Document Type : Original Research Paper


Department of English Language, Faculty of Humanities, Tarbiat Dabir Shahid Rajaei University, Tehran, Iran


English professors and educators believe that word-mapping technique can improve foreign language learners’ vocabulary and grammar. Those, in turn, enhance the learners’ productive skills, i.e., speaking and writing. The present study, through the pre-test post-test control group design, attempted to examine the effect of word - mapping technique on oral production. To achieve the purpose of the study, one test was given to both experimental and control groups twice, at the start of the study to assess the entry behavior of the participants and at the end of the study to assess the effect of the treatment. The analysis of the gain scores, via independent samples t-test, revealed that there was no significant impact of using word –mapping technique on the learners’ oral production. However, since the experimental group members exhibited more enthusiastic participation during the treatment, it would not be strange to claim that word-mapping helps the learners organize the materials in their minds. Thus, it may promote the learners’ self-confidence thereby motivate them for active class participation. 


Main Subjects

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