Document Type : Original Research Paper


Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Basic Sciences, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University, Tehran, Iran


The aim of this research is to evaluate the mathematical content of 7th grade math textbook from the aspect of how the content according to Anderson taxonomy of cognitive domains, concerns creativity, and finally analyzing considering the distribution of contextual problems. The method used is content analysis. The population is the 7th grade math textbook 2014-15. To validate the face and content validity of the study, views and opinions of some experts and math education teachers at university were used. For reliability, the percentage of agreement of three coders through Scott reliability coefficient formula was calculated and the reliability coefficient of 84% was obtained. The findings of this study indicate considering cognitive domains, the content has paid much attention to procedure knowledge, whereas analysis of the book according to mental processes and creativity models indicates that less attention has been paid to foster mental processes and high levels of creativity. On the aspect of contextual problems, little attention has been paid to the relationship between mathematics and the real life. It is essential that the authors and all who involved in education consider the level of thinking, age and prior knowledge of learners in preparing the contents to provide more opportunities for learners to grow in all aspects.


Main Subjects

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