Document Type : Original Research Paper


Department of Environmental Education, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran


: The aim of the present research is to become familiar with the awareness, type of attitude, and the environmental behaviors of the students of Markazi Province’s Payame Noor University and  examine the degree of the effect of Viber, Line and Instagram application on these variables. This research is an applied research regarding to its objective and the survey method among the descriptive data collection methods was used for the purposes of collecting the data. The population of the present study included 26701 students of Markazi Province’s PayameNoor University and 377 samples were selected randomly through the Cochran sample size formula and were examined. The instrument used in this research is a questionnaire made up of five sections which was piloted prior to the study in order to increase its reliability and validity. The data were analyzed through using the independent samples T test in order to examine the effects of using Viber, Line and Instagram on the dependent variables of the study (awareness, attitude, and environmental behavior) and the Pearson test was used to examine the effect of the resultant of using the three under- study software on the dependent variables by using the SPSS  software. Based on the findings of the study the attitude and behavior of the students were higher comparing to their awareness and there was no significant relationship between using Viber, Line and Instagram software and the students’ environmental behavior, attitude, and awareness.


Main Subjects

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