Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Psychology, Department of Educational Sciences Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University (SRTTU). Tehran. Iran

2 Educational Psychology, Faculty of Humanities, Tarbiat Dabir Shahid Rajaei University, Tehran, Tehran, Iran


The purpose of this research was to investigate the relationship between personality traits and achievement goals with test anxiety and also prediction of test anxiety, based on the personality traits and achievement goals of students. The research method was descriptive and correlational. The population of this research was all students in the third and fourth grade in Mohammadiyeh high schools in Qazvin Province, that were enrolled in the academic year 1392-93. The population number was 1738 students. The studied sample was 400 students (200 girls and 200 boys) who were selected from the population. Sampling was to form of clustered random. Research tools were Spielberger Test Anxiety Inventory, NEO personality traits and achievement goals from Midgley et al. For data analysis the partial correlation coefficient and regression, were used. The results showed that  there is a positive and meaningful relation between the independent variables neuroticism (r=0.316) and performance avoiding goals (r=0.224). There is a negative and significant relation between the independent variables Conscientiousness (r=-0.133) and mastery goals (r=-0.157) with test anxiety, based on the personality traits and achievement goals can be predicted 28.8% of test anxiety scores.


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