 24 managers, 24 deputies and 8 experts in ICT that they were sampled in a stratified method. The results are shown that " connecting schools to National intranet and creating local network to the school "with the most important which are ranked in the first place. «Mobilization computer mini PC, class mate, thin client or lap top connected to the network lan" is in the second place» Computer integrated communication with other schools that is placed in the third." Active member in the Portals smart schools» in the fourth place of the improving effect of the teaching - learning played roles in the smart schools.


Main Subjects

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