Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Department of TEFL and English Literature, Payame Noor University Tehran. Tehran. Iran

2 Department of TEFL, Payame Noor University, Tehran. Iran


All over the world, many IELTS candidates still experience difficulty in mastering skills needed for academic writing. Collaborative writing in a wiki might be a good way to address this difficulty. Thus, the current study has investigated and compared the effectiveness of the single-author peer-editing strategy and the multiple-author co-authoring strategy in wiki. The participants were 20 male graduate and postgraduate students who had enrolled in an IELTS academic module preparation class. The study had an equivalent time series design in which the intervention period had six times: At odd times of intervention peer-editing was the strategy and at even times it was co-authoring. When peer-editing was the chosen intervention strategy for wiki writing, each participant created their own IELTS academic writing essay and at the same time edited the essays of their peers. For co-authoring tasks, all participants were required to co-write a coherent essay. A one-way repeated measures ANOVA was applied to compare the time series in terms of the effectiveness of interventions. The results revealed that the wiki group achieved greater improvement in their writing performance while co-authoring their essays. It should be remarked that the present study is one the first studies on identifying the most effective collaborative writing strategies in social networking systems, while most of the previous studies have addressed a comparison between collaborative writing instruments. The findings of this study might be a very crucial step toward the candidates’ success in international foreign language tests.


Main Subjects

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