Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Department of Architecture, Deilman Lahijan Non-Profit University, Iran

2 Faculty of Art and Architecture, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran


Narration in education by using all the elements of narrative literature is one of the active teaching methods. This method has already been used in teaching children and adolescents, but research about the application of method in different branches of academic education, such as engineering, medicine etc has recently started. Narration is one of the human mind bases for thinking in different areas of science and art. Considering the research topic is new, library studies ful bfiled first and then quasi-experimental study was used to prove the research results, Library studies was used by the researchers to compare the structure of both story and architecture in order to find their interactional relationship and bilateral effects on each. The psychological impact of narration on architecture education has been investigated in different subjects. A quasi-experimental study was carried out as two-groups, post-test only in faculty of architecture of Bushehr Azad University in 2010. Two groups each including 29 architecture students and achieved results were compared using t-test by SPSS software. As a result, considering to narrative nature of architecture, narration can be used in sense of space and architecture design. It is highly recommended to use narration in architecture education. It also helps the students to keep learned architecture concepts and ethic values in their mind for a long period of time. The mean of the total scores achieved by the lecture group was 11.7±1.31 and by storytelling group was 14.1±1.05 out of the total score 20. The difference between the two groups was statistically significant. The finding of this research can be applied in digital stories and, production of pedagogical books, films and computer games, which cause a familiarity with the architect tural by society as well as prepare children to understand the architecture.


Main Subjects

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