Document Type : Original Research Paper


Faculty of Architecture, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran


: Lighting Quality is one of the most effective factorson student’s performances. In respect of visual quality, high performance schools have valuable educational spaces and theses spaces creation is possible with proper design.The aim of present Article is to achive to the measure and effect process of various factors on proper daylighting in different classroom’s circumsments (16 tips). In this correlation research with modelling method – Structural Equation Modelling- in statistic case studies includes 2324 students, researcher made questionnaire is accomplished and through the causal relations modeling by path analysis, direct and indirect effects of window’s physical variables on daylighting studied.The research’s statistical case studies includes Tehran guidance schools. Among these population, girlish and boyish schools of three zone of Tehran (3,11&18) as the statistic case studies in sixteen types of classrooms – in order to control four variables; window’s orientation, window’s transparency, height of window’s okb and window’s glass percent – to answer the questionnaire – by the method of multi stage casual racemose – are selected. The questionnaire in several stages prepared and its validity and reliability is estimated. Questionnaire reliability measure (α= 0/825) and its validity is optained by content validity and construct validity. The research method is causal relations modeling by path analysis. Found model and its data tables shows the importance of four factors; "view and its effects", "glare", "lighting quality" and "window’s nonvisual effects". Among these factors, "view" factor is independent variable, "window’s nonvisual effects" is dependent variable and other factors are mediator variables. Furtheremore, hypothesis survey showed that controlled variables (window’s orientation, window’s transparency, height of window’s okb and window’s glass percent) are effective on measure and effect process in Tehran guidance schools classrooms daylighting. 


Main Subjects

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