Document Type : Original Research Paper


Educational Technology Department. Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch, Tehran,Iran


This study was conducted to find the effect of constructivism on technology integration knowledge in student-teachers. Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) as a framework was selected to study and measure technology integration knowledge. The research sample included 22 student-teachers who were studying in the field of instructional technology in Islamic Azad University. The sample was selected from 174 students using a non-random sample selection method.  In order to answer the research questions, a mixed method study was designed and the data were collected through multiple tools including TPACK questionnaire, interview, observation and note documents for the project. The data were analyzed using both quantitative and qualitative methods. The results of t-student test analysis showed a significant increase of TPACK in the participants. In addition, the findings that emerged from the qualitative data clarified in detail how constructivism activities enhanced the components of TPACK. Inter and intra group interactions among students and teacher along with the received feedback were found to be the most important activities to enhance TPACK, while learning by doing was found to be an effective activity that equips student-teachers for integrating technology in their teaching.


Main Subjects

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