Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Department of Physics,, Faculty of Sciences, Zanjan University, Zanjan, Iran

2 Physics Training, Zanjan Education, Zanjan, Iran

3 Faculty of Science, Zanjan University, Zanjan, Iran

4 Teacher,Zanjan,Iran


It is shown that the understanding and applications of Newton’s laws are not so easy for students on the actual problems in their life. In the other hands, the physics of flight is one of the attractive and beautiful subjects for most of them. The different motions of paper plains are learned by teaching the physics of flight. This subject is applied for teaching the concepts and applications of Newton’s laws in a circular motion. In our study 50 (boys and girls) students are participated in three separated paper plane flight workshops. They designed and made different kinds of paper planes which had special motions according to the physics’ laws. A comparison between the pre-exam and post-exam shows the increasing of the correct answers. It is shown that the workshops could have a positive influence on the understanding of the concepts and applications of Newton’s laws. So there was an enhancement on the attitude of students about physics and its applications.


Main Subjects

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